Cmdlets for ActiveCampaign

Build 23.0.8839


Usage information for the operation Deals.rsd.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the ActiveCampaign API to process some of the filters.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:


SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE GroupId = 1

SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE OwnerId = 1

SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE Stage = 1 AND Title = 'title'

As a note, due to server-side performance issues, even when the property IncludeCustomFields is set to TRUE, the custom fields will appear only in the table schema with null values. To retrieve the values of the custom fields, please refer to the DealCustomFieldData table.


Inserting a deal requires specifying a value for the GroupId, Stage, OwnerId, Title, Value, Currency columns and a value for AccountId or ContactId column.

INSERT INTO Deals (AccountId, GroupId, Stage, OwnerId, Title, Value, Currency) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1, 'title', 100, 'USD')

INSERT INTO Deals (Email, FirstName, LastName, Phone) VALUES ('[email protected]', 'test', 'test', 'dealphonenumber')

Additionally, the 本製品 supports inserting deal and deal custom fields data from the Deals table. All custom field columns start with CF_.

INSERT INTO Deals (AccountId, GroupId, Stage, OwnerId, Title, Value, Currency, CF_CustomField1, CF_CustomField2, CF_CustomField3) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1, 'title', 100, 'USD', 'value', 'value', 'value')


The 本製品 supports updating deal information.

Additionally, it is possible to update deal custom fields data from the Deals table.

UPDATE Deals SET Title = 'updatedTitle' WHERE Id = 1

UPDATE Deals SET CF_CustomField1 = 'custom field value', CF_CustomField2 = 'custom field value' WHERE Id = 1


Remove all deals or a deal by specifying the Id of the deal.


DELETE FROM Deals WHERE Id = 10003


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True

The Id column of the Deals table.

AccountId String False

The AccountId column of the Deals table.

ActivityCount String True

The ActivityCount column of the Deals table.

Cdate Datetime True

The Cdate column of the Deals table.

ContactId String False

Deal's primary contact's Id.

Currency String False

Deal's currency in 3-digit ISO format, lowercased.

CustomerAccount String True

The CustomerAccount column of the Deals table.

Description String False

The Description column of the Deals table.

Edate String True

The Edate column of the Deals table.

Group String False

Deal's pipeline Id. Required if deal.stage is not provided. If is not provided, the stage's pipeline will be assigned to the deal automatically.

Hash String True

The Hash column of the Deals table.

IsDisabled String True

The IsDisabled column of the Deals table.

AccountLink String True

The AccountLink column of the Deals table.

ContactLink String True

The ContactLink column of the Deals table.

ContactDealsLink String True

The ContactDealsLink column of the Deals table.

CustomerAccountLink String True

The CustomerAccountLink column of the Deals table.

DealActivitiesLink String True

The DealActivitiesLink column of the Deals table.

DealCustomFieldDataLink String True

The DealCustomFieldDataLink column of the Deals table.

GroupLink String True

The GroupLink column of the Deals table.

NextTaskLink String True

The NextTaskLink column of the Deals table.

NotesLink String True

The NotesLink column of the Deals table.

OrganizationLink String True

The OrganizationLink column of the Deals table.

OwnerLink String True

The OwnerLink column of the Deals table.

ScoreValuesLink String True

The ScoreValuesLink column of the Deals table.

StageLink String True

The StageLink column of the Deals table.

TasksLink String True

The TasksLink column of the Deals table.

Mdate Datetime True

The Mdate column of the Deals table.

NextTask String True

The NextTask column of the Deals table.

NextDate Datetime True

The NextDate column of the Deals table.

NextDealId String True

The NextDealId column of the Deals table.

NextTaskId String True

The NextTaskId column of the Deals table.

Organization String True

The Organization column of the Deals table.

Owner String False

Deal's owner Id. Required if pipeline's auto-assign option is disabled.

Percent String False

The Percent column of the Deals table.

Stage String False

Deal's stage Id. Required if is not provided. If deal.stage is not provided, the deal will be assigned with the first stage in the pipeline provided in

Status String False

The Status column of the Deals table.

Title String False

The Title column of the Deals table.

Value String False

Deal's value in cents.

WinProbability Integer True

The WinProbability column of the Deals table.

WinProbabilityMdate Datetime True

The WinProbabilityMdate column of the Deals table.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839