Retrieves a history instance for a specific worker.
Workday Resource Information
Retrieves a collection of history items for a specific worker with the specified ID.Secured by: Worker Data: Historical Staffing Information
Scope: Staffing
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Id of the instance |
Workers_Id [KEY] | String | The Workday ID of the Workers that owns this |
Descriptor | String | Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance |
Due | Datetime | Supported for: SELECT. The date the business process needs to be completed. |
Effective | Datetime | Supported for: SELECT. The date this business process takes effect. |
Href | String | Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance |
Initiated | Datetime | Supported for: SELECT. The date and time this business process was initiated. |
Initiator_Descriptor | String | Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance |
Initiator_Href | String | Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance |
Initiator_Id | String | Supported for: SELECT. wid / id / reference id |
Subject_Descriptor | String | Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance |
Subject_Href | String | Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance |
Subject_Id | String | Supported for: SELECT. wid / id / reference id |
Search_Prompt | String | Only used when a Workers_Id filter is not provided. Searches workers by name or worker ID. The search is case-insensitive. You can include space-delimited search strings for an OR search. |