ADO.NET Provider for ActiveCampaign

Build 24.0.8963

Data Model


The provider models ActiveCampaign resources like Contacts, Accounts as relational tables, allowing you to write SQL to query ActiveCampaign data.

Live connectivity to these objects means any changes to your ActiveCampaign account are immediately reflected when using the provider.


Views are tables that cannot be modified. Typically, data that are read-only and cannot be updated are shown as views.

Dynamic Views

Along with the default static views, the provider also allows querying on dynamic views.

These are views that are created based on the "lists" (also called "audiences") in your ActiveCampaign account.
For example, suppose you have these 3 lists in your account: Master Contact List, New Audience, VIP List.

The provider lists 3 views based on them: List_MasterList, List_New Audience, List_VIP List.
The views return data about each contact that is a member of that specific list.


Tables describes the available tables. Tables are statically defined to model resources like Accounts, Deals, DealGroups, DealStages, Tasks, etc.

The provider also supports querying tables like AccountCustomFieldData, DealCustomFieldData, ContactCustomFieldData which represent custom field data information.

Additionally, the provider supports updating, inserting custom fields data from the main resource (available for the Accounts, Contacts, Deals tables) where custom fields are dynamically appended as main resource columns. See the specific table section for more information.

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Build 24.0.8963