JDBC Driver for TaxJar

Build 22.0.8462


Validates an existing VAT identification number


Name Type Required Description
VAT String True VAT identification number to validate. Country code should precede number, e.g. GB980780684.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Valid Bool Whether or not the VAT number is valid via regex and VIES.
Exists Bool Whether or not the VAT number exists in VIES.
ViesAvailable Bool Whether or not VIES is currently available.
ViesResponseCountryCode String Country code returned by VIES based on the given VAT number.
ViesResponseVatNumber String VAT number returned by VIES based on the given VAT number.
ViesResponseRequestDate Date Request date returned by VIES based on the given VAT number.
ViesResponseValid Bool Whether or not the VAT number is valid, returned by VIES based on the given VAT number.
ViesResponseName String Name returned by VIES based on the given VAT number.
ViesResponseAddress String Address returned by VIES based on the given VAT number.

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Build 22.0.8462