Get tax rates for a location.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ZIP | String | True | Postal code for given location (5-Digit ZIP or ZIP+4). |
Country | String | False | Two-letter ISO country code for given location. |
State | String | False | Two-letter ISO state code for given location. |
City | String | False | City for given location. |
Street | String | False | Street address for given location. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
ZIP | String | Whether or not the VAT number is valid via regex and VIES. |
Country | String | Country for given location if SST state. |
CountryRate | Double | Country sales tax rate for given location if SST state. |
State | String | Postal abbreviated state name for given location. |
StateRate | Double | State sales tax rate for given location. |
County | String | County name for given location. |
CountyRate | Double | County sales tax rate for given location. |
City | String | City name for given location. |
CityRate | Double | City sales tax rate for given location. |
CombinedDistrictRate | Double | Aggregate rate for all city and county sales tax districts effective at the location. |
CombinedRate | Double | Overall sales tax rate which includes state, county, city and district tax. This rate should be used to determine how much sales tax to collect for an order. |
FreightTaxable | Bool | Freight taxability for given location. |
Name | String | Country name for given location. |
StandardRate | Double | Standard rate for given location. |
ReducedRate | Double | Reduced rate for given location. |
SuperReducedRate | Double | Super reduced rate for given location. |
ParkingRate | Double | Parking reduced rate for given location. |
DistanceSaleThreshold | Double | Distance selling threshold for given location. |