Allows overriding the default page size when ConnectionType is SOAP.
Data Type
Default Value
By default the driver uses a page size of 100 as recommended by Workday. In most cases this offers a good balance between performance and stability.
However, in some situations a different page size is required. You can set the page size for a specific table using the table's name, an equals sign, and the page size. These values can be combined to set page sizes for multiple tables. For example, this setting changes the Workers page size to 10 and the MessageTemplate page size to 250: Workers=10,MessageTemplate=250.
The page size for each table can be any number between 1 and 999 inclusive. The best page size value depends upon the table and the exact data you are querying, and needs to be determined through testing. The following are guidelines for determining how to adjust the page size:
- If the driver logs mention connection aborts or resets when querying a table, you should reduce its page size. Workday can report a limited amount of data in each page and will abort any requests that would return too much data.
- If reading a table is slow, you can try increasing its page size over 100. This is only recommended for tables with a small number of non-aggregate columns. With high enough page sizes, tables with many fields or aggregates can return enough data to cause connection failures.