ADO.NET Provider for Workday

Build 24.0.9111



No Valid RaaS Reports

The 本製品 discovers reports by accessing the catalog report indicated by the CustomReportURL property. If the output of the catalog report is not valid, the 本製品 states that the report "does not list any valid RaaS reports" and fails the connection. There are a few common reasons for this:

  1. The schema of the catalog report is incorrect. You should check that the report has all the columns described by データアクセスのファインチューニング. In addition, make sure that the Column XML Alias is empty on each field. A missing field or invalid alias prevents the 本製品 from processing the data in the catalog report.
  2. The user does not have access to any reports. For each report you want the user to access, you should check that the user can access the data source used to create the report. The report itself must also be accessible to the user. The user should either own the report, or have access through the options listed in the Share tab in the report definition.
  3. The report is not web service enabled. To verify this, run the catalog report by hand and check that the Web Service Namespace column is not empty. If it is, go to the report definition, open the Advanced tab, and activate the Enable As Web Service option. Note that this option is not available for all types of reports.


Invalid Request

While connecting to the SOAP service, you may receive an error stating "Invalid Request". This is a server-side Workday error. It often indicates that your user account has not been granted the permissions required to either connect via the API, or to obtain the specific information you have requested.

The tables and columns are retrieved from a publicly available service that requires no authentication, so this error may appear while either testing the connection, or when trying to retrieve data after metadata has been obtained.

The Task Submitted is not Authorized

While connecting, you may receive an error stating "Processing error occurred. The task submitted is not authorized".

This is a server-side error Workday error. This error typically indicates that your Workday account does not have the necessary module activated to access the table or Service you are attempting to connect to.

Ensure the correct module is activated if you receive this error. The 本製品 is unable to dynamically determine which modules are available at runtime, but the exposed services can be configured via the Service connection property.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111