Lists all ad stats.
The 本製品 will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.
- CampaignId supports the following operators: =,IN
- AdId supports the following operators: =,IN
- StartTime supports the following operator: =
- EndTime supports the following operator: =
- Granularity supports the following operator: =
- Dimension supports the following operator: =
- SwipeUpAttributionWindow supports the following operator: =
- ViewAttributionWindow supports the following operator: =
- ConversionSourceTypes supports the following operator: =
- BreakDownMetricsByPosition supports the following operator: =
SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND StartTime = '01/02/2019' AND EndTime = '10/14/2020' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND Dimension = 'Country' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND Granularity = 'LIFETIME' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND BreakDownMetricsByPosition = true SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND SwipeUpAttributionWindow = '1_DAY' AND ViewAttributionWindow = '1_HOUR' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND ConversionSourceTypes = 'app'
SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND StartTime = '01/02/2019' AND EndTime = '10/14/2020' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND Dimension = 'Country' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND Granularity = 'LIFETIME' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND BreakDownMetricsByPosition = true SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND SwipeUpAttributionWindow = '1_DAY' AND ViewAttributionWindow = '1_HOUR' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND ConversionSourceTypes = 'app'
Note: You must specify either CampaignId or AdId. If a time window is not specified, the stats for the last seven days or the last 31 days will be returned based on the specified granularity.
If you do not specify a wildcard column and specify one of the dimensions from the table below in the SELECT projection the stats will breakdown according to the specified dimension. You can not specify dimensions with different dimension categories. You can only query one dimension at a time unless you are querying (age and gender) or (InterestCategoryId and InterestCategoryName) which may be combined.
Dimension | Dimension Category |
Country | geos |
Region | geos |
DMA | geos |
Gender | demographics |
Age | demographics |
InterestCategoryId | interests |
InterestCategoryName | interests |
OS | devices |
Make | devices |
Name | Type | References | Description |
CampaignId | String |
Campaigns.Id | The campaign Id. |
AdId | String |
Ads.Id | The ad id. |
PlatformPosition | String | The platform position. | |
StartTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours. | |
EndTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours. | |
FinalizedDataEndTime | Datetime | This defines the time up until when reporting metrics are finalized. You can query for all metrics before this time including uniques and reach and they will have the final numbers. For any time after the FinalizedDataEndTime the metrics are still undergoing de-duplication and finalization and may change accordingly. | |
IntervalStartTime | Datetime | Start time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR. | |
IntervalEndTime | Datetime | End time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR. | |
Granularity | String | Determines how granular the data points will be returned within the time range specified by StartTime and EndTime. For instance, when set to HOUR, you will be presented with a datapoint for each hour between StartTime and EndTime. | |
Dimension | String | You can get reporting insights based on different geographic, demographic, interest-based, and device-based dimensions. You can only query one dimension at a time unless you are querying age and gender which may be combined. | |
SwipeUpAttributionWindow | String | Attribution window for swipe ups. | |
ViewAttributionWindow | String | Attribution window for views. | |
Country | String | ISO country code. | |
Region | String | Region. | |
DMA | Int | DMA numeric code. | |
Gender | String | Gender. | |
Age | String | Age bucket. | |
InterestCategoryId | String | SnapchatAds User Lifestyle Interest Category Id. | |
InterestCategoryName | String | SnapchatAds User Lifestyle Interest Category Name. | |
OS | String | Device Operating System. | |
Make | String | Device Make (e.g., Apple, Samsung) | |
Impressions | Int | Impression Count. | |
Swipes | Int | Swipe-Up Count. | |
ViewTimeMillis | Long | Use screen_time_millis instead. Total Time Spent on top Snap Ad (milliseconds). | |
ScreenTimeMillis | Long | Total Time Spent on top Snap Ad (milliseconds). | |
Quartile1 | Int | Video Views to 25%. | |
Quartile2 | Int | Video Views to 50%. | |
Quartile3 | Int | Video Views to 75%. | |
ViewCompletion | Int | Video Views to completion. | |
Spend | Decimal | Amount Spent. | |
VideoViews | Int | The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds of consecutive watch time or a swipe up action on the Top Snap. | |
AndroidInstalls | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsApp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsWeb | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsSwipeUp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsView | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsAppView | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsWebView | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AttachmentAvgViewTimeMillis | Long | Average Attachment View Time (milli-seconds). | |
AttachmentFrequency | Double | Average number of Attachment Views per User Reached. | |
AttachmentQuartile1 | Int | Long Form Video Views to 25%. | |
AttachmentQuartile2 | Int | Long Form Video Views to 50%. | |
AttachmentQuartile3 | Int | Long Form Video Views to 75%. | |
AttachmentTotalViewTimeMillis | Long | Total Attachment View Time (milli-seconds). | |
AttachmentUniques | Int | Number of unique attachment impressions. | |
AttachmentViewCompletion | Int | Long Form Video Views to completion. | |
AttachmentVideoViews | Int | Long Form Video Attachment Views, viewed for at least 10 consecutive seconds or reached 97% of the Long Form Video duration. | |
AvgViewTimeMillis | Long | Use avg_screen_time_millis instead. Average Top Snap view time per User Reached. | |
AvgScreenTimeMillis | Long | Average Top Snap view time across all impressions. | |
Frequency | Double | Average number of Impressions per User Reached. | |
IosInstalls | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsApp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsWeb | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsSwipeUp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsView | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsAppView | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsWebView | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
SwipeUpPercent | Double | % of Impressions that Swiped-Up. | |
TotalInstalls | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsApp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsWeb | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsSwipeUp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsAppSwipeUp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsWebSwipeUp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsView | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsAppView | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsWebView | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
Uniques | Int | Number of unique impressions. | |
VideoViewsTimeBased | Int | The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds, not including swipe ups. | |
VideoViews15s | Int | The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 15 seconds, or 97% completion if it?s shorter than 15 seconds, or a swipe up action on the ad. | |
StoryOpens | Int | Number of times users tapped on the ad tile in the feed to view the Story Ad. | |
StoryCompletes | Int | Number of times users viewed through to the last Snap of your Story Ad. | |
PositionImpressions | Int | The impression number for this story ad position. | |
PositionUniques | Int | The unique viewer numbers for this story ad position. | |
PositionFrequency | Double | The frequency for this story ad position. | |
PositionScreenTimeMillis | Long | The total view time in milliseconds for this story ad position. | |
PositionSwipeUpPercent | Double | The swipe up rate for this story ad position. | |
AvgPositionScreenTimeMillis | Long | The average view time for this story ad position. | |
Shares | Int | Number of times lens/filter was shared in a Chat or Story. | |
Saves | Int | Number of times lens/filter was saved to Memories. | |
ConversionPurchases | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValue | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSave | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckout | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCart | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContent | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBilling | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUps | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearches | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletes | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpens | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViews | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribe | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClick | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorial | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInvite | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLogin | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShare | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserve | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlocked | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlist | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCredits | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRate | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrial | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueSwipeUp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesView | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueView | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveView | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentView | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsView | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesView | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesView | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensView | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsView | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeView | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialView | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteView | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginView | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareView | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveView | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedView | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsView | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateView | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesApp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueApp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutApp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentApp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesApp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensApp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsApp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickApp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewApp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialApp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteApp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginApp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveApp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateApp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialApp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewApp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueAppSwipeUp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueAppView | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueWeb | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueWebSwipeUp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueWebView | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
BreakDownMetricsByPosition | String | Whether to break down metrics by position or not. | |
ConversionSourceTypes | String | Conversion source breakout by platform. Possible values are web,app,total. The default value is set to 'web,app,total' | |
RetrieveSampleStats | Bool | Whether to return sample (fake) stats or not. |