Retrieve Deal Activities for each Deal or for the specific Deal Id.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id of the activity. |
DealId | String | The Id of the Deal to which the activity belongs to. |
StageId | String | The Id of the Stage to which the parent Deal of the activity belongs to. |
UserId | String | The Id of the User which triggered the activity. |
DataId | String | The Id for the related object (e.g. a Task or Note or similar), if relevant. |
DataType | String | The type of the activity. Examples include 'userid' or 'subscriberid' or 'task' or 'note' or empty quotes ('') for the deal's initial creation. |
DataAction | String | The action taken by this activity. Examples include 'add' or 'complete' or the new value ('100') if the value is changing. |
DataOldVal | String | The previous value, if the value has changed (see DataAction); otherwise, empty quotes ('') |
CreatedDate | Datetime | The creation date of the activity. |
SortDate | Datetime | |
IsAddTask | Boolean | Indicates whether the activity was adding a task to the deal. |
Deleted | Boolean | Indicates whethere the activity was deleted or not. |
SeriesId | String | |
DealLink | String | The API endpoint to the Deal related to this activity. |
StageLink | String | The API endpoint to the Stage related to this activity. |
UserLink | String | The API endpoint to the User related to this activity. |
AutomationLink | String | The API endpoint to the Automation related to this activity. |
ActivityLink | String | The API endpoint to the Activity. |
Deal | String | The related to this Activity. |
Stage | String | The Stage column of the DealActivities table. |
User | String | The User column of the DealActivities table. |
Automation | String | The Automation which triggered this activity. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Exclude | String | Include this param to exclude 'email', 'connection_email', and 'LinkData' activity types.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。email |