ADO.NET Provider for Workday

Build 24.0.9111


Accesses Job Profile as the primary object and returns one row per job profile. Includes all active and inactive job profiles. Does not contain built-in prompts.


Name Type References Description
cf_JobProfileDegrees String Job Profile Degrees
cf_CompensationSurvey String Compensation Survey
cf_JobEvaluationScore String Job Evaluation Score
classOfInstance1_id String Class of Instance id
classOfInstance1_descriptor String Class of Instance descriptor
cf_countriesWherePayRateTypeEqualToSalaried String Countries where Pay Rate Type = Salaried
cf_countriesWherePayRateTypeEqualToHourly String Countries where Pay Rate Type = Hourly
cf_CompensationGroup_id String Compensation Group id
cf_CompensationGroup_descriptor String Compensation Group descriptor
jobProfileName String Job Profile Name
jobFamilyGroupAndFamily String All Job Families and Groups for Job Profile
jobProfileSummary String Job Profile Summary
jobProfile_id String Job Profile id
jobProfile_descriptor String Job Profile descriptor
jobClassifications String Job Classifications
managementLevel_id String Management Level id
managementLevel_descriptor String Management Level descriptor
ID String ID
compensationGradesImpactedByRules String Compensation Grades impacted by rules
jobExempt Bool Job Exempt
averagePay_Amount_value Decimal Average Pay - Amount value
averagePay_Amount_currency String Average Pay - Amount currency
employeeCount Int Employee Count
highestPay_Amount_value Decimal Highest Pay - Amount value
highestPay_Amount_currency String Highest Pay - Amount currency
lowestPay_Amount_value Decimal Lowest Pay - Amount value
lowestPay_Amount_currency String Lowest Pay - Amount currency
effectiveAsOfDate Date Pseudo-column used to filter the data source
effectiveAsOfMoment Datetime Pseudo-column used to filter the data source
entryDate Date Pseudo-column used to filter the data source
entryMoment Datetime Pseudo-column used to filter the data source

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Build 24.0.9111