JDBC Driver for Snapchat Ads

Build 23.0.8839


Remove specific users or all users from specified Snap Audience Match segment


You can remove users from a specific audience segment by specifying a list of identifiers:

EXECUTE RemoveAudienceSegmentUsers AudienceSegmentId = '5603670370513719', IdentifierType = 'PHONE', Identifiers = '001-234-567-8910,+44 844 412 4653'

You can remove users from a specific audience segment by specifying a CSV file with a list of identifiers:

EXECUTE RemoveAudienceSegmentUsers AudienceSegmentId = '5603670370513719', IdentifierType = 'PHONE', CSVFilePath = 'C:\\identifiers.csv'

You can also remove all users from a specific audience segment:

EXECUTE RemoveAudienceSegmentUsers AudienceSegmentId = '5603670370513719', RemoveAllUsers = true


Name Type Required Description
AudienceSegmentId String True The Id of the audience segment.
IdentifierType String False The identifier type.


Identifiers String False Comma-separated list of email, phone number or mobile identifiers.
CSVFilePath String False The path of the csv file.
RemoveAllUsers Bool False Whether to delete all users or not.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Success Bool Whether the request was successful or not.
NumberOfUploadedUsers Int The number of the uploaded users.

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Build 23.0.8839