Reads payRunGroup entries from the PayGroupDetails table
Workday Resource Information
Retrieves a pay group detail with the specified ID.Secured by: Set Up: Payroll - Pay Group Specific
Scope: Core Payroll
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Id of the instance |
PayGroupDetails_Id [KEY] | String | The Wordkay ID of the PayGroupDetails that contains this |
Descriptor | String | Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance |
RunCategories_Prompt | String | Accepts multiple inputs. One or more Workday IDs of run categories for the pay group. You can use returned ids from GET /values/payrollInputsGroup/runCategories.You can specify 1 or more runCategories query parameters, example: runCategories=category1andrunCategories=category2 |