ADO.NET Provider for Workday

Build 24.0.9111


Retrieves a collection of billing rate applications for the specified billable transaction.

Workday Resource Information

Retrieves a billing rate application with the specified subresource ID for the specified billable project transaction.

Secured by: Manage: Project Details, Process: Project Billing - View

Scope: Project Billing, Project Tracking


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String Id of the instance
BillableTransactions_Id [KEY] String The Workday ID of the BillableTransactions that owns this.
AmountToBill_Currency String Supported for: SELECT. The total amount in the base currency of the billing schedule applied to the billing rate rule break of the billable transaction the billing rate application is for. (Currency name)
AmountToBill_Value Decimal Supported for: SELECT. The total amount in the base currency of the billing schedule applied to the billing rate rule break of the billable transaction the billing rate application is for. (Value)
ApplicationOrder Decimal Supported for: SELECT. The order of application for the billing rate.
BillingRateRuleType String Supported for: SELECT. The type of rate rule for the billing rate application.
Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
QuantityToBill Decimal Supported for: SELECT. The units applied to the billing rate rule break on this transaction.
RateAdjustmentAmount_Currency String Supported for: SELECT. The total rate adjustment amount for the billable transaction. (Currency name)
RateAdjustmentAmount_Value Decimal Supported for: SELECT. The total rate adjustment amount for the billable transaction. (Value)
RateEndingAmount_Currency String Supported for: SELECT. The ending rate amount, after adjustment for the billable transaction. (Currency name)
RateEndingAmount_Value Decimal Supported for: SELECT. The ending rate amount, after adjustment for the billable transaction. (Value)
RateStartingAmount_Currency String Supported for: SELECT. The starting rate amount, before adjustment for the billable transaction. (Currency name)
RateStartingAmount_Value Decimal Supported for: SELECT. The starting rate amount, before adjustment for the billable transaction. (Value)
ReasonForChange String Supported for: SELECT. The purpose for the change for this billing rate.
RuleName String Supported for: SELECT. The billing rate rule name for the billing rate transaction.
BillingStatus_Prompt String Only used when a BillableTransactions_Id filter is not provided. Accepts multiple inputs. Filters the billable transactions by status. Specify the Workday ID of the status. You can specify multiple status query parameters.
Customer_Prompt String Only used when a BillableTransactions_Id filter is not provided. The Workday ID of the customer associated with the project for the billable transaction. To get a valid ID, you can call GET /customers in the Customer Accounts REST service.
FromDate_Prompt Date Only used when a BillableTransactions_Id filter is not provided. Filters the billable transactions with transaction date on or after the specified date. Use the yyyy-mm-dd format.
Phase_Prompt String Only used when a BillableTransactions_Id filter is not provided. The Workday ID of the project phase associated with the billable transaction for the time entry. To get a valid ID, call GET /planPhases in the Projects REST service.
Project_Prompt String Only used when a BillableTransactions_Id filter is not provided. The Workday ID of the project associated with the billable transactions. To get a valid ID, you can call GET /projects in the Projects REST service.
SpendCategory_Prompt String Only used when a BillableTransactions_Id filter is not provided. Accepts multiple inputs. The Workday ID of the spend category for the billable transaction associated with the expense report line.
Task_Prompt String Only used when a BillableTransactions_Id filter is not provided. The Workday ID of the project task associated with the billable transaction for the time entry. To get a valid ID, call GET /planTasks in the Projects REST service.
TimeCode_Prompt String Only used when a BillableTransactions_Id filter is not provided. The Workday ID of the time code for the billable transaction associated with the time entry.
ToDate_Prompt Date Only used when a BillableTransactions_Id filter is not provided. Filters the billable transactions with transaction date on or before the specified date. Use the yyyy-mm-dd format.
TransactionSource_Prompt String Only used when a BillableTransactions_Id filter is not provided. Filters the billable transactions by transaction source. Specify the Workday ID of the transaction source.
Worker_Prompt String Only used when a BillableTransactions_Id filter is not provided. Accepts multiple inputs. The Workday ID of the worker associated with the billable transaction. To get a valid ID, call GET /workers in the Staffing service.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111