Shows the sales tax that should be collected for a given order.
Calculate Taxes
To calculate taxes for a given order the CalculateTaxes stored procedure must be called. To make a CalculateTaxes SP call please specify at least ToCountry and Shipping parameters.
Note: For adding more than one values to "NexusAddresses" and "LineItems", you can use the NexusAddresses#TEMP and LineItems#TEMP tables or create the JSON structure to provide the values to insert.
In order to avoid errors please follow the conditions for a successful SP call enforced by the TaxJar API:
- If ToCountry is set to US, ToZIP is required.
- If ToCountry is set to US or CA, ToState is required.
- If any NexusAddresses is provided, NexusAddressesCountry and NexusAddressesState is required.
- Specify either Amount or LineItems to perform tax calculations.
EXEC CalculateTaxes @FromCountry = 'US', @FromZip = '92093', @FromState = 'CA', @FromCity = 'La Jolla', @FromStreet = '9500 Gilman Drive', @ToCountry = 'US', @ToZip = '90002', @ToState = 'CA', @ToCity = 'Los Angeles', @ToStreet = '1335 E 103rd St', @Amount = '15', @Shipping = '1.5', @NexusAddressId = 'Main Location', @NexusAddressCountry = 'US', @NexusAddressZip = '92093', @NexusAddressState = 'CA', @NexusAddressCity = 'La Jolla', @NexusAddressStreet = '9500 Gilman Drive'
INSERT INTO NexusAddresses#TEMP (NexusAddressID, NexusAddressCountry, NexusAddressZip, NexusAddressState, NexusAddressCity, NexusAddressStreet) VALUES ('Main Location', 'US', '92093', 'CA', 'La Jolla', '9500 Gilman Drive') INSERT INTO NexusAddresses#TEMP (NexusAddressID, NexusAddressCountry, NexusAddressZip, NexusAddressState, NexusAddressCity, NexusAddressStreet) VALUES ('Main Location 2', 'US', '92093', 'CA', 'La Jolla 2', '9500 Gilman Drive 2') INSERT INTO LineItems#TEMP (LineItemId, LineItemQuantity, LineItemProductTaxCode, LineItemUnitPrice, LineItemDiscount) VALUES ('1', '1', '20010', '15', '0') EXEC CalculateTaxes @FromCountry = 'US', @FromZip = '92093', @FromState = 'CA', @FromCity = 'La Jolla', @FromStreet = '9500 Gilman Drive', @ToCountry = 'US', @ToZip = '90002', @ToState = 'CA', @ToCity = 'Los Angeles', @ToStreet = '1335 E 103rd St', @Amount = '15', @Shipping = '1.5', @NexusAddresses = 'NexusAddresses#TEMP', @LineItems = 'LineItems#TEMP'
EXEC CalculateTaxes @FromCountry = 'US', @FromZip = '92093', @FromState = 'CA', @FromCity = 'La Jolla', @FromStreet = '9500 Gilman Drive', @ToCountry = 'US', @ToZip = '90002', @ToState = 'CA', @ToCity = 'Los Angeles', @ToStreet = '1335 E 103rd St', @Amount = '15', @Shipping = '1.5', @NexusAddresses = '[{"NexusAddressId":"Main Location","NexusAddresscountry":"US","NexusAddresszip":"92093","NexusAddressstate":"CA","NexusAddresscity":"La Jolla","NexusAddressstreet":"9500 Gilman Drive"},{"NexusAddressid":"Main Location 2","NexusAddresscountry":"US","NexusAddresszip":"92093","NexusAddressstate":"CA","NexusAddresscity":"La Jolla 2","NexusAddressstreet":"9500 Gilman Drive 2"}]', @LineItems = '[{"LineItemid":"1","LineItemquantity":"1","LineItemproducttaxcode":"20010","LineItemunitprice":"15","LineItemdiscount":"0"}]'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
FromCountry | String | False | Two-letter ISO country code of the country where the order shipped from. View Note |
FromZip | String | False | Postal code where the order shipped from (5-Digit ZIP or ZIP+4). |
FromState | String | False | Two-letter ISO state code where the order shipped from. |
FromCity | String | False | City where the order shipped from. |
FromStreet | String | False | Street address where the order shipped from. |
ToCountry | String | True | Two-letter ISO country code of the country where the order shipped to. |
ToZip | String | False | Postal code where the order shipped to (5-Digit ZIP or ZIP+4). |
ToState | String | False | Two-letter ISO state code where the order shipped to. |
ToCity | String | False | City where the order shipped to. |
ToStreet | String | False | Street address where the order shipped to. View Note |
Amount | Double | False | Total amount of the order, excluding shipping. View Note |
Shipping | Double | True | Total amount of shipping for the order. |
CustomerId | String | False | Unique identifier of the given customer for exemptions. |
ExemptionType | String | False | Type of exemption for the order: wholesale, government, marketplace, other, or non_exempt. |
NexusAddressId | String | False | Unique identifier of the given nexus address. This column input will not be accepted if NexusAddresses column is added. |
NexusAddressCountry | String | False | Two-letter ISO country code for the nexus address. This column input will not be accepted if NexusAddresses column is added. |
NexusAddressZip | String | False | Postal code for the nexus address. This column input will not be accepted if NexusAddresses column is added. |
NexusAddressState | String | False | Two-letter ISO state code for the nexus address. This column input will not be accepted if NexusAddresses column is added. |
NexusAddressCity | String | False | City for the nexus address. This column input will not be accepted if NexusAddresses column is added. |
NexusAddressStreet | String | False | Street address for the nexus address. This column input will not be accepted if NexusAddresses column is added. |
NexusAddresses | String | False | The aggregate for Nexus Addresses. |
LineItemId | String | False | Unique identifier of the given line item. This column input will not be accepted if LineItems column is added. |
LineItemQuantity | Integer | False | Quantity for the item. This column input will not be accepted if LineItems column is added. |
LineItemProductTaxCode | String | False | Product tax code for the item. This column input will not be accepted if LineItems column is added. |
LineItemUnitPrice | Double | False | Unit price for the item. This column input will not be accepted if LineItems column is added. |
LineItemDiscount | Double | False | Total discount (non-unit) for the item. This column input will not be accepted if LineItems column is added. |
LineItems | String | False | The aggregate for Line Items. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
OrderTotalAmount | Double | Total amount of the order. |
Shipping | Double | Total amount of shipping for the order. |
TaxableAmount | Double | Amount of the order to be taxed. |
AmountToCollect | Double | Amount of sales tax to collect. |
Rate | Double | Overall sales tax rate of the order (amount_to_collect รท taxable_amount). |
HasNexus | Bool | Whether or not you have nexus for the order based on an address on file, nexus_addresses parameter, or from_ parameters. |
FreightTaxable | Bool | Freight taxability for the order. |
TaxSource | String | Origin-based or destination-based sales tax collection. |
ExemptionType | String | Type of exemption for the order: wholesale, government, marketplace, other, or non_exempt. If no customer_id or exemption_type is provided, no exemption_type is returned in the response. |
JurisdictionAggregate | String | Jurisdiction names for the order. |
BreakdownAggregate | String | Breakdown of rates by jurisdiction for the order, shipping, and individual line items. If has_nexus is false or no line items are provided, no breakdown is returned in the response. |