ADO.NET Provider for Workday

Build 24.0.9111


Accesses the Worker as its primary object and returns one row per worker. Includes all workers even workers to be hired in the future. Does not contain any built-in prompts. This data source can be used to build reports on all workers. Helpful Tips - 1) If the worker is hired in the future, all fields will be returned based on the effective date. 2) If no effective date is specified, the system will use the current date as the effective date. 3) If the effective date is less than the worker's hire date, no effective dated information (such as position information, compensation information and so on) will be returned. 4) If effective dated behavior is desired, use the "All Active and Terminated workers" data source instead.


Name Type References Description
cf_ContractPayRateAnnualized_value Decimal Contract Pay Rate Annualized value
cf_ContractPayRateAnnualized_currency String Contract Pay Rate Annualized currency
cf_NumberOfTerminations Int # of Terminations
cf_DisciplinaryActions_Completed String Disciplinary Actions - Completed
cf_RetirementEligibility_id String Retirement Eligibility id
cf_RetirementEligibility_descriptor String Retirement Eligibility descriptor
cf_LocationSiteHierarchyLevel2_id String Location Site Hierarchy (Level 2) id
cf_LocationSiteHierarchyLevel2_descriptor String Location Site Hierarchy (Level 2) descriptor
cf_TotalBasePayAnnualizedInCAD_Amount_value Decimal Total Base Pay Annualized in CAD - Amount value
cf_TotalBasePayAnnualizedInCAD_Amount_currency String Total Base Pay Annualized in CAD - Amount currency
cf_TotalBasePayHourly_Amount_value Decimal Total Base Pay Hourly - Amount value
cf_TotalBasePayHourly_Amount_currency String Total Base Pay Hourly - Amount currency
cf_PrimaryAddressHomeStateText String Primary Address Home State (Text)
cf_NumberOfHires Int # of Hires
cf_SpendAuthorizationsNotInUseByActiveExpenseReports String Spend Authorizations Not In Use by Active Expense Reports
cf_FormatPercentOfExpenseReportsWithWarningValidations String Format Percent of Expense Reports with Warning Validations
cf_LegalName_LastNameUppercase String Legal Name - Last Name (Uppercase)
cf_Apparel String Apparel
cf_TopLevelSupervisoryOrganizationGMS_id String Top Level Supervisory Organization (GMS) id
cf_TopLevelSupervisoryOrganizationGMS_descriptor String Top Level Supervisory Organization (GMS) descriptor
cf_HireDate90Days Date Hire Date + 90 Days
cf_TotalBasePayAnnualizedInEUR_Amount_value Decimal Total Base Pay Annualized in EUR - Amount value
cf_TotalBasePayAnnualizedInEUR_Amount_currency String Total Base Pay Annualized in EUR - Amount currency
cf_TotalBasePayMonthly_Amount_value Decimal Total Base Pay Monthly - Amount value
cf_TotalBasePayMonthly_Amount_currency String Total Base Pay Monthly - Amount currency
cf_PerformanceImprovementPlans_InProgressOrCompleted String Performance Improvement Plans - In Progress or Completed
cf_ExternalPayrollActualHoursWorkedInLast12Months Int External Payroll Actual Hours Worked in Last 12 Months
cf_PreferredName_LastNameUppercase String Preferred Name - Last Name (Uppercase)
effectiveAsOfDate Date Pseudo-column used to filter the data source
effectiveAsOfMoment Datetime Pseudo-column used to filter the data source
entryDate Date Pseudo-column used to filter the data source
entryMoment Datetime Pseudo-column used to filter the data source

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111