ODBC Driver for Workday

Build 24.0.8963


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Workday Resource Information

Retrieves instances that can be used as values for other endpoint parameters in this service.


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String wid / id / reference id
Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance
CollectionToken String Supported for: SELECT. Use this value with the Collection_Prompt input to retrieve members of this collection. NULL if the row is a value and not a collection.
AdditionalWorktags_Prompt Boolean No description available
AllStandaloneTypes_Prompt Boolean No description available
Collection_Prompt String A value from the CollectionToken column. Providing this input retrieves all children of the collection.
CommodityCode_Prompt String The Workday ID of the Commodity Code. Used in the spendCategory resource to retrieve spend categories from the specified commodity code.
Company_Prompt String The Workday ID of the company.
Currency_Prompt String The Workday ID of the currency.
ExistingWorktags_Prompt String Accepts multiple inputs. The Workday ID of the worktag. Represents worktags that already exist on a requisition or requisition line. This parameter can be passed multiple times with different values.
ItemDescription_Prompt String The description of an item.
ItemSpendCategory_Prompt String No description available
ProcurementItem_Prompt String No description available
ReqTypeBillOnly_Prompt Boolean If true, retrieves requisition types that are bill only and whose other reqType parameters (except reqTypeShowAllTypes) are also true. The reqType parameters are: reqTypeBillOnly, reqTypeInvReplenishment, reqTypeJustInTime, reqTypeParReplenishment, reqTypeConsignment, reqTypeSupplierContract.
ReqTypeConsignment_Prompt Boolean If true, retrieves requisition types that are consignment and whose other reqType parameters (except reqTypeShowAllTypes) are also true. The reqType parameters are: reqTypeBillOnly, reqTypeInvReplenishment, reqTypeJustInTime, reqTypeParReplenishment, reqTypeConsignment, reqTypeSupplierContract.
ReqTypeInvReplenishment_Prompt Boolean If true, retrieves requisition types that are inventory replenishment and whose other reqType parameters (except reqTypeShowAllTypes) are also true. The reqType parameters are: reqTypeBillOnly, reqTypeInvReplenishment, reqTypeJustInTime, reqTypeParReplenishment, reqTypeConsignment, reqTypeSupplierContract.
ReqTypeJustInTime_Prompt Boolean If true, retrieves requisition types that are just in time and whose other reqType parameters (except reqTypeShowAllTypes) are also true. The reqType parameters are: reqTypeBillOnly, reqTypeInvReplenishment, reqTypeJustInTime, reqTypeParReplenishment, reqTypeConsignment, reqTypeSupplierContract.
ReqTypeParReplenishment_Prompt Boolean If true, retrieves requisition types that are par replenishment and whose other reqType parameters (except reqTypeShowAllTypes) are also true. The reqType parameters are: reqTypeBillOnly, reqTypeInvReplenishment, reqTypeJustInTime, reqTypeParReplenishment, reqTypeConsignment, , reqTypeSupplierContract.
ReqTypeShowAllTypes_Prompt Boolean If true, retrieves all requisition types. If false, the requisitionType parameter will be used to filter results.
ReqTypeSupplierContract_Prompt Boolean If true, retrieves requisition types that are Supplier Contract Request and whose other reqType parameters (except reqTypeShowAllTypes) are also true. The reqType parameters are: reqTypeBillOnly, reqTypeInvReplenishment, reqTypeJustInTime, reqTypeParReplenishment, reqTypeConsignment, reqTypeSupplierContract.
Requester_Prompt String The Workday ID of the worker for whom the requisition is requested. The reference ID uses the Employee_ID=sampleRefId format. Example: Employee_ID=21005
RequisitionDate_Prompt Date The requisition date using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
RequisitionLine_Prompt String The Workday ID of the requisition line.
RequisitionType_Prompt String The Workday ID of the requisition type. If populated, retrieve all requisition types that exactly match the combination of usages of the requisition type passed (e.g. Inventory Replenishment and Bill Only).
Requisition_Prompt String The Workday ID of the requisition.
ResourceProviderContract_Prompt String The Workday ID of the supplier contract.
SelectedWorktags_Prompt String Accepts multiple inputs. The Workday ID of the worktag. Represents worktags that are newly selected on a requisition or requisition line. This parameter can be passed multiple times with different values.
Supplier_Prompt String The Workday ID of the resource provider.
TypesWithoutService_Prompt Boolean No description available
ValidForRequestingEntity_Prompt Boolean This parameter holds a true value when Requesting Entity is selected.
WorktagType_Prompt String No description available

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Build 24.0.8963