CData Python Connector for Workday ビュー
Name | Description |
AcademicCalendars | Retrieves a collection of academic calendars. |
AcademicCalendarsAcademicYears | Retrieves the academic year associated with an academic calendar with the specified ID. |
AcademicCalendarsPeriodTypes | Reads /periodTypes entries from the AcademicCalendars table. |
AcademicLevels | Retrieves the academic level with the specified ID. |
AcademicPeriods | Retrieves the academic period with the specified ID. |
AcademicPeriodsPeriodUsages | Reads /periodUsages entries from the AcademicPeriods table. |
AcademicPeriodsPeriodWeights | Reads /periodWeights entries from the AcademicPeriods table. |
AcademicUnits | Retrieves the Academic Unit with the specified ID. |
AcademicUnitsLevels | Reads /levels entries from the AcademicUnits table. |
AcademicUnitsRelatedSupervisoryOrganizations | Reads /relatedSupervisoryOrganizations entries from the AcademicUnits table. |
AcademicUnitsSubordinates | Reads /subordinates entries from the AcademicUnits table. |
ActiveTasks | No description available. |
ActiveUserSessions | Retrieves a collection of active user sessions. |
ActivityLogging | Retrieves a collection of user activity log entries in a specified time frame. |
AdHocProjectTimeTransactionsWorktags | Reads /worktags entries from the AdHocProjectTimeTransactions table. |
ArticleStatuses | Retrieves a list of article version statuses for all articles. |
ArticleVersions | Retrieve an article version and the plain text content for the article version. |
ArticleVersionsAudience | Reads /audience entries from the ArticleVersions table. |
ArticleVersionsCreatedByWorker | Reads /createdByWorker entries from the ArticleVersions table. |
ArticleVersionsLastUpdatedByWorker | Reads /lastUpdatedByWorker entries from the ArticleVersions table. |
ArticleVersionsTags | Reads /tags entries from the ArticleVersions table. |
Attribute | No description available. |
AttributeTypeTypeDetailsValues | No description available. |
AttributeValues | Reads /values entries from the Attribute table. |
AuditLogs | (End of Life Date: 2023-03-11 ) Retrieves an audit log instance. |
Balances | Retrieves the specified balance of all absence plan and leave of absence types. |
BillableTransactionsBillingRateApplication | Retrieves a collection of billing rate applications for the specified billable transaction. |
BusinessProcessTypes | Retrieves all business process types. |
BusinessProcessTypesAttachmentCategories | Retrieves attachment categories for a business process type. |
BusinessTitleChanges | Retrieves a business title change instance. |
CasesSatisfactionSurveyResultsQuestionnaireResponseQuestionAnswerPair | Reads /satisfactionSurvey/results/questionnaireResponse/questionAnswerPair entries from the Cases table. |
CasesTimelineActions | Reads /actions entries from the CasesTimeline table. |
CasesTimelineGuidanceKbArticleCurrentArticleData | Reads /guidance/kbArticle/currentArticleData entries from the CasesTimeline table. |
CasesTimelineQuestionnaireResponseQuestionAnswerPair | Reads /questionnaireResponse/questionAnswerPair entries from the CasesTimeline table. |
CaseSuggestions | Retrieves a list of suggestions based on case type. |
CaseTypes | Retrieves a list of case types that a worker has access to. |
CaseTypesExternalLink | Reads /externalLink entries from the CaseTypes table. |
ClientDetails | Returns a valid OAuth Client Details for OCFR Clients |
CommonAudiencesValues | No description available. |
CommonCompaniesValues | No description available. |
CommonCountriesValues | No description available. |
CommonCurrenciesValues | No description available. |
CommonCustomersValues | No description available. |
CommonGroupsValues | No description available. |
CommonHierarchiesValues | No description available. |
CommonImportanceRatingsValues | No description available. |
CommonOptionalHierarchiesValues | No description available. |
CommonOwnersValues | No description available. |
CommonPhoneCountryPhoneCodesValues | No description available. |
CommonPhonePhoneDeviceTypesValues | No description available. |
CommonPrioritiesValues | No description available. |
CommonProjectDependenciesValues | No description available. |
CommonProjectStatesValues | No description available. |
CommonProjectsValues | No description available. |
CommonRiskLevelsValues | No description available. |
CommonStatusesValues | No description available. |
CommonSuccessRatingsValues | No description available. |
CommonWorktagsValues | No description available. |
CommonWorktagTypesValues | No description available. |
Configuration | Retrieves tenant setup configurations related to Help Case Management. |
ConfigurationsAttributeValues | No description available. |
ConfigurationsAttributeValuesValue | Reads /value entries from the ConfigurationsAttributeValues table. |
ContractComplianceGroupCompaniesOrHierarchiesValues | No description available. |
ContractComplianceGroupContractTypesValues | No description available. |
Countries | Retrieves information about a country. |
CountriesAddressComponents | Retrieves the allowed address components and their configuration for the Country and a given Address Configuration Format. |
CountriesNameComponents | Retrieves a collection of configuration information about name components. |
CountryComponentsCountryCityValues | No description available. |
CountryComponentsCountryRegionValues | No description available. |
CountryComponentsCountryValues | No description available. |
Courses | No description available. |
CoursesAcademicUnits | Reads /academicUnits entries from the Courses table. |
CoursesAllowedLocations | Reads /allowedLocations entries from the Courses table. |
CoursesCompetencies | Reads /competencies entries from the Courses table. |
CourseSections | No description available. |
CourseSectionsCampusLocations | Reads /campusLocations entries from the CourseSections table. |
CourseSectionsCompetencies | Reads /competencies entries from the CourseSections table. |
CourseSectionsComponents | Reads /components entries from the CourseSections table. |
CourseSectionsInstuctors | Reads /instuctors entries from the CourseSections table. |
CourseSectionsLearningOutcomes | Reads /learningOutcomes entries from the CourseSections table. |
CourseSectionsOfferingAcademicUnits | Reads /offeringAcademicUnits entries from the CourseSections table. |
CourseSectionsTags | Reads /tags entries from the CourseSections table. |
CoursesInstructionalFormats | Reads /instructionalFormats entries from the Courses table. |
CoursesLearningOutcomes | Reads /learningOutcomes entries from the Courses table. |
CoursesTags | Reads /tags entries from the Courses table. |
CoursesTypicalPeriodsOffered | Reads /typicalPeriodsOffered entries from the Courses table. |
CourseSubjects | No description available. |
CourseSubjectsInstitutionalAcademicUnits | Reads /institutionalAcademicUnits entries from the CourseSubjects table. |
CredstoreByRefIdGet | No description available |
Currencies | Retrieves the details on all currencies in your tenant. |
Customers | Retrieves a single customer instance. |
CustomersActivities | Retrieves an activity instance for a specific customer. |
CustomersGroups | Reads /groups entries from the Customers table. |
DataSources | Retrieves a data source and primary business object for the specified {ID} for use in a WQL query. |
DataSourcesDataSourceFilters | Retrieves the data source filter with the specified {ID} for a specific data source. |
DataSourcesDataSourceFiltersOptionalParameters | Reads /optionalParameters entries from the DataSourcesDataSourceFilters table. |
DataSourcesDataSourceFiltersRequiredParameters | Reads /requiredParameters entries from the DataSourcesDataSourceFilters table. |
DataSourcesFields | Retrieves the field with a specified {ID} for the specific data source. Also retrieves the related business object of the field. You can only view fields and data sources that you have security access to. |
DataSourcesOptionalParameters | Reads /optionalParameters entries from the DataSources table. |
DataSourcesRequiredParameters | Reads /requiredParameters entries from the DataSources table. |
EducationalCredentials | Retrieves a collection of educational credentials. |
EffectiveChangesRequestCriteriaFieldsOnlyInclude | Reads /requestCriteria/fields/onlyInclude entries from the EffectiveChanges table. |
EffectiveChangesRequestCriteriaWorkers | Reads /requestCriteria/workers entries from the EffectiveChanges table. |
EnvironmentsEnvironmentDetailsValues | No description available. |
EvaluateAccountPostingRules | Retrieves the ledger account and resulting worktags of a specified account posting rule. |
EvaluateAccountPostingRulesResultingWorktags | Reads /resultingWorktags entries from the EvaluateAccountPostingRules table. |
Events | Retrieves business process events. |
EventsAttachments | Retrieves attachments for a business process event. |
EventsComments | Retrieves comments for a business process event. |
EventsCompletedSteps | Retrieves completed steps for a business process event. |
EventsCompletedStepsAwaitingPersons | Reads /awaitingPersons entries from the EventsCompletedSteps table. |
EventsCompletedStepsComments | Reads /comments entries from the EventsCompletedSteps table. |
EventsInProgressSteps | Retrieves in progress steps for a business process event. |
EventsInProgressStepsAwaitingPersons | Reads /awaitingPersons entries from the EventsInProgressSteps table. |
EventsRemainingSteps | Retrieves remaining steps for a business process event. |
EventsRemainingStepsGroups | Reads /groups entries from the EventsRemainingSteps table. |
EventsSubBusinessProcesses | Reads /subBusinessProcesses entries from the Events table. |
EventSteps | Retrieves business process event steps. |
EventStepsAwaitingPersons | Reads /awaitingPersons entries from the EventSteps table. |
EventStepsComments | Reads /comments entries from the EventSteps table. |
ExpenseItems | Retrieves a single instance of an expense item. |
ExternalRecordsSourceValues | No description available. |
FeedbackBadges | Retrieves a collection of active Feedback Badges. |
FeedbackOnWorkerFeedbackOnWorkerValues | No description available. |
FeedbackResponderFeedbackResponderValues | No description available. |
FeedbackTemplateFeedbackTemplateValues | No description available. |
GiveRequestedFeedbackEventsBusinessProcessParametersComments | Reads /businessProcessParameters/comments entries from the GiveRequestedFeedbackEvents table. |
Holds | This resource returns all Student Hold Assignments or a collection of Student Hold Assignments filtered by query parameters. |
HoldsOverrideEventHoldTypes | Reads /overrideEvent/holdTypes entries from the Holds table. |
HoldsTypeContexts | Reads /typeContexts entries from the Holds table. |
HolidayEvents | No description available. |
ImmigrationEvents | Retrieves an immigration event. |
ImmigrationEventsImmigrationPages | No description available. |
Interviews | No description available. |
InterviewsInterviewers | Reads /interviewers entries from the Interviews table. |
InterviewsInterviewStatuses | Reads /interviewStatuses entries from the Interviews table. |
InterviewsJobRequisitionPrimaryRecruiters | Reads /jobRequisition/primaryRecruiters entries from the Interviews table. |
InterviewsJobRequisitionRecruiters | Reads /jobRequisition/recruiters entries from the Interviews table. |
InterviewsWorkersPendingFeedback | Reads /workersPendingFeedback entries from the Interviews table. |
Invoices | Retrieves a single customer invoice or adjustment instance. |
InvoicesDisputeReasons | Reads /disputeReasons entries from the Invoices table. |
InvoicesPrintRuns | Retrieves a single customer invoice print run. |
InvoicesPrintRunsDeliveryMethod | Reads /deliveryMethod entries from the InvoicesPrintRuns table. |
InvoicesRelatedAdjustments | Reads /relatedAdjustments entries from the Invoices table. |
JobChangeReasons | Retrieves a collection of job change reasons. |
JobChangesGroupAssignmentTypesValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupCompanyInsiderTypesValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupContingentWorkerTypesValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupCurrenciesValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupEmployeeTypesValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupFrequenciesValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupHeadcountOptionsValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupJobClassificationsValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupJobProfilesValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupJobRequisitionsValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupJobsValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupLocationsValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupPayRateTypesValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupProposedPositionValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupReasonValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupSupervisoryOrganizationValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupTemplatesValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupTimeTypesValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupWorkersCompensationCodeOverridesValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupWorkersValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupWorkerTypesValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupWorkShiftsValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupWorkSpacesValues | No description available. |
JobChangesGroupWorkStudyAwardsValues | No description available. |
JobFamilies | Retrieves a collection of job families. |
JobFamiliesJobProfiles | Reads /jobProfiles entries from the JobFamilies table. |
JobPostings | Retrieves a collection of job postings. |
JobPostingsAdditionalLocations | Reads /additionalLocations entries from the JobPostings table. |
JobPostingsCategories | Reads /categories entries from the JobPostings table. |
JobProfiles | Retrieves a collection of job profiles. |
JobProfilesCompanyInsiderTypes | Reads /companyInsiderTypes entries from the JobProfiles table. |
JobProfilesJobExempts | Reads /jobExempts entries from the JobProfiles table. |
JobProfilesJobFamilies | Reads /jobFamilies entries from the JobProfiles table. |
JobProfilesPayRateTypes | Reads /payRateTypes entries from the JobProfiles table. |
JobProfilesRestrictedToCountries | Reads /restrictedToCountries entries from the JobProfiles table. |
JobProfilesWorkersCompensationCodes | Reads /workersCompensationCodes entries from the JobProfiles table. |
Jobs | Retrieves a collection of jobs. |
JobsPayGroup | Retrieves a single pay group instance. |
JobsPayGroupPayGroupDetails | Reads /payGroupDetails entries from the JobsPayGroup table. |
JobsWorkspace | Retrieves a collection of workspaces for the specified job ID. |
LeaveStatusValues | No description available. |
Mentorships | Get all mentorships |
NameComponentsAcademicValues | No description available. |
NameComponentsHereditaryValues | No description available. |
NameComponentsHonoraryValues | No description available. |
NameComponentsProfessionalValues | No description available. |
NameComponentsReligiousValues | No description available. |
NameComponentsRoyalValues | No description available. |
NameComponentsSalutationValues | No description available. |
NameComponentsSocialValues | No description available. |
NameComponentsTitleValues | No description available. |
NotificationTypes | Retrieves a collection of notification types. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesGroupBusinessUnitsValues | No description available. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesGroupCompaniesValues | No description available. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesGroupCostCentersValues | No description available. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesGroupCustomsValues | No description available. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesGroupFundsValues | No description available. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesGroupGiftsValues | No description available. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesGroupGrantsValues | No description available. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesGroupJobsValues | No description available. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesGroupPositionsValues | No description available. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesGroupProgramsValues | No description available. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesGroupRegionsValues | No description available. |
OrganizationAssignmentChangesGroupWorkersValues | No description available. |
Organizations | Retrieves a collection of organizations. |
OrganizationTypes | Retrieves a collection of organization types. |
PayGroupDetails | Retrieves a single pay group detail instance. |
PayGroupDetailsPayRunGroup | Reads /payRunGroup entries from the PayGroupDetails table. |
PayGroups | Retrieves a single pay group instance. |
PayGroupsPayGroupDetails | Reads /payGroupDetails entries from the PayGroups table. |
PayrollInputsGroupPayComponentsValues | No description available. |
PayrollInputsGroupPositionsValues | No description available. |
PayrollInputsGroupRunCategoriesValues | No description available. |
PayrollInputsGroupWorktagsValues | No description available. |
People | Retrieves a person in your Workday tenant. |
PeopleAdditionalNames | Retrieves an additional name. |
PeopleAudioNamePronunciation | Retrieves a collection of Audio Name Pronunciations |
PeopleHomeAddresses | Retrieves a home address. |
PeopleHomeAddressesUsageUsedFor | Reads /usage/usedFor entries from the PeopleHomeAddresses table. |
PeopleHomeEmails | Retrieves a home email address. |
PeopleHomeEmailsUsageUsedFor | Reads /usage/usedFor entries from the PeopleHomeEmails table. |
PeopleHomeInstantMessengers | Retrieves a home instant messenger account username. |
PeopleHomeInstantMessengersUsageUsedFor | Reads /usage/usedFor entries from the PeopleHomeInstantMessengers table. |
PeopleHomePhones | Retrieves a home phone number. |
PeopleHomePhonesUsageUsedFor | Reads /usage/usedFor entries from the PeopleHomePhones table. |
PeopleHomeWebAddresses | Retrieves a collection of home web addresses. |
PeopleHomeWebAddressesUsageUsedFor | Reads /usage/usedFor entries from the PeopleHomeWebAddresses table. |
PeopleLegalName | Retrieves the legal name instance. |
PeoplePersonalInformation | Retrieves a collection of personal information. |
PeoplePhotos | Retrieves a collection of personal photos. |
PeoplePreferredName | Retrieves the preferred name instance. |
PeoplePublicContactInformation | Retrieves a person's public contact information. |
PeopleWorkAddresses | Retrieves a work address. |
PeopleWorkAddressesUsageUsedFor | Reads /usage/usedFor entries from the PeopleWorkAddresses table. |
PeopleWorkEmails | Retrieves a collection of work email addresses. |
PeopleWorkEmailsUsageUsedFor | Reads /usage/usedFor entries from the PeopleWorkEmails table. |
PeopleWorkInstantMessengers | Retrieves a collection of work instant messenger accounts usernames. |
PeopleWorkInstantMessengersUsageUsedFor | Reads /usage/usedFor entries from the PeopleWorkInstantMessengers table. |
PeopleWorkPhones | Retrieves a collection of work phone numbers. |
PeopleWorkPhonesUsageUsedFor | Reads /usage/usedFor entries from the PeopleWorkPhones table. |
PeopleWorkWebAddresses | Retrieves a work web address. |
PeopleWorkWebAddressesUsageUsedFor | Reads /usage/usedFor entries from the PeopleWorkWebAddresses table. |
PersonalInformationCountryAllowedCountryValues | No description available. |
PersonalInformationCountryPopulatedCountryValues | No description available. |
ProgramsOfStudy | Retrieves the program of study with the specified ID. |
ProgramsOfStudyEducationalCredentials | Reads /educationalCredentials entries from the ProgramsOfStudy table. |
ProjectPlanProjectPhasesValues | No description available. |
ProjectPlanProjectPlanPhasesValues | No description available. |
ProjectPlanProjectPlanTasksValues | No description available. |
ProjectPlanProjectTasksValues | No description available. |
PurchaseOrders | Retrieves a purchase order. |
PurchaseOrdersBillToAddress | Reads /billToAddress entries from the PurchaseOrders table. |
PurchaseOrdersGoodsLines | Reads /goodsLines entries from the PurchaseOrders table. |
PurchaseOrdersProjectBasedServiceLines | Reads /projectBasedServiceLines entries from the PurchaseOrders table. |
PurchaseOrdersServiceLines | Reads /serviceLines entries from the PurchaseOrders table. |
PurchaseOrdersTaxCodes | Reads /taxCodes entries from the PurchaseOrders table. |
RelatesToRelatesToValues | No description available. |
RequestsQuestionnaireResponsesSurveyTarget | Reads /questionnaireResponses/surveyTarget entries from the Requests table. |
RequestTypes | Retrieves a collection of request types. |
RequestTypesAllowedRequestResolutions | Reads /allowedRequestResolutions entries from the RequestTypes table. |
RequisitionsGroupCommodityCodesValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupCompaniesValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupCurrenciesValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupDeliverToLocationValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupInventorySiteValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupLineCompanyValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupOrderFromConnectionValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupParLocationValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupRequestersValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupRequestingEntityValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupRequisitionTypesValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupResolvedWorktagsValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupResourceProviderValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupShipToAddressValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupSourcingBuyerValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupSpendCategoryValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupSupplierContractValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupUnitOfMeasureValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsGroupWorktagsValues | No description available. |
RequisitionsPurchaseOrders | Reads /purchaseOrders entries from the Requisitions table. |
RequisitionsRelatedPurchaseOrders | Retrieves a related purchase order for the specified requisition. |
RequisitionTemplates | Retrieves the goods and service line details of a requisition template. |
RequisitionTemplatesCompanies | Reads /companies entries from the RequisitionTemplates table. |
RequisitionTemplatesGoodsLines | Reads /goodsLines entries from the RequisitionTemplates table. |
RequisitionTemplatesServiceLines | Reads /serviceLines entries from the RequisitionTemplates table. |
RequisitionTemplatesWorktags | Reads /worktags entries from the RequisitionTemplates table. |
ResourceForecastLines | Retrieves a single resource forecast line instance. |
ResourcePlanBookingStatusValues | No description available. |
ResourcePlanCostRateCurrenciesValues | No description available. |
ResourcePlanLinesPendingWorkers | Reads /pendingWorkers entries from the ResourcePlanLines table. |
ResourcePlanLinesProjectResources | Reads /projectResources entries from the ResourcePlanLines table. |
ResourcePlanRequirementCategoriesValues | No description available. |
ResourcePlanRequirementsValues | No description available. |
ResourcePlanResourceTypesValues | No description available. |
ResourcePlanRoleCategoriesValues | No description available. |
ResourcePlanRolesValues | No description available. |
ResourcePlanUnnamedResourcesValues | No description available. |
ResourcePlanWorkerGroupsValues | No description available. |
ResourcePlanWorkersValues | No description available. |
ResourcePlanWorkerToReplaceUnnamedResourcesValues | No description available. |
SendBackToValues | No description available. |
Students | Retrieves a collection of students. |
StudentsApplyHoldEvents | Retrieves a collection of Apply Student Hold Events. |
StudentsApplyHoldEventsTypeContext | Reads /typeContext entries from the StudentsApplyHoldEvents table. |
StudentsHolds | DEPRECATED. Retrieves a collection of student holds assigned to the specified student ID. |
StudentsHoldsOverrideEventHoldTypes | Reads /overrideEvent/holdTypes entries from the StudentsHolds table. |
StudentsHoldsTypeContexts | Reads /typeContexts entries from the StudentsHolds table. |
StudentsImmigrationEvents | Retrieves a collection of immigration events. |
StudentsImmigrationEventsDependentImmigrationData | Reads /dependentImmigrationData entries from the StudentsImmigrationEvents table. |
StudentsPrimaryStudentRecord | Reads /primaryStudentRecord entries from the Students table. |
StudentsResidencies | Retrieves a collection of residence information for the specified student ID. |
StudentsResidenciesDocuments | Reads /documents entries from the StudentsResidencies table. |
StudentsResidenciesEvents | Reads /events entries from the StudentsResidencies table. |
StudentsResidenciesInstitutionalAcademicUnits | Reads /institutionalAcademicUnits entries from the StudentsResidencies table. |
SupervisoryOrganizations | Retrieves a collection of supervisory organizations. |
SupervisoryOrganizationsMembers | Retrieves a single member instance. |
SupervisoryOrganizationsOrgChart | Retrieves information about an organization chart of the specified supervisory organization id. |
SupervisoryOrganizationsOrgChartSubordinates | Reads /subordinates entries from the SupervisoryOrganizationsOrgChart table. |
SupervisoryOrganizationsOrgChartSuperiorManagers | Reads /superior/managers entries from the SupervisoryOrganizationsOrgChart table. |
SupervisoryOrganizationsWorkers | Retrieves a worker instance for a specific supervisory organization. |
SupplierContracts | Retrieves all supplier contracts. |
SupplierContractsCatalogs | Reads /catalogs entries from the SupplierContracts table. |
SupplierContractsChargeControls | Reads /chargeControls entries from the SupplierContracts table. |
SupplierContractsMultiParticipants | Reads /multiParticipants entries from the SupplierContracts table. |
SupplierContractsMultiSuppliers | Reads /multiSuppliers entries from the SupplierContracts table. |
SupplierContractsServiceLines | Reads /serviceLines entries from the SupplierContracts table. |
SupplierInvoiceRequestsLines | Retrieves a collection of supplier invoice lines. |
SupplierInvoiceRequestsLinesItemIdentifiers | Reads /itemIdentifiers entries from the SupplierInvoiceRequestsLines table. |
SupplierInvoiceRequestsLinesItemTags | Reads /itemTags entries from the SupplierInvoiceRequestsLines table. |
SupplierInvoiceRequestsLinesSplits | Reads /splits entries from the SupplierInvoiceRequestsLines table. |
SupplierInvoiceRequestsLinesWorktags | Reads /worktags entries from the SupplierInvoiceRequestsLines table. |
SystemMetricsOverview | Retrieves system metrics with the specified ID, including queued tasks, running tasks, and active user sessions. |
TaxRatesGroupCompanyInstancesValues | No description available. |
TaxRatesGroupStateInstancesValues | No description available. |
TimeOffStatusValues | No description available. |
TimeTypesDefaultTimeEntryCodeValues | No description available. |
TimeTypesProjectPlanTasksValues | No description available. |
TimeTypesProjectsValues | No description available. |
TimeTypesTimeEntryCodesValues | No description available. |
TimeValidations | Retrieves a collection of time entry validations. |
TimeValuesOutReasonValues | No description available. |
TimeValuesWorkerTimeZoneValues | No description available. |
Workers | Retrieves a collection of workers and current staffing information. |
WorkersAdditionalJobs | Reads /additionalJobs entries from the Workers table. |
WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEventsBusinessProcessParametersComments | Reads /businessProcessParameters/comments entries from the WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEvents table. |
WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEventsRelatedFeedbackEvents | Reads /relatedFeedbackEvents entries from the WorkersAnytimeFeedbackEvents table. |
WorkersDevelopmentItemsCategory | Reads /category entries from the WorkersDevelopmentItems table. |
WorkersDevelopmentItemsRelatesTo | Reads /relatesTo entries from the WorkersDevelopmentItems table. |
WorkersDevelopmentItemsSkills | Reads /skills entries from the WorkersDevelopmentItems table. |
WorkersDirectReports | Retrieves a collection of direct reports for a specific worker. |
WorkersEligibleAbsenceTypes | Retrieves a collection of eligible absence types for the specified worker. |
WorkersEligibleAbsenceTypesAbsenceReasons | Reads /absenceReasons entries from the WorkersEligibleAbsenceTypes table. |
WorkersEligibleAbsenceTypesAdditionalFields | Reads /additionalFields entries from the WorkersEligibleAbsenceTypes table. |
WorkersEligibleAbsenceTypesPosition | Reads /position entries from the WorkersEligibleAbsenceTypes table. |
WorkersGoals | Retrieves a collection of goals for a specific worker. |
WorkersGoalsActivityStreamableItem | Reads /activityStreamableItem entries from the WorkersGoals table. |
WorkersGoalsAssociatedReviews | Reads /associatedReviews entries from the WorkersGoals table. |
WorkersGoalsCategory | Reads /category entries from the WorkersGoals table. |
WorkersGoalsRelatesTo | Reads /relatesTo entries from the WorkersGoals table. |
WorkersHistory | Retrieves a collection of history items for a specific worker. |
WorkersInboxTasks | Retrieves a collection of inbox tasks for a specific worker. |
WorkersLeavesOfAbsence | Retrieves the leave of absence for the specified worker. |
WorkersOrganizations | Retrieves an organization instance for a specific worker. |
WorkersPaySlips | Retrieves a collection of pay slips for a specific worker. |
WorkersPeriod | Retrieves a period from the period schedule the worker is eligible for. |
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEventsBusinessProcessParametersComments | Reads /businessProcessParameters/comments entries from the WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnSelfEvents table. |
WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEventsBusinessProcessParametersComments | Reads /businessProcessParameters/comments entries from the WorkersRequestedFeedbackOnWorkerEvents table. |
WorkersServiceDates | Retrieves a single service date information instance. |
WorkersSupervisoryOrganizationsManaged | Retrieves a collection of supervisory organizations managed by a specific worker. |
WorkersTimeOffDetails | Retrieves a collection of time off details for the specified worker. |
WorkersTimeOffEntries | Retrieves a time off entry for a specific worker. |
WorkersTimeOffPlans | Retrieves a particular time off plan for a specific worker. |
WorkersTimeTotals | Retrieves a summary of reported hours for a worker over a period. |
WorkersToNotifyWorkersToNotifyValues | No description available. |
WorkersValidTimeOffDates | Retrieves the valid time off dates for the specified worker. |
WorkerTimeBlocks | Retrieves a worker time block. |
WorkerTimeBlocksCalculatedTimeDetails | Reads /calculatedTimeDetails entries from the WorkerTimeBlocks table. |