CData Python Connector for ActiveCampaign

Build 23.0.8839


View many or all contacts by including their ID's or various filters.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the ActiveCampaign API to process some of the filters.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE Id = 10

SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE Udate >= '2019-06-30T10:44:34-05:00'

SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE Udate <= '2021-06-30T10:44:34-05:00'

SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE Cdate >= '2019-06-30T10:44:34-05:00' AND Cdate <= '2021-06-30T10:44:34-05:00'

As a note, due to server-side performance issues, even when the property IncludeCustomFields is set to TRUE, the custom fields will appear only in the table schema with null values. To retrieve the values of the custom fields, please refer to the ContactCustomFieldData table.


Inserting a contact requires specifying the contact email.

INSERT INTO Contacts (Email) VALUES ('[email protected]')

INSERT INTO Contacts (Email, FirstName, LastName, Phone) VALUES ('[email protected]', 'test', 'test', 'contactphonenumber')

Additionally, the 本製品 supports inserting contact and contact custom fields data from the Contacts table. All custom field columns start with CF_.

INSERT INTO Contacts (Name, CF_Description, CF_Hidden, CF_Number) VALUES ('testcontact3', 'custom field value', 'custom field value', 123)


The 本製品 supports updating contact information.

Additionally, it is possible to update contact custom fields data from the Contacts table.

UPDATE Contacts SET FirstName = 'updatedName' WHERE Id = 1

UPDATE Contacts SET CF_CustomField1 = 'custom field value', CF_CustomField2 = 'custom field value' WHERE Id = 1

Bulk Import Contacts

The 本製品 supports uploading large numbers of contacts into your account. This operation includes:

  • Creating new contacts
  • Updating existing contacts
  • Subscribing and unsubscribing from lists

Contacts are imported in batches of up to 250 items. The importer is not recommended to be used for a small number of contacts. You can import contacts as below:

INSERT INTO Contacts#TEMP (Email) VALUES ('[email protected]')

INSERT INTO Contacts#TEMP (Email) VALUES ('[email protected]')

UPSERT INTO Contacts (Email) SELECT Email FROM Contacts#TEMP

Additionally, the 本製品 supports BULK INSERT for the Contacts table. Please note this operation will cause a cost in performance as the 本製品 validates if the submitted contacts exist before importing them.

INSERT INTO Contacts#TEMP (Email) VALUES ('[email protected]')

INSERT INTO Contacts#TEMP (Email) VALUES ('[email protected]')

INSERT INTO Contacts (Email) SELECT Email FROM Contacts#TEMP

To subscribe and unsubscribe contacts from a specific list set a value for the SubscribeTo and/or UnsubcribeFrom columns which accept a comma-separated list of list ids. For example:

INSERT INTO Contacts#TEMP (Email, SubscribeTo, UnsubcribeFrom) VALUES ('[email protected]', '1,2', '6,12')

INSERT INTO Contacts#TEMP (Email, SubscribeTo, UnsubcribeFrom) VALUES ('[email protected]', '3,7', '6,1')

UPSERT INTO Contacts (Email, SubscribeTo, UnsubcribeFrom) SELECT Email, SubscribeTo, UnsubcribeFrom FROM Contacts#TEMP

Contacts must meet all the following criteria in order to be created or updated with this API:

  • The imported contacts may not exceed your account limit
  • The contact must have an email address
  • The contact's email address must not be on an exclusion list
  • The contact's email must not be on a list of bounced email addresses
  • The contact must not have unsubscribed to a list that the import would add them to

If contacts do not meet all of these requirements, they will be skipped by the importer.


Remove all contacts or a contact by specifying the Id of the contact.

DELETE FROM Contacts WHERE Id = 10003


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True

The Id column of the Contacts table.

Adate Datetime True

The Adate column of the Contacts table.

Anonymized String True

The Anonymized column of the Contacts table.

BouncedDate String True

The BouncedDate column of the Contacts table.

BouncedHard String True

The BouncedHard column of the Contacts table.

BouncedSoft String True

The BouncedSoft column of the Contacts table.

Cdate Datetime True

The Cdate column of the Contacts table.

CreatedBy String True

The CreatedBy column of the Contacts table.

CreatedTimestamp Datetime True

The CreatedTimestamp column of the Contacts table.

CreatedUtcTimestamp Datetime True

The CreatedUtcTimestamp column of the Contacts table.

Deleted String True

The Deleted column of the Contacts table.

DeletedAt String True

The DeletedAt column of the Contacts table.

Edate Datetime True

The Edate column of the Contacts table.

Email String False

The Email column of the Contacts table.

EmailDomain String True

The EmailDomain column of the Contacts table.

EmailEmpty Boolean True

The EmailEmpty column of the Contacts table.

EmailLocal String True

The EmailLocal column of the Contacts table.

FirstName String False

The FirstName column of the Contacts table.

Gravatar String True

The Gravatar column of the Contacts table.

Hash String True

The Hash column of the Contacts table.

Ip String True

The Ip column of the Contacts table.

LastName String False

The LastName column of the Contacts table.

AccountContactsLink String True

The AccountContactsLink column of the Contacts table.

AutomationEntryCountsLink String True

The AutomationEntryCountsLink column of the Contacts table.

BounceLogsLink String True

The BounceLogsLink column of the Contacts table.

ContactAutomationsLink String True

The ContactAutomationsLink column of the Contacts table.

ContactDataLink String True

The ContactDataLink column of the Contacts table.

ContactDealsLink String True

The ContactDealsLink column of the Contacts table.

ContactGoalsLink String True

The ContactGoalsLink column of the Contacts table.

ContactListsLink String True

The ContactListsLink column of the Contacts table.

ContactLogsLink String True

The ContactLogsLink column of the Contacts table.

ContactTagsLink String True

The ContactTagsLink column of the Contacts table.

DealsLink String True

The DealsLink column of the Contacts table.

FieldValuesLink String True

The FieldValuesLink column of the Contacts table.

GeoIpsLink String True

The GeoIpsLink column of the Contacts table.

NotesLink String True

The NotesLink column of the Contacts table.

OrganizationLink String True

The OrganizationLink column of the Contacts table.

PlusAppendLink String True

The PlusAppendLink column of the Contacts table.

ScoreValuesLink String True

The ScoreValuesLink column of the Contacts table.

TrackingLogsLink String True

The TrackingLogsLink column of the Contacts table.

Organization String True

The Organization column of the Contacts table.

Orgname String True

The Orgname column of the Contacts table.

Phone String False

The Phone column of the Contacts table.

RatingTStamp String True

The RatingTStamp column of the Contacts table.

SegmentioId String True

The SegmentioId column of the Contacts table.

Sentcnt String True

The Sentcnt column of the Contacts table.

SocialdataLastcheck String True

The SocialdataLastcheck column of the Contacts table.

Ua String True

The Ua column of the Contacts table.

Udate Datetime True

The Udate column of the Contacts table.

UpdatedTimestamp String True

The UpdatedTimestamp column of the Contacts table.

Updated_by String True

The Updated_by column of the Contacts table.

SubscribeTo String False

Comma-separated list of list Ids to subscribe a contact to.

UnsubscribeFrom String False

Comma-separated list of list Ids to unsubscribe a contact from.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839