ODBC Driver for Workday

Build 24.0.8963


Reads educationalCredentials entries from the ProgramsOfStudy table

Workday Resource Information

Retrieves information about the Program of Study with the specified ID, as of the specified effective date. If you don't specify the effectiveDate query parameter, the effective date defaults to the current date.

Secured by: Manage: Program of Study

Scope: Academic Foundation


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String Id of the instance
ProgramsOfStudy_Id [KEY] String The Wordkay ID of the ProgramsOfStudy that contains this
Description String Supported for: SELECT. Description of Educational Credentail
Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
Name String Supported for: SELECT. Name of Educational Credential
Type_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance
Type_Href String Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance
Type_Id String Supported for: SELECT. wid / id / reference id
AcademicLevel_Prompt String The Workday ID of the owning academic level of the program of study, as of the effective date. You can use a return id from GET /academicLevels
AcademicUnit_Prompt String The Workday ID of the owning academic unit of the program of study, as of the effective date. You can use a return id from GET /academicUnits
CipCode_Prompt String The Workday ID of the CIP code for the program of study, as of the effective date.
EducationalCredentials_Prompt String Accepts multiple inputs. The Workday IDs of the educational credentials of the program of study, as of the effective date. You can use the return id from GET /educationalCredentials.
EffectiveDate_Prompt Date The effective date of the Program of Study, using the yyyy-mm-dd format. The default is the current date.
ProgramType_Prompt String The Workday ID of the program type of the program of study, as of the effective date.

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Build 24.0.8963