FireDAC Components for ActiveCampaign

Build 23.0.8839


Retrieve Deal Activities for each Deal or for the specific Deal Id.


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String The Id of the activity.
DealId String The Id of the Deal to which the activity belongs to.
StageId String The Id of the Stage to which the parent Deal of the activity belongs to.
UserId String The Id of the User which triggered the activity.
DataId String The Id for the related object (e.g. a Task or Note or similar), if relevant.
DataType String The type of the activity. Examples include 'userid' or 'subscriberid' or 'task' or 'note' or empty quotes ('') for the deal's initial creation.
DataAction String The action taken by this activity. Examples include 'add' or 'complete' or the new value ('100') if the value is changing.
DataOldVal String The previous value, if the value has changed (see DataAction); otherwise, empty quotes ('')
CreatedDate Datetime The creation date of the activity.
SortDate Datetime
IsAddTask Boolean Indicates whether the activity was adding a task to the deal.
Deleted Boolean Indicates whethere the activity was deleted or not.
SeriesId String
DealLink String The API endpoint to the Deal related to this activity.
StageLink String The API endpoint to the Stage related to this activity.
UserLink String The API endpoint to the User related to this activity.
AutomationLink String The API endpoint to the Automation related to this activity.
ActivityLink String The API endpoint to the Activity.
Deal String The related to this Activity.
Stage String The Stage column of the DealActivities table.
User String The User column of the DealActivities table.
Automation String The Automation which triggered this activity.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Exclude String Include this param to exclude 'email', 'connection_email', and 'LinkData' activity types.

The allowed values are email.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839