ADO.NET Provider for Snapchat Ads

Build 24.0.8963


Lists all ad stats.


The 本製品 will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

  • CampaignId supports the following operators: =,IN
  • AdId supports the following operators: =,IN
  • StartTime supports the following operator: =
  • EndTime supports the following operator: =
  • Granularity supports the following operator: =
  • Dimension supports the following operator: =
  • SwipeUpAttributionWindow supports the following operator: =
  • ViewAttributionWindow supports the following operator: =
  • ConversionSourceTypes supports the following operator: =
  • BreakDownMetricsByPosition supports the following operator: =
The following queries are processed server side:
    SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57'
    SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND StartTime = '01/02/2019' AND EndTime = '10/14/2020'
    SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND Dimension = 'Country'
    SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND Granularity = 'LIFETIME'
    SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND BreakDownMetricsByPosition = true
    SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND SwipeUpAttributionWindow = '1_DAY' AND ViewAttributionWindow = '1_HOUR'
    SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND ConversionSourceTypes = 'app'

    SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74'
    SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND StartTime = '01/02/2019' AND EndTime = '10/14/2020'
    SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND Dimension = 'Country'
    SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND Granularity = 'LIFETIME'
    SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND BreakDownMetricsByPosition = true
    SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND SwipeUpAttributionWindow = '1_DAY' AND ViewAttributionWindow = '1_HOUR'
    SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND ConversionSourceTypes = 'app'

Note: You must specify either CampaignId or AdId. If a time window is not specified, the stats for the last seven days or the last 31 days will be returned based on the specified granularity.

If you do not specify a wildcard column and specify one of the dimensions from the table below in the SELECT projection the stats will breakdown according to the specified dimension. You can not specify dimensions with different dimension categories. You can only query one dimension at a time unless you are querying (age and gender) or (InterestCategoryId and InterestCategoryName) which may be combined.

Dimension Dimension Category
Country geos
Region geos
DMA geos
Gender demographics
Age demographics
InterestCategoryId interests
InterestCategoryName interests
OS devices
Make devices


Name Type References Description
CampaignId String


The campaign Id.
AdId String


The ad id.
PlatformPosition String The platform position.
StartTime Datetime Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours.
EndTime Datetime Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours.
FinalizedDataEndTime Datetime This defines the time up until when reporting metrics are finalized. You can query for all metrics before this time including uniques and reach and they will have the final numbers. For any time after the FinalizedDataEndTime the metrics are still undergoing de-duplication and finalization and may change accordingly.
IntervalStartTime Datetime Start time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR.
IntervalEndTime Datetime End time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR.
Granularity String Determines how granular the data points will be returned within the time range specified by StartTime and EndTime. For instance, when set to HOUR, you will be presented with a datapoint for each hour between StartTime and EndTime.
Dimension String You can get reporting insights based on different geographic, demographic, interest-based, and device-based dimensions. You can only query one dimension at a time unless you are querying age and gender which may be combined.
SwipeUpAttributionWindow String Attribution window for swipe ups.
ViewAttributionWindow String Attribution window for views.
Country String ISO country code.
Region String Region.
DMA Int DMA numeric code.
Gender String Gender.
Age String Age bucket.
InterestCategoryId String SnapchatAds User Lifestyle Interest Category Id.
InterestCategoryName String SnapchatAds User Lifestyle Interest Category Name.
OS String Device Operating System.
Make String Device Make (e.g., Apple, Samsung)
Impressions Int Impression Count.
Swipes Int Swipe-Up Count.
ViewTimeMillis Long Use screen_time_millis instead. Total Time Spent on top Snap Ad (milliseconds).
ScreenTimeMillis Long Total Time Spent on top Snap Ad (milliseconds).
Quartile1 Int Video Views to 25%.
Quartile2 Int Video Views to 50%.
Quartile3 Int Video Views to 75%.
ViewCompletion Int Video Views to completion.
Spend Decimal Amount Spent.
VideoViews Int The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds of consecutive watch time or a swipe up action on the Top Snap.
AndroidInstalls Int Number of Android App Installs.
AndroidInstallsApp Int Number of Android App Installs.
AndroidInstallsWeb Int Number of Android App Installs.
AndroidInstallsSwipeUp Int Number of Android App Installs.
AndroidInstallsAppSwipeUp Int Number of Android App Installs.
AndroidInstallsWebSwipeUp Int Number of Android App Installs.
AndroidInstallsView Int Number of Android App Installs.
AndroidInstallsAppView Int Number of Android App Installs.
AndroidInstallsWebView Int Number of Android App Installs.
AttachmentAvgViewTimeMillis Long Average Attachment View Time (milli-seconds).
AttachmentFrequency Double Average number of Attachment Views per User Reached.
AttachmentQuartile1 Int Long Form Video Views to 25%.
AttachmentQuartile2 Int Long Form Video Views to 50%.
AttachmentQuartile3 Int Long Form Video Views to 75%.
AttachmentTotalViewTimeMillis Long Total Attachment View Time (milli-seconds).
AttachmentUniques Int Number of unique attachment impressions.
AttachmentViewCompletion Int Long Form Video Views to completion.
AttachmentVideoViews Int Long Form Video Attachment Views, viewed for at least 10 consecutive seconds or reached 97% of the Long Form Video duration.
AvgViewTimeMillis Long Use avg_screen_time_millis instead. Average Top Snap view time per User Reached.
AvgScreenTimeMillis Long Average Top Snap view time across all impressions.
Frequency Double Average number of Impressions per User Reached.
IosInstalls Int Number of iOS App Installs.
IosInstallsApp Int Number of iOS App Installs.
IosInstallsWeb Int Number of iOS App Installs.
IosInstallsSwipeUp Int Number of iOS App Installs.
IosInstallsAppSwipeUp Int Number of iOS App Installs.
IosInstallsWebSwipeUp Int Number of iOS App Installs.
IosInstallsView Int Number of iOS App Installs.
IosInstallsAppView Int Number of iOS App Installs.
IosInstallsWebView Int Number of iOS App Installs.
SwipeUpPercent Double % of Impressions that Swiped-Up.
TotalInstalls Int Total number of App Installs.
TotalInstallsApp Int Total number of App Installs.
TotalInstallsWeb Int Total number of App Installs.
TotalInstallsSwipeUp Int Total number of App Installs.
TotalInstallsAppSwipeUp Int Total number of App Installs.
TotalInstallsWebSwipeUp Int Total number of App Installs.
TotalInstallsView Int Total number of App Installs.
TotalInstallsAppView Int Total number of App Installs.
TotalInstallsWebView Int Total number of App Installs.
Uniques Int Number of unique impressions.
VideoViewsTimeBased Int The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds, not including swipe ups.
VideoViews15s Int The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 15 seconds, or 97% completion if it?s shorter than 15 seconds, or a swipe up action on the ad.
StoryOpens Int Number of times users tapped on the ad tile in the feed to view the Story Ad.
StoryCompletes Int Number of times users viewed through to the last Snap of your Story Ad.
PositionImpressions Int The impression number for this story ad position.
PositionUniques Int The unique viewer numbers for this story ad position.
PositionFrequency Double The frequency for this story ad position.
PositionScreenTimeMillis Long The total view time in milliseconds for this story ad position.
PositionSwipeUpPercent Double The swipe up rate for this story ad position.
AvgPositionScreenTimeMillis Long The average view time for this story ad position.
Shares Int Number of times lens/filter was shared in a Chat or Story.
Saves Int Number of times lens/filter was saved to Memories.
ConversionPurchases Int Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesValue Decimal Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency).
ConversionSave Int Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events.
ConversionStartCheckout Int Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events.
ConversionAddCart Int Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events.
ConversionViewContent Int Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events.
ConversionAddBilling Int Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events.
ConversionSignUps Int Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events.
ConversionSearches Int Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events.
ConversionLevelCompletes Int Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events.
ConversionAppOpens Int Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events.
ConversionPageViews Int Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionSubscribe Int Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events.
ConversionAdClick Int Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events.
ConversionAdView Int Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionCompleteTutorial Int Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events.
ConversionInvite Int Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events.
ConversionLogin Int Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events.
ConversionShare Int Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events.
ConversionReserve Int Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events.
ConversionAchievementUnlocked Int Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events.
ConversionAddToWishlist Int Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events.
ConversionSpendCredits Int Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events.
ConversionRate Int Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events.
ConversionStartTrial Int Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events.
ConversionListView Int Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events.
CustomEvent1 Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events.
CustomEvent2 Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events.
CustomEvent3 Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events.
CustomEvent4 Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events.
CustomEvent5 Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesValueSwipeUp Decimal Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency).
ConversionSaveSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events.
ConversionStartCheckoutSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events.
ConversionAddCartSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events.
ConversionViewContentSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events.
ConversionAddBillingSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events.
ConversionSignUpsSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events.
ConversionSearchesSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events.
ConversionLevelCompletesSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events.
ConversionAppOpensSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events.
ConversionPageViewsSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionSubscribeSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events.
ConversionAdClickSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events.
ConversionAdViewSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionCompleteTutorialSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events.
ConversionInviteSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events.
ConversionLoginSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events.
ConversionShareSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events.
ConversionReserveSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events.
ConversionAchievementUnlockedSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events.
ConversionAddToWishlistSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events.
ConversionSpendCreditsSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events.
ConversionRateSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events.
ConversionStartTrialSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events.
ConversionListViewSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events.
CustomEvent1SwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events.
CustomEvent2SwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events.
CustomEvent3SwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events.
CustomEvent4SwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events.
CustomEvent5SwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesView Int Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesValueView Decimal Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency).
ConversionSaveView Int Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events.
ConversionStartCheckoutView Int Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events.
ConversionAddCartView Int Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events.
ConversionViewContentView Int Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events.
ConversionAddBillingView Int Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events.
ConversionSignUpsView Int Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events.
ConversionSearchesView Int Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events.
ConversionLevelCompletesView Int Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events.
ConversionAppOpensView Int Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events.
ConversionPageViewsView Int Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionSubscribeView Int Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events.
ConversionAdClickView Int Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events.
ConversionAdViewView Int Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionCompleteTutorialView Int Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events.
ConversionInviteView Int Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events.
ConversionLoginView Int Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events.
ConversionShareView Int Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events.
ConversionReserveView Int Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events.
ConversionAchievementUnlockedView Int Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events.
ConversionAddToWishlistView Int Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events.
ConversionSpendCreditsView Int Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events.
ConversionRateView Int Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events.
ConversionStartTrialView Int Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events.
ConversionListViewView Int Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events.
CustomEvent1View Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events.
CustomEvent2View Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events.
CustomEvent3View Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events.
CustomEvent4View Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events.
CustomEvent5View Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesApp Int Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesValueApp Decimal Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency).
ConversionSaveApp Int Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events.
ConversionStartCheckoutApp Int Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events.
ConversionAddCartApp Int Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events.
ConversionViewContentApp Int Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events.
ConversionAddBillingApp Int Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events.
ConversionSignUpsApp Int Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events.
ConversionSearchesApp Int Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events.
ConversionLevelCompletesApp Int Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events.
ConversionAppOpensApp Int Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events.
ConversionPageViewsApp Int Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionSubscribeApp Int Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events.
ConversionAdClickApp Int Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events.
ConversionAdViewApp Int Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionCompleteTutorialApp Int Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events.
ConversionInviteApp Int Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events.
ConversionLoginApp Int Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events.
ConversionShareApp Int Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events.
ConversionReserveApp Int Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events.
ConversionAchievementUnlockedApp Int Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events.
ConversionAddToWishlistApp Int Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events.
ConversionSpendCreditsApp Int Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events.
ConversionRateApp Int Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events.
ConversionStartTrialApp Int Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events.
ConversionListViewApp Int Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events.
CustomEvent1App Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events.
CustomEvent2App Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events.
CustomEvent3App Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events.
CustomEvent4App Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events.
CustomEvent5App Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesValueAppSwipeUp Decimal Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency).
ConversionSaveAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events.
ConversionStartCheckoutAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events.
ConversionAddCartAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events.
ConversionViewContentAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events.
ConversionAddBillingAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events.
ConversionSignUpsAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events.
ConversionSearchesAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events.
ConversionLevelCompletesAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events.
ConversionAppOpensAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events.
ConversionPageViewsAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionSubscribeAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events.
ConversionAdClickAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events.
ConversionAdViewAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionCompleteTutorialAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events.
ConversionInviteAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events.
ConversionLoginAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events.
ConversionShareAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events.
ConversionReserveAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events.
ConversionAchievementUnlockedAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events.
ConversionAddToWishlistAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events.
ConversionSpendCreditsAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events.
ConversionRateAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events.
ConversionStartTrialAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events.
ConversionListViewAppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events.
CustomEvent1AppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events.
CustomEvent2AppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events.
CustomEvent3AppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events.
CustomEvent4AppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events.
CustomEvent5AppSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesAppView Int Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesValueAppView Decimal Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency).
ConversionSaveAppView Int Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events.
ConversionStartCheckoutAppView Int Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events.
ConversionAddCartAppView Int Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events.
ConversionViewContentAppView Int Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events.
ConversionAddBillingAppView Int Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events.
ConversionSignUpsAppView Int Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events.
ConversionSearchesAppView Int Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events.
ConversionLevelCompletesAppView Int Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events.
ConversionAppOpensAppView Int Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events.
ConversionPageViewsAppView Int Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionSubscribeAppView Int Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events.
ConversionAdClickAppView Int Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events.
ConversionAdViewAppView Int Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionCompleteTutorialAppView Int Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events.
ConversionInviteAppView Int Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events.
ConversionLoginAppView Int Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events.
ConversionShareAppView Int Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events.
ConversionReserveAppView Int Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events.
ConversionAchievementUnlockedAppView Int Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events.
ConversionAddToWishlistAppView Int Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events.
ConversionSpendCreditsAppView Int Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events.
ConversionRateAppView Int Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events.
ConversionStartTrialAppView Int Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events.
ConversionListViewAppView Int Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events.
CustomEvent1AppView Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events.
CustomEvent2AppView Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events.
CustomEvent3AppView Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events.
CustomEvent4AppView Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events.
CustomEvent5AppView Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesWeb Int Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesValueWeb Decimal Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency).
ConversionSaveWeb Int Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events.
ConversionStartCheckoutWeb Int Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events.
ConversionAddCartWeb Int Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events.
ConversionViewContentWeb Int Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events.
ConversionAddBillingWeb Int Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events.
ConversionSignUpsWeb Int Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events.
ConversionSearchesWeb Int Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events.
ConversionLevelCompletesWeb Int Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events.
ConversionAppOpensWeb Int Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events.
ConversionPageViewsWeb Int Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionSubscribeWeb Int Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events.
ConversionAdClickWeb Int Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events.
ConversionAdViewWeb Int Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionCompleteTutorialWeb Int Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events.
ConversionInviteWeb Int Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events.
ConversionLoginWeb Int Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events.
ConversionShareWeb Int Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events.
ConversionReserveWeb Int Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events.
ConversionAchievementUnlockedWeb Int Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events.
ConversionAddToWishlistWeb Int Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events.
ConversionSpendCreditsWeb Int Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events.
ConversionRateWeb Int Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events.
ConversionStartTrialWeb Int Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events.
ConversionListViewWeb Int Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events.
CustomEvent1Web Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events.
CustomEvent2Web Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events.
CustomEvent3Web Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events.
CustomEvent4Web Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events.
CustomEvent5Web Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesValueWebSwipeUp Decimal Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency).
ConversionSaveWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events.
ConversionStartCheckoutWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events.
ConversionAddCartWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events.
ConversionViewContentWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events.
ConversionAddBillingWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events.
ConversionSignUpsWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events.
ConversionSearchesWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events.
ConversionLevelCompletesWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events.
ConversionAppOpensWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events.
ConversionPageViewsWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionSubscribeWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events.
ConversionAdClickWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events.
ConversionAdViewWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionCompleteTutorialWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events.
ConversionInviteWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events.
ConversionLoginWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events.
ConversionShareWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events.
ConversionReserveWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events.
ConversionAchievementUnlockedWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events.
ConversionAddToWishlistWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events.
ConversionSpendCreditsWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events.
ConversionRateWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events.
ConversionStartTrialWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events.
ConversionListViewWebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events.
CustomEvent1WebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events.
CustomEvent2WebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events.
CustomEvent3WebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events.
CustomEvent4WebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events.
CustomEvent5WebSwipeUp Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesWebView Int Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events.
ConversionPurchasesValueWebView Decimal Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency).
ConversionSaveWebView Int Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events.
ConversionStartCheckoutWebView Int Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events.
ConversionAddCartWebView Int Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events.
ConversionViewContentWebView Int Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events.
ConversionAddBillingWebView Int Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events.
ConversionSignUpsWebView Int Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events.
ConversionSearchesWebView Int Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events.
ConversionLevelCompletesWebView Int Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events.
ConversionAppOpensWebView Int Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events.
ConversionPageViewsWebView Int Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionSubscribeWebView Int Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events.
ConversionAdClickWebView Int Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events.
ConversionAdViewWebView Int Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events.
ConversionCompleteTutorialWebView Int Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events.
ConversionInviteWebView Int Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events.
ConversionLoginWebView Int Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events.
ConversionShareWebView Int Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events.
ConversionReserveWebView Int Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events.
ConversionAchievementUnlockedWebView Int Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events.
ConversionAddToWishlistWebView Int Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events.
ConversionSpendCreditsWebView Int Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events.
ConversionRateWebView Int Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events.
ConversionStartTrialWebView Int Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events.
ConversionListViewWebView Int Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events.
CustomEvent1WebView Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events.
CustomEvent2WebView Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events.
CustomEvent3WebView Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events.
CustomEvent4WebView Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events.
CustomEvent5WebView Int Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
BreakDownMetricsByPosition String Whether to break down metrics by position or not.
ConversionSourceTypes String Conversion source breakout by platform. Possible values are web,app,total. The default value is set to 'web,app,total'
RetrieveSampleStats Bool Whether to return sample (fake) stats or not.

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