CData Python Connector for Workday

Build 24.0.9111


Reads /institutionalAcademicUnits entries from the CourseSubjects table.

Workday Resource Information

Retrieves a collection of course subjects.

Secured by: Manage: Curriculum Management

Scope: Student Records


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String Id of the instance
CourseSubjects_Id [KEY] String The Workday ID of the CourseSubjects that contains this.
Inactive Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, the Academic Unit is inactive, as of the effective date.
Institution Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, the Academic Unit is designated as an institution, as of the effective date.
Name String Supported for: SELECT. The name of the Academic Unit, as of the effective date.
Inactive_Prompt Bool Indicates if a Course Subject is inactive.
InstitutionalAcademicUnit_Prompt String Accepts multiple inputs. The Institution Academic Units.

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Build 24.0.9111