Sends back a business process event step.
Workday Resource Information
Sends back the business process event step specified by the ID of the originating event step. In the request body, specify these required fields: id (the event step you are sending back), reason.Secured by: Core Navigation, Public Business Processes
Scope: Adaptive Planning for Financial Plans, Adaptive Planning for the Workforce, Tenant Non-Configurable
Name | Type | Description |
EventSteps_Id | String | The ID of the resource to execute this process on |
Descriptor | String | A preview of the instance |
Id | String | Id of the instance |
Reason | String | Returns user's comment for Event Record. |
Status_Id | String | wid / id / reference id |
To_Id | String | wid / id / reference id |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | Id of the instance |
Descriptor | String | A preview of the instance |
Reason | String | Returns user's comment for Event Record. |
Status_Descriptor | String | A description of the instance |
Status_Href | String | A link to the instance |
Status_Id | String | wid / id / reference id |
To_Descriptor | String | A description of the instance |
To_Href | String | A link to the instance |
To_Id | String | wid / id / reference id |