CData Cloud は、クラウドホスト型のソリューションで、複数の標準サービスやプロトコルにまたがるSnapchat Ads へのアクセスを実現します。MySQL またはSQL Server データベースに接続できるアプリケーションであれば、CData Cloud を介してSnapchat Ads に接続できます。
CData Cloud により、他のOData エンドポイントや標準SQL Server / MySQL データベースと同じように、Snapchat Ads への接続を標準化し、構成することができます。
このページでは、CData Cloud でのSnapchat Ads への接続の確立 のガイド、利用可能なリソースに関する情報、および使用可能な接続プロパティのリファレンスについて説明します。
接続の確立 は、CData Cloud にデータベースを作成するためのSnapchat Ads への認証方法と必要な接続プロパティの設定方法について示します。
利用可能な標準サービスを経由してSnapchat Ads からデータにアクセスする方法と、CData Cloud の管理については、CData Cloud ドキュメント で詳しく説明します。
Database タブで対応するアイコンを選択して、Snapchat Ads に接続します。必須プロパティはSettings にリストされています。Advanced タブには、通常は必要ない接続プロパティが表示されます。
定型のクエリを簡略化するために、AccountId にデフォルトのAccountId を指定するように設定することもできます。 これにより、WHERE 句の一部として手動で指定する必要がなくなります。(AccountId が指定されず、WHERE 句にアカウントID が明示的に与えられない場合、Cloud はAccounts ビューに返されるリストから最初のアカウントを取得しようとします。)
以下のサブセクションでは、3つの一般的な認証フローでのSnapchat Ads への認証について詳しく説明します。
カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成については、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成 を参照してください。
Snapchat Ads で利用可能な接続文字列プロパティの全リストは、Connection を参照してください。
OAuth アクセストークンの自動リフレッシュ:
Cloud がOAuth アクセストークンを自動的にリフレッシュするようにするには、次のように設定します。
OAuth アクセストークンの手動リフレッシュ:
OAuth アクセストークンを手動でリフレッシュするために必要な唯一の値は、OAuth リフレッシュトークンです。
OAuth リフレッシュトークンを保存し、OAuth アクセストークンの有効期限が切れた後に手動でリフレッシュできるようにします。
デフォルトでは、Cloud はサーバーの証明書をシステムの信頼できる証明書ストアと照合してSSL / TLS のネゴシエーションを試みます。
別の証明書を指定するには、利用可能なフォーマットについてSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
このセクションでは、利用可能なAPI オブジェクトを示し、Snapchat Ads API へのSQL の実行について詳しく説明します。
ビュー では、利用可能なビューを説明します。ビューは、Categories やOrderLineItems などを静的にモデル化するように定義されています。
テーブル では、利用可能なテーブルを説明します。テーブルは、Customers、Orders、Refunds を静的にモデル化するように定義されています。
ストアドプロシージャ は、Snapchat Ads のファンクションライクなインターフェースです。ストアドプロシージャを使用すると、消費税の計算や住所の検証を含むSnapchat Ads の操作を実行できます。
Cloud はSnapchat Ads のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
Name | Description |
Accounts | Lists all the ad accounts for the specified Organization. |
AudienceSegments | Lists all Snap Audience Match segments within a specified ad account. |
BillingCenters | Lists all the billing centers for the specified Organization. |
Campaigns | Lists all campaigns within a specified ad account. |
Members | Lists all members for a specific organization. |
Lists all the ad accounts for the specified Organization.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE OrganizationId = '2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8' SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE OrganizationId IN ('2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8', '331deb8082b8-a1d5-4579-9f7c-2e874d37') SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE OrganizationId IN ('2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8', '331deb8082b8-a1d5-4579-9f7c-2e874d37') SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Id = '5f433224-28d2-40f8-982b-c353c67934cb' SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Id IN ('5f433224-28d2-40f8-982b-c353c67934cb', 'c353c67934cb-28d2-40f8-982b-c353c67934cb')
INSERT INTO Accounts (Name, Type, OrganizationId, Currency, TimeZone, BillingType, BillingCenterId, RestrictedDeliverySignalsRegulation, AgencyRepresentingClient, ClientPayingInvoices, Test, FundingSourceIds, ClientBasedInCountry, AgencyClientName, AgencyClientEmail, AgencyClientAddressLine1, AgencyClientCity, AgencyClientAdministrativeDistrictLevel1, AgencyClientCountry, AgencyClientZipCode, AgencyClientTaxId) VALUES ('delicieux aliments pour chiens', 'PARTNER', 'ca67fb1a-2653-495d-9446-c9e8a30f6232', 'EUR', 'Europe/Paris', 'REVOLVING', '6e0f4532-3702-4f0b-9889-9fe5d0614afd', false, true, false, true, '["5ca1687a-f2b4-437d-8554-a85403a714c5"]', 'FR', 'Madamemoiselle Poodle', '[email protected]', '101 Boulevard la Fayette', 'Paris', 'FR-O', 'FR', '62100', 'FR12345678900')
UPDATE Accounts SET Name = 'Updated name', AgencyClientName = 'Updated agency client name' WHERE Id = '5f433224-28d2-40f8-982b-c353c67934cb'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
ID of the AD account. | |
OrganizationId | String | False |
The ID of the organization. | |
Advertiser | String | False |
Name of the Advertiser. | |
Currency | String | False |
Account currency. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, USD | |
FundingSourceIds | String | False |
Array of Funding Source IDs. | |
BillingType | String | False |
Type of billing. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。IO, REVOLVING | |
BillingCenterId | String | False |
The billing center ID. | |
Name | String | False |
Account name. | |
Test | Bool | False |
Indicates Ad Account is a test ad account, test ad accounts can never serve live ads. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
The creation date of the entity. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
The date when the entity was last updated. | |
Timezone | String | False |
Account timezone, remember to take the time differences into account when you set up your application. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。Africa/Cairo, Africa/Johannesburg, America/Anchorage, America/Cancun, America/Chicago, America/Dawson, America/Dawson_Creek, America/Denver, America/Edmonton, America/Halifax, America/Hermosillo, America/Los_Angeles, America/Mazatlan, America/Mexico_City, America/Montevideo, America/New_York, America/Phoenix, America/Rainy_River, America/Regina, America/Tijuana, America/Toronto, America/Vancouver, Asia/Amman, Asia/Beirut, Asia/Dubai, Asia/Hong_Kong, Asia/Irkutsk, Asia/Jerusalem, Asia/Kamchatka, Asia/Krasnoyarsk, Asia/Magadan, Asia/Nicosia, Asia/Omsk, Asia/Qatar, Asia/Riyadh, Asia/Shanghai, Asia/Singapore, Asia/Vladivostok, Asia/Yakutsk, Asia/Yekaterinburg, Atlantic/Canary, Australia/Perth, Australia/Sydney, Europe/Amsterdam, Europe/Berlin, Europe/Brussels, Europe/Dublin, Europe/Helsinki, Europe/Istanbul, Europe/Kaliningrad, Europe/London, Europe/Luxembourg, Europe/Madrid, Europe/Malta, Europe/Moscow, Europe/Oslo, Europe/Paris, Europe/Rome, Europe/Samara, Europe/Stockholm, Europe/Vienna, Europe/Vilnius, Europe/Warsaw, Europe/Zurich, Pacific/Auckland, Pacific/Honolulu, UTC | |
Type | String | False |
Account type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。DIRECT, PARTNER | |
Status | String | False |
Account status. | |
LifetimeSpendCap | Decimal | False |
Required if BillingType is set to IO, the lifetime spend cap of the account. | |
AdvertiserOrganizationId | String | True |
Organization ID of the Advertiser selected. | |
PayingAdvertiserName | String | False |
Name of the paying advertiser/political entity, required if the Ad Account will contain political/advocacy ads. | |
RestrictedDeliverySignalsRegulation | String | False |
Required if the Ad Account will contain ads for Credit, Housing or Employment, this attribute is immutable once set to true. | |
AgencyRepresentingClient | Bool | False |
Whether the agency is representing a client or not. | |
ClientBasedInCountry | String | False |
Required if AgencyRepresentingClient is true and if Advertiser is based in France or targeting Ads to audiences in France. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。FR | |
ClientPayingInvoices | Bool | False |
Required if AgencyRepresentingClient is true and if Advertiser is based in France or targeting Ads to audiences in France. | |
DeliveryStatus | String | True |
Delivery status. | |
AgencyClientName | String | False |
Client metadata is required if AgencyRepresentingClient is true and if the Advertiser is based in France or is targeting Ads to audiences in France. | |
AgencyClientEmail | String | False |
Client metadata is required if AgencyRepresentingClient is true and if the Advertiser is based in France or is targeting Ads to audiences in France. | |
AgencyClientAddressLine1 | String | False |
Client metadata is required if AgencyRepresentingClient is true and if the Advertiser is based in France or is targeting Ads to audiences in France. | |
AgencyClientCity | String | False |
Client metadata is required if AgencyRepresentingClient is true and if the Advertiser is based in France or is targeting Ads to audiences in France. | |
AgencyClientAdministrativeDistrictLevel1 | String | False |
Client metadata is required if AgencyRepresentingClient is true and if the Advertiser is based in France or is targeting Ads to audiences in France. | |
AgencyClientCountry | String | False |
Client metadata is required if AgencyRepresentingClient is true and if the Advertiser is based in France or is targeting Ads to audiences in France. | |
AgencyClientZipCode | String | False |
Client metadata is required if AgencyRepresentingClient is true and if the Advertiser is based in France or is targeting Ads to audiences in France. | |
AgencyClientTaxId | String | False |
Client metadata is required if AgencyRepresentingClient is true and if the Advertiser is based in France or is targeting Ads to audiences in France. |
Lists all Snap Audience Match segments within a specified ad account.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM AudienceSegments WHERE AccountId = '2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8' SELECT * FROM AudienceSegments WHERE AccountId IN ('2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8', '331deb8082b8-a1d5-4579-9f7c-2e874d37') SELECT * FROM AudienceSegments WHERE Id = '69b96ded-4871-4750-83ba-8f19507f6bdd' SELECT * FROM AudienceSegments WHERE Id IN ('69b96ded-4871-4750-83ba-8f19507f6bdd', '8f19507f6bdd-69b96ded-4871-4750-83ba')
INSERT INTO AudienceSegments (Name, Description, SourceType, RetentionInDays, AccountId) VALUES ('all the sams in the world', 'all the sams in the world', 'FIRST_PARTY', 180, '422588db-75f3-47d1-be3b-92e296d33f68')
UPDATE AudienceSegments SET Name = 'Updated name', Description = 'Updated description', RetentionInDays = 60 WHERE Id = '5689640350646272'
DELETE AudienceSegments WHERE Id = '4873877536079576'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
ID of the audience segment. | |
AccountId | String | False |
Accounts.Id |
Ad Account ID. |
Description | String | False |
Audience Segment Description. | |
Name | String | False |
Audience Segment name. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
The creation date of the entity. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
The date when the entity was last updated. | |
RetentionInDays | Int | False |
Number of days to retain audience members. デフォルト値は9999です。 | |
SourceType | String | False |
ApproximateNumberUsers | Int | True |
Approximate number of users in the segment. | |
Status | String | True |
Status of the segment. | |
UploadStatus | String | True |
Upload status of the segment. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NO_UPLOAD, PROCESSING, COMPLETE | |
TargetableStatus | String | True |
Status of whether this segment can be targeted. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NOT_READY, TOO_FEW_USERS, READY |
Lists all the billing centers for the specified Organization.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM BillingCenters WHERE OrganizationId = '2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8' SELECT * FROM BillingCenters WHERE OrganizationId IN ('2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8', '331deb8082b8-a1d5-4579-9f7c-2e874d37') SELECT * FROM BillingCenters WHERE Id = '2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8' SELECT * FROM BillingCenters WHERE Id IN ('2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8', '9f7c-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8')
INSERT INTO BillingCenters (OrganizationId, Name, EmailAddress, AddressLine1, Locality, AdministrativeDistrictLevel1, Country, PostalCode, AlternativeEmailAddresses) VALUES ('ca67fb1a-2653-495d-9446-c9e8a30f6232', 'Kianjous Billing Center', '[email protected]', '10 Honey Bear Road', 'London', 'GB-LND', 'GB', 'NW1 4RY', '["[email protected]"]')
UPDATE BillingCenters SET Name = 'Updated Billing Center Name' WHERE Id = '19247038-c858-4802-b786-40c162228e18'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
ID of the billing center. | |
OrganizationId | String | False |
The ID of the organization. | |
Name | String | False |
Name of the Billing Center. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
The creation date of the entity. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
The date when the entity was last updated. | |
EmailAddress | String | False |
Email address. | |
AddressLine1 | String | False |
Address line 1. | |
Locality | String | False |
Locality. | |
AdministrativeDistrictLevel1 | String | False |
District. | |
Country | String | False |
Country. | |
PostalCode | String | False |
Post code. | |
AlternativeEmailAddresses | String | False |
Array of email addresses. |
Lists all campaigns within a specified ad account.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM Campaigns WHERE AccountId = '2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8' SELECT * FROM Campaigns WHERE AccountId IN ('2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8', '331deb8082b8-a1d5-4579-9f7c-2e874d37') SELECT * FROM Campaigns WHERE Id = '5f433224-28d2-40f8-982b-c353c67934cb' SELECT * FROM Campaigns WHERE Id IN ('5f433224-28d2-40f8-982b-c353c67934cb', 'c353c67934cb-5f433224-28d2-40f8-982b')
INSERT INTO Campaigns (Name, AccountId, Status, StartTime, RegulationsRestrictedDeliverySignals, MeasurementSpecIOSAppId, MeasurementSpecAndroidAppURL) VALUES ('Cool Campaign', '422588db-75f3-47d1-be3b-92e296d33f68', 'PAUSED', '2016-08-11 22:03:58.869', true, '1234', '')
UPDATE Campaigns SET Name = 'Cool Campaign (Updated)', RegulationsRestrictedDeliverySignals = false WHERE ID = '1ebd8b15-8100-4cbb-8ad1-04b538bbd043'
DELETE Campaigns WHERE ID = '1ebd8b15-8100-4cbb-8ad1-04b538bbd043'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
Campaign ID. | |
AccountId | String | False |
Accounts.Id |
Ad Account ID. |
DailyBudget | Decimal | False |
Daily Spend Cap. | |
EndTime | Datetime | False |
End time. | |
Name | String | False |
Campaign name. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
The creation date of the entity. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
The date when the entity was last updated. | |
StartTime | Datetime | False |
Start time. | |
Status | String | False |
Campaign status. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。ACTIVE, PAUSED | |
LifetimeSpendCap | Decimal | False |
Lifetime spend cap for the campaign. | |
MeasurementSpecIOSAppId | String | False |
The IOS app to be tracked for this campaign. | |
MeasurementSpecAndroidAppURL | String | False |
The Android app to be tracked for this campaign. | |
Objective | String | False |
Objective of the Campaign. デフォルト値はBRAND_AWARENESSです。 | |
RegulationsRestrictedDeliverySignals | Bool | False |
Required for Campaigns that run Ads for Credit, Housing, Employment (CHE). | |
RegulationsCandidateBallotInformation | String | False |
The candidate / ballot field is optional, but may be required in certain states. | |
DeliveryStatus | String | True |
Delivery status. |
Lists all members for a specific organization.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM Members WHERE OrganizationId = '2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8' SELECT * FROM Members WHERE OrganizationId IN ('2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8', '331deb8082b8-a1d5-4579-9f7c-2e874d37') SELECT * FROM Members WHERE Id = '69b96ded-4871-4750-83ba-8f19507f6bdd' SELECT * FROM Members WHERE Id IN ('69b96ded-4871-4750-83ba-8f19507f6bdd', '8f19507f6bdd-69b96ded-4871-4750-83ba')
INSERT INTO Members (OrganizationId, Email, DisplayName) VALUES ('ca67fb1a-2653-495d-9446-c9e8a30f6232', '[email protected]', 'Member 0')
UPDATE Members SET DisplayName = 'Member 0 (Updated Name)' WHERE Id = '6a0f3939-cd2b-4e35-b539-a9a68ce579e7'
DELETE Members WHERE Id = '6a0f3939-cd2b-4e35-b539-a9a68ce579e7'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Member Id. | |
OrganizationId | String | False |
The ID of the organization. | |
DisplayName | String | False |
Name of the user. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
The creation date of the entity. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
The date when the entity was last updated. | |
MemberStatus | String | False |
Name of the Advertiser. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。INVITED, MEMBER | |
String | False |
Email address of the user. |
Name | Description |
AccountStats | Lists the spend metric for the specified Ad Account. |
Ads | Lists all ads within a specified ad account. |
AdSquads | Lists all ad squads within a specified ad account. |
AdSquadStats | Lists all ad squad stats. |
AdStats | Lists all ad stats. |
AdvancedDemographics | Lists all Advanced Demographics targeting options. |
AudienceInsights | Lists all audience insights based on the targeting options. |
CampaignStats | Lists all campaign stats. |
Creatives | Retrieves all creatives associated with an ad account |
DemographicsAgeGroups | Lists all age group targeting options. |
DemographicsGender | Lists all gender targeting options. |
DemographicsLanguages | Lists all language targeting options. |
DeviceCarriers | Lists all device carrier targeting options. |
DeviceConnectionTypes | Lists all device connection type targeting options. |
DeviceMakes | Lists all device make targeting options. |
DeviceOSTypes | Lists all device OS type targeting options. |
DeviceOSVersions | Lists all device OS version targeting options. |
FundingSources | Lists all funding sources for the specified Organization. |
GeolocationCountries | Lists all country targeting options. |
GeolocationMetros | Lists all metro/dma targeting options. |
GeolocationRegions | Lists all region/state targeting options. |
GeolocationZipCodes | Lists all of zipcode targeting options. |
Invoices | Lists all invoices for a given Ad Account. |
LocationCategories | Lists all location categories. |
NielsenInterests | Lists all Nielsen Interests targeting options. |
OracleDatalogixInterests | Lists all Oracle Datalogix Interests targeting options. |
Organizations | Lists all the organizations where the authenticated user has access. |
PlacedVisitationSegmentsInterests | Lists all interest targeting based on Placed Visitation Segments. |
SnapLifeStyleCategoriesInterests | Lists all Snap Lifestyle Categories targeting options. |
Lists the spend metric for the specified Ad Account.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM AccountStats WHERE StartTime = '01/02/2019' AND EndTime = '10/14/2020' SELECT * FROM AccountStats WHERE Granularity = 'LIFETIME' AND AccountId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57'
Note: If a time window is not specified, the stats for the last seven days or the last 31 days will be returned based on the specified granularity.
Name | Type | References | Description |
AccountId | String | The Id of the entity to query. | |
StartTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours. | |
EndTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours. | |
FinalizedDataEndTime | Datetime | This defines the time up until when reporting metrics are finalized. You can query for all metrics before this time including uniques and reach and they will have the final numbers. For any time after the FinalizedDataEndTime the metrics are still undergoing de-duplication and finalization and may change accordingly. | |
IntervalStartTime | Datetime | Start time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR. | |
IntervalEndTime | Datetime | End time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR. | |
Granularity | String | Determines how granular the data points will be returned within the time range specified by StartTime and EndTime. For instance, when set to HOUR, you will be presented with a datapoint for each hour between StartTime and EndTime.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。LIFETIME, TOTAL, DAY, HOUR デフォルト値はDAYです。 | |
Spend | Decimal | Amount Spent. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
RetrieveSampleStats | Bool | Whether to return sample (fake) stats or not. |
Lists all ads within a specified ad account.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM Ads WHERE AccountId = '2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8' SELECT * FROM Ads WHERE AccountId IN ('2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8', '331deb8082b8-a1d5-4579-9f7c-2e874d37') SELECT * FROM Ads WHERE AdSquadId = '2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8' SELECT * FROM Ads WHERE AdSquadId IN ('2e8231d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8', 'ads2345-a1d5-4579-9f7c-2e874d37') SELECT * FROM Ads WHERE Id = '69b96ded-4871-4750-83ba-8f19507f6bdd' SELECT * FROM Ads WHERE Id IN ('69b96ded-4871-4750-83ba-8f19507f6bdd', '83ba-8f19507f6bdd-69b96ded-4871-4750')
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | ID of the ad. | |
AccountId | String |
Accounts.Id | Ad Account ID. |
AdSquadId | String |
AdSquads.Id | Ad Squad ID. |
CreativeId | String | Creative ID. | |
Name | String | Ad name. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The creation date of the entity. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date when the entity was last updated. | |
PayingAdvertiserName | String | Name of the paying advertiser/political entity. | |
ReviewStatus | String | Ad Review Status.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。PENDING, APPROVED, REJECTED | |
ReviewStatusReason | String | List of Ad Review Rejection Reasons. | |
Status | String | Ad status.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。ACTIVE, PAUSED | |
Type | String | Ad type.
DeliveryStatus | String | Delivery status. |
Lists all ad squads within a specified ad account.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM AdSquads WHERE AccountId = '2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8' SELECT * FROM AdSquads WHERE AccountId IN ('2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8', '331deb8082b8-a1d5-4579-9f7c-2e874d37') SELECT * FROM AdSquads WHERE CampaignId = '2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8' SELECT * FROM AdSquads WHERE CampaignId IN ('2e8231d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8', 'ads2345-a1d5-4579-9f7c-2e874d37') SELECT * FROM AdSquads WHERE Id = '69b96ded-4871-4750-83ba-8f19507f6bdd' SELECT * FROM AdSquads WHERE Id IN ('69b96ded-4871-4750-83ba-8f19507f6bdd', '8f19507f6bdd-69b96ded-4871-4750-83ba')
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | ID of the ad squad. | |
AccountId | String |
Accounts.Id | Ad account ID. |
CampaignId | String |
Campaigns.Id | Campaign ID. |
Bid | Decimal | Max Bid. | |
BillingEvent | String | Billing Event. | |
DailyBudget | Decimal | Daily Budget. | |
LifetimeBudget | Decimal | Lifetime budget. | |
EndTime | Datetime | End time. | |
Name | String | Ad Squad name. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The creation date of the entity. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date when the entity was last updated. | |
OptimizationGoal | String | Optimization Goal.
ConversionWindow | String | Conversion window optimization, requires optimization_goal is one of APP_INSTALLS, APP_PURCHASE, APP_SIGNUP, APP_ADD_TO_CART, APP_REENGAGE_OPEN.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。SWIPE_28DAY_VIEW_1DAY, SWIPE_7D | |
Placement | String | Placement. | |
StartTime | Datetime | Start time. | |
Status | String | Ad Squad status.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。ACTIVE, PAUSED | |
Targeting | String | Targeting spec. | |
Type | String | Ad Squad Type.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。SNAP_ADS, LENS, FILTER | |
CapAndExclusionConfig | String | The frequency cap and exclusion spec. | |
AdSchedulingConfig | String | The schedule for running ads. | |
BidStrategy | String | Bidding strategy for this Ad Squad.
RoasValue | Decimal | The desired ROAS used with the MIN_ROAS BidStrategy. | |
PixelId | String | Pixel to be associated with the Ad Squad. | |
MeasurementProviderNames | String | approved measurement provider.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。MOAT_SS, DOUBLEVERIFY | |
DeliveryConstraint | String | Type of delivery. | |
PacingType | String | Type of pacing.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。STANDARD, ACCELERATED デフォルト値はSTANDARDです。 | |
DeliveryStatus | String | Delivery status. |
Lists all ad squad stats.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM AdSquadStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' SELECT * FROM AdSquadStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND StartTime = '01/02/2019' AND EndTime = '10/14/2020' SELECT * FROM AdSquadStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND Dimension = 'Country' SELECT * FROM AdSquadStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND Granularity = 'LIFETIME' SELECT * FROM AdSquadStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND SwipeUpAttributionWindow = '1_DAY' AND ViewAttributionWindow = '1_HOUR' SELECT * FROM AdSquadStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND ConversionSourceTypes = 'app'
SELECT * FROM AdSquadStats WHERE AdSquadId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' SELECT * FROM AdSquadStats WHERE AdSquadId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND StartTime = '01/02/2019' AND EndTime = '10/14/2020' SELECT * FROM AdSquadStats WHERE AdSquadId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND Dimension = 'Country' SELECT * FROM AdSquadStats WHERE AdSquadId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND Granularity = 'LIFETIME' SELECT * FROM AdSquadStats WHERE AdSquadId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND SwipeUpAttributionWindow = '1_DAY' AND ViewAttributionWindow = '1_HOUR' SELECT * FROM AdSquadStats WHERE AdSquadId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND ConversionSourceTypes = 'app'
Note: You must specify either CampaignId or AdSquadId. If a time window is not specified, the stats for the last seven days or the last 31 days will be returned based on the specified granularity.
If you do not specify a wildcard column and specify one of the dimensions from the table below in the SELECT projection the stats will breakdown according to the specified dimension. You can not specify dimensions with different dimension categories. You can only query one dimension at a time unless you are querying (age and gender) or (InterestCategoryId and InterestCategoryName) which may be combined.
Dimension | Dimension Category |
Country | geos |
Region | geos |
DMA | geos |
Gender | demographics |
Age | demographics |
InterestCategoryId | interests |
InterestCategoryName | interests |
OS | devices |
Make | devices |
Name | Type | References | Description |
CampaignId | String |
Campaigns.Id | The campaign Id. |
AdSquadId | String |
AdSquads.Id | The ad squad id. |
StartTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours. | |
EndTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours. | |
FinalizedDataEndTime | Datetime | This defines the time up until when reporting metrics are finalized. You can query for all metrics before this time including uniques and reach and they will have the final numbers. For any time after the FinalizedDataEndTime the metrics are still undergoing de-duplication and finalization and may change accordingly. | |
IntervalStartTime | Datetime | Start time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR. | |
IntervalEndTime | Datetime | End time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR. | |
Granularity | String | Determines how granular the data points will be returned within the time range specified by StartTime and EndTime. For instance, when set to HOUR, you will be presented with a datapoint for each hour between StartTime and EndTime. | |
Dimension | String | You can get reporting insights based on different geographic, demographic, interest-based, and device-based dimensions. You can only query one dimension at a time unless you are querying age and gender which may be combined. | |
SwipeUpAttributionWindow | String | Attribution window for swipe ups. | |
ViewAttributionWindow | String | Attribution window for views. | |
Country | String | ISO country code. | |
Region | String | Region. | |
DMA | Int | DMA numeric code. | |
Gender | String | Gender. | |
Age | String | Age bucket. | |
InterestCategoryId | String | SnapchatAds User Lifestyle Interest Category Id. | |
InterestCategoryName | String | SnapchatAds User Lifestyle Interest Category Name. | |
OS | String | Device Operating System. | |
Make | String | Device Make (e.g., Apple, Samsung) | |
Impressions | Int | Impression Count. | |
Swipes | Int | Swipe-Up Count. | |
ViewTimeMillis | Long | Use screen_time_millis instead. Total Time Spent on top Snap Ad (milliseconds). | |
ScreenTimeMillis | Long | Total Time Spent on top Snap Ad (milliseconds). | |
Quartile1 | Int | Video Views to 25%. | |
Quartile2 | Int | Video Views to 50%. | |
Quartile3 | Int | Video Views to 75%. | |
ViewCompletion | Int | Video Views to completion. | |
Spend | Decimal | Amount Spent. | |
VideoViews | Int | The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds of consecutive watch time or a swipe up action on the Top Snap. | |
AndroidInstalls | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsApp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsWeb | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsSwipeUp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsView | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsAppView | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsWebView | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AttachmentAvgViewTimeMillis | Long | Average Attachment View Time (milli-seconds). | |
AttachmentFrequency | Double | Average number of Attachment Views per User Reached. | |
AttachmentQuartile1 | Int | Long Form Video Views to 25%. | |
AttachmentQuartile2 | Int | Long Form Video Views to 50%. | |
AttachmentQuartile3 | Int | Long Form Video Views to 75%. | |
AttachmentTotalViewTimeMillis | Long | Total Attachment View Time (milli-seconds). | |
AttachmentUniques | Int | Number of unique attachment impressions. | |
AttachmentViewCompletion | Int | Long Form Video Views to completion. | |
AttachmentVideoViews | Int | Long Form Video Attachment Views, viewed for at least 10 consecutive seconds or reached 97% of the Long Form Video duration. | |
AvgViewTimeMillis | Long | Use avg_screen_time_millis instead. Average Top Snap view time per User Reached. | |
AvgScreenTimeMillis | Long | Average Top Snap view time across all impressions. | |
Frequency | Double | Average number of Impressions per User Reached. | |
IosInstalls | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsApp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsWeb | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsSwipeUp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsView | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsAppView | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsWebView | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
SwipeUpPercent | Double | % of Impressions that Swiped-Up. | |
TotalInstalls | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsApp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsWeb | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsSwipeUp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsAppSwipeUp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsWebSwipeUp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsView | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsAppView | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsWebView | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
Uniques | Int | Number of unique impressions. | |
VideoViewsTimeBased | Int | The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds, not including swipe ups. | |
VideoViews15s | Int | The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 15 seconds, or 97% completion if it?s shorter than 15 seconds, or a swipe up action on the ad. | |
StoryOpens | Int | Number of times users tapped on the ad tile in the feed to view the Story Ad. | |
StoryCompletes | Int | Number of times users viewed through to the last Snap of your Story Ad. | |
PositionImpressions | Int | The impression number for this story ad position. | |
PositionUniques | Int | The unique viewer numbers for this story ad position. | |
PositionFrequency | Double | The frequency for this story ad position. | |
PositionScreenTimeMillis | Long | The total view time in milliseconds for this story ad position. | |
PositionSwipeUpPercent | Double | The swipe up rate for this story ad position. | |
AvgPositionScreenTimeMillis | Long | The average view time for this story ad position. | |
Shares | Int | Number of times lens/filter was shared in a Chat or Story. | |
Saves | Int | Number of times lens/filter was saved to Memories. | |
ConversionPurchases | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValue | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSave | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckout | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCart | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContent | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBilling | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUps | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearches | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletes | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpens | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViews | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribe | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClick | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorial | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInvite | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLogin | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShare | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserve | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlocked | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlist | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCredits | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRate | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrial | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueSwipeUp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesView | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueView | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveView | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentView | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsView | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesView | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesView | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensView | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsView | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeView | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialView | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteView | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginView | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareView | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveView | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedView | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsView | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateView | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesApp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueApp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutApp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentApp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesApp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensApp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsApp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickApp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewApp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialApp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteApp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginApp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveApp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateApp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialApp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewApp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueAppSwipeUp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueAppView | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueWeb | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueWebSwipeUp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueWebView | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
ConversionSourceTypes | String | Conversion source breakout by platform. Possible values are web,app,total. The default value is set to 'web,app,total' | |
RetrieveSampleStats | Bool | Whether to return sample (fake) stats or not. |
Lists all ad stats.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND StartTime = '01/02/2019' AND EndTime = '10/14/2020' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND Dimension = 'Country' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND Granularity = 'LIFETIME' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND BreakDownMetricsByPosition = true SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND SwipeUpAttributionWindow = '1_DAY' AND ViewAttributionWindow = '1_HOUR' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE CampaignId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND ConversionSourceTypes = 'app'
SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND StartTime = '01/02/2019' AND EndTime = '10/14/2020' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND Dimension = 'Country' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND Granularity = 'LIFETIME' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND BreakDownMetricsByPosition = true SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND SwipeUpAttributionWindow = '1_DAY' AND ViewAttributionWindow = '1_HOUR' SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE AdId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND ConversionSourceTypes = 'app'
Note: You must specify either CampaignId or AdId. If a time window is not specified, the stats for the last seven days or the last 31 days will be returned based on the specified granularity.
If you do not specify a wildcard column and specify one of the dimensions from the table below in the SELECT projection the stats will breakdown according to the specified dimension. You can not specify dimensions with different dimension categories. You can only query one dimension at a time unless you are querying (age and gender) or (InterestCategoryId and InterestCategoryName) which may be combined.
Dimension | Dimension Category |
Country | geos |
Region | geos |
DMA | geos |
Gender | demographics |
Age | demographics |
InterestCategoryId | interests |
InterestCategoryName | interests |
OS | devices |
Make | devices |
Name | Type | References | Description |
CampaignId | String |
Campaigns.Id | The campaign Id. |
AdId | String |
Ads.Id | The ad id. |
PlatformPosition | String | The platform position. | |
StartTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours. | |
EndTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours. | |
FinalizedDataEndTime | Datetime | This defines the time up until when reporting metrics are finalized. You can query for all metrics before this time including uniques and reach and they will have the final numbers. For any time after the FinalizedDataEndTime the metrics are still undergoing de-duplication and finalization and may change accordingly. | |
IntervalStartTime | Datetime | Start time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR. | |
IntervalEndTime | Datetime | End time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR. | |
Granularity | String | Determines how granular the data points will be returned within the time range specified by StartTime and EndTime. For instance, when set to HOUR, you will be presented with a datapoint for each hour between StartTime and EndTime. | |
Dimension | String | You can get reporting insights based on different geographic, demographic, interest-based, and device-based dimensions. You can only query one dimension at a time unless you are querying age and gender which may be combined. | |
SwipeUpAttributionWindow | String | Attribution window for swipe ups. | |
ViewAttributionWindow | String | Attribution window for views. | |
Country | String | ISO country code. | |
Region | String | Region. | |
DMA | Int | DMA numeric code. | |
Gender | String | Gender. | |
Age | String | Age bucket. | |
InterestCategoryId | String | SnapchatAds User Lifestyle Interest Category Id. | |
InterestCategoryName | String | SnapchatAds User Lifestyle Interest Category Name. | |
OS | String | Device Operating System. | |
Make | String | Device Make (e.g., Apple, Samsung) | |
Impressions | Int | Impression Count. | |
Swipes | Int | Swipe-Up Count. | |
ViewTimeMillis | Long | Use screen_time_millis instead. Total Time Spent on top Snap Ad (milliseconds). | |
ScreenTimeMillis | Long | Total Time Spent on top Snap Ad (milliseconds). | |
Quartile1 | Int | Video Views to 25%. | |
Quartile2 | Int | Video Views to 50%. | |
Quartile3 | Int | Video Views to 75%. | |
ViewCompletion | Int | Video Views to completion. | |
Spend | Decimal | Amount Spent. | |
VideoViews | Int | The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds of consecutive watch time or a swipe up action on the Top Snap. | |
AndroidInstalls | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsApp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsWeb | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsSwipeUp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsView | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsAppView | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsWebView | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AttachmentAvgViewTimeMillis | Long | Average Attachment View Time (milli-seconds). | |
AttachmentFrequency | Double | Average number of Attachment Views per User Reached. | |
AttachmentQuartile1 | Int | Long Form Video Views to 25%. | |
AttachmentQuartile2 | Int | Long Form Video Views to 50%. | |
AttachmentQuartile3 | Int | Long Form Video Views to 75%. | |
AttachmentTotalViewTimeMillis | Long | Total Attachment View Time (milli-seconds). | |
AttachmentUniques | Int | Number of unique attachment impressions. | |
AttachmentViewCompletion | Int | Long Form Video Views to completion. | |
AttachmentVideoViews | Int | Long Form Video Attachment Views, viewed for at least 10 consecutive seconds or reached 97% of the Long Form Video duration. | |
AvgViewTimeMillis | Long | Use avg_screen_time_millis instead. Average Top Snap view time per User Reached. | |
AvgScreenTimeMillis | Long | Average Top Snap view time across all impressions. | |
Frequency | Double | Average number of Impressions per User Reached. | |
IosInstalls | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsApp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsWeb | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsSwipeUp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsView | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsAppView | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsWebView | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
SwipeUpPercent | Double | % of Impressions that Swiped-Up. | |
TotalInstalls | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsApp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsWeb | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsSwipeUp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsAppSwipeUp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsWebSwipeUp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsView | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsAppView | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsWebView | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
Uniques | Int | Number of unique impressions. | |
VideoViewsTimeBased | Int | The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds, not including swipe ups. | |
VideoViews15s | Int | The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 15 seconds, or 97% completion if it?s shorter than 15 seconds, or a swipe up action on the ad. | |
StoryOpens | Int | Number of times users tapped on the ad tile in the feed to view the Story Ad. | |
StoryCompletes | Int | Number of times users viewed through to the last Snap of your Story Ad. | |
PositionImpressions | Int | The impression number for this story ad position. | |
PositionUniques | Int | The unique viewer numbers for this story ad position. | |
PositionFrequency | Double | The frequency for this story ad position. | |
PositionScreenTimeMillis | Long | The total view time in milliseconds for this story ad position. | |
PositionSwipeUpPercent | Double | The swipe up rate for this story ad position. | |
AvgPositionScreenTimeMillis | Long | The average view time for this story ad position. | |
Shares | Int | Number of times lens/filter was shared in a Chat or Story. | |
Saves | Int | Number of times lens/filter was saved to Memories. | |
ConversionPurchases | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValue | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSave | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckout | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCart | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContent | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBilling | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUps | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearches | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletes | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpens | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViews | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribe | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClick | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorial | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInvite | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLogin | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShare | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserve | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlocked | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlist | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCredits | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRate | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrial | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueSwipeUp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesView | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueView | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveView | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentView | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsView | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesView | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesView | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensView | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsView | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeView | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialView | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteView | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginView | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareView | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveView | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedView | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsView | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateView | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesApp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueApp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutApp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentApp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesApp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensApp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsApp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickApp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewApp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialApp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteApp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginApp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveApp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateApp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialApp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewApp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueAppSwipeUp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueAppView | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueWeb | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueWebSwipeUp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueWebView | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
BreakDownMetricsByPosition | String | Whether to break down metrics by position or not. | |
ConversionSourceTypes | String | Conversion source breakout by platform. Possible values are web,app,total. The default value is set to 'web,app,total' | |
RetrieveSampleStats | Bool | Whether to return sample (fake) stats or not. |
Lists all Advanced Demographics targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
The following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM AdvancedDemographics
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The ID of the target option. | |
Name | String | The name of the target option. | |
Path | String | The path of the target option. | |
Source | String | The source of the target option. |
Lists all audience insights based on the targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b2a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b2a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND DimensionCategory = 'demo' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us'
Note: AccountId, BaseSpecCountryCode and TargetingSpecCountryCode are required. OR logical operator and NOT clause are supported server side. Targeting options must be grouped based on the dimension category.
Targeting Option | Dimension Category |
AgeGroup | demographics |
MinAge | demographics |
MaxAge | demographics |
Gender | demographics |
Language | demographics |
AdvancedDemographics | demographics |
DeviceConnectionType | devices |
DeviceOSType | devices |
DeviceOSVersionMin | devices |
DeviceOSVersionMax | devices |
DeviceCarrierId | devices |
DeviceMake | devices |
CountryCode | geos |
RegionId | geos |
MetroId | geos |
ZipCode | geos |
LocationCategoryId | locations |
LocationProximity | locations |
LocationProximityUnit | locations |
Latitude | locations |
Longitude | locations |
Radius | locations |
Unit | locations |
SegmentId | segments |
InterestCategoryId | interests |
United States, Male+Female, All Age Ranges
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us'
United States, Male, Age Groups 21-34
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us'AND TargetingSpecAgeGroup IN ('21-24', '25-34') AND TargetingSpecGender = 'MALE'
Canada, Female, 13-20, iOS
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'ca' AND TargetingSpecMinAge = '13' AND TargetingSpecMaxAge = '20' AND TargetingSpecGender = 'FEMALE' AND TargetingSpecDeviceOSType = 'iOS'
UK, Male+Female, Age 25, WIFI Only
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'uk' AND TargetingSpecMinAge = '25' AND TargetingSpecMaxAge = '25' AND TargetingSpecDeviceConnectionType = 'WIFI'
United States - All States Except Arizona or Texas, M+F, All Ages
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND (TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND NOT(TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecRegionId IN (3, 44)))
United States, Female, 18-34, 'Fashion & Style Gurus' OR 'Film & TV Fans'
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecGender = 'FEMALE' AND TargetingSpecAgeGroup IN ('18-20', '21-24', '25-34') AND TargetingSpecInterestCategoryId IN ('SLC_7', 'SLC_8')
United States, All genders/ages, 'Comedy Fans'
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecInterestCategoryId = 'SLC_36'
United States, Male, 18-20, member of SAM segment ID '12345'
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecGender = 'MALE' AND TargetingSpecAgeGroup = '18-20' AND TargetingSpecSegmentId = '12345'
United States, Male, 18-20, NOT a member of SAM segment ID '98765'
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecGender = 'MALE' AND TargetingSpecAgeGroup = '18-20' AND NOT TargetingSpecSegmentId = '98765'
United States, AT&T
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecDeviceCarrierId = 'US_ATT'
United States, 21-24, (College Graduates OR Married People), Apparel Shoppers
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecInterestCategoryId = 'DLXS_1' AND TargetingSpecAdvancedDemographics IN ('DLXD_100', 'DLXD_300') AND TargetingSpecAgeGroup = '21-24' AND TargetingSpecRegulatedContent = false
United States, metros New York or Los Angeles only
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecMetroId IN ('501', '803')
USA, Female, Spanish speaking, 13-17, iOS version 10.3.2
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecAgeGroup = '13-17' AND TargetingSpecGender = 'FEMALE' AND TargetingSpecLanguage = 'es' AND TargetingSpecDeviceOSType = 'ios' AND TargetingSpecDeviceOSVersionMin = '9.0' AND TargetingSpecDeviceOSVersionMax = '10.3.2'
Zipcode Targeting
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecZipCode IN ('90291', '90026')
Device Make: All iPhone 7 plus and iPhone 6s Plus users
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecDeviceMake IN ('Apple/iPhone 7 Plus/', 'Apple/iPhone 6s Plus/')
Location Categories: Targeting Sports Arenas, Fitness Centers
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecLocationCategoryId IN ('LOI_15004', 'LOI_15002') AND TargetingSpecLocationProximityUnit = 'MILES' AND TargetingSpecLocationProximity = 1
Location Point Radius: Targeting 500 meter radius around Nordstrom locations in Seattle/Bellevue
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND ((TargetingSpecLatitude = 47.612447 AND TargetingSpecLongitude = -122.336751 AND TargetingSpecRadius = 500) OR (TargetingSpecLatitude = 47.617102 AND TargetingSpecLongitude = -122.203961 AND TargetingSpecRadius = 50 AND TargetingSpecUnit = 'KILOMETERS'))
Multi-country targeting: Targeting the US and Canada
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' OR TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'ca'
Snap Lifestyle Category inclusion of SLC_1, SLC_124 and exclusion of SLC_2
SELECT * FROM AudienceInsights WHERE AccountId = '02a1dac6-ffa2-49d9-b5b6-37bc31b9f3c2' AND BaseSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND TargetingSpecCountryCode = 'us' AND (TargetingSpecInterestCategoryId IN ('SLC_1', 'SLC_124') AND NOT TargetingSpecInterestCategoryId = 'SLC_2')
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The insight Id. | |
AccountId | String |
Accounts.Id | The account Id. |
Name | String | The insight name. | |
DimensionCategory | String | The dimension category of the insight. | |
Distribution | String | The distribution type of the insight. | |
TargetAudienceSizeMinimum | String | The minimum size of the target audience. | |
TargetAudienceSizeMaximum | String | The maximum size of the target audience. | |
ReferenceAudienceSizeMinimum | String | The minimum size of the target Reference. | |
ReferenceAudienceSizeMaximum | String | The maximum size of the target audience. | |
TargetAudiencePercent | Decimal | The target audience percent. | |
ReferenceAudiencePercent | Decimal | The reference audience percent. | |
TargetIndexToReference | Decimal | The target index to reference. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
BaseSpecAgeGroup | String | Age group targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecAgeGroup | String | Age group targeting option. | |
BaseSpecMinAge | String | Minimum age targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecMinAge | String | Minimum age targeting option. | |
BaseSpecMaxAge | String | Maximum targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecMaxAge | String | Maximum targeting option. | |
BaseSpecGender | String | Gender targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecGender | String | Gender targeting option. | |
BaseSpecLanguage | String | Language targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecLanguage | String | Language targeting option. | |
BaseSpecAdvancedDemographics | String | Advanced demographics targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecAdvancedDemographics | String | Advanced demographics targeting option. | |
BaseSpecDeviceConnectionType | String | Device connection type targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecDeviceConnectionType | String | Device connection type targeting option. | |
BaseSpecDeviceOSType | String | Device OS type targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecDeviceOSType | String | Device OS type targeting option. | |
BaseSpecDeviceOSVersionMin | String | Device OS min version targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecDeviceOSVersionMin | String | Device OS min version targeting option. | |
BaseSpecDeviceOSVersionMax | String | Device OS max version targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecDeviceOSVersionMax | String | Device OS max version targeting option. | |
BaseSpecDeviceCarrierId | String | Device carrier ID targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecDeviceCarrierId | String | Device carrier ID targeting option. | |
BaseSpecDeviceMake | String | Device make targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecDeviceMake | String | Device make targeting option. | |
BaseSpecCountryCode | String | Country code targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecCountryCode | String | Country code targeting option. | |
BaseSpecRegionId | String | Region/State ID targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecRegionId | String | Region/State ID targeting option. | |
BaseSpecMetroId | String | Metro/DMA ID targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecMetroId | String | Metro/DMA ID targeting option. | |
BaseSpecZipCode | String | ZipCode targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecZipCode | String | ZipCode targeting option. | |
BaseSpecLocationCategoryId | String | Location category ID targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecLocationCategoryId | String | Location category ID targeting option. | |
BaseSpecLocationProximity | Int | Proximity to selected location categories. | |
TargetingSpecLocationProximity | Int | Proximity to selected location categories. | |
BaseSpecLocationProximityUnit | String | Unit to be used for radius. | |
TargetingSpecLocationProximityUnit | String | Unit to be used for radius. | |
BaseSpecLatitude | Decimal | Latitude in decimal degrees. | |
TargetingSpecLatitude | Decimal | Latitude in decimal degrees. | |
BaseSpecLongitude | Decimal | Longitude in decimal degrees. | |
TargetingSpecLongitude | Decimal | Longitude in decimal degrees. | |
BaseSpecRadius | Int | Radius in meters (minimum 96 meters and maximum 100000 meters). | |
TargetingSpecRadius | Int | Radius in meters (minimum 96 meters and maximum 100000 meters). | |
BaseSpecUnit | String | Unit to be used for radius. | |
TargetingSpecUnit | String | Unit to be used for radius. | |
BaseSpecSegmentId | String | Segment ID targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecSegmentId | String | Segment ID targeting option. | |
BaseSpecInterestCategoryId | String | Interest category ID targeting option. | |
TargetingSpecInterestCategoryId | String | Interest category ID targeting option. | |
BaseSpecRegulatedContent | Bool | Flag to mark content within the Ad Squad as Regulated Content. | |
TargetingSpecRegulatedContent | Bool | Flag to mark content within the Ad Squad as Regulated Content. | |
BaseSpecEnableTargetingExpansion | Bool | Boolean, enabling this allows SnapchatAds to expand the audience beyond the selected targeting. | |
TargetingSpecEnableTargetingExpansion | Bool | Boolean, enabling this allows SnapchatAds to expand the audience beyond the selected targeting. |
Lists all campaign stats.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM CampaignStats WHERE AccountId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' SELECT * FROM CampaignStats WHERE AccountId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND StartTime = '01/02/2019' AND EndTime = '10/14/2020' SELECT * FROM CampaignStats WHERE AccountId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND Dimension = 'Country' SELECT * FROM CampaignStats WHERE AccountId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND Granularity = 'LIFETIME' SELECT * FROM CampaignStats WHERE AccountId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND SwipeUpAttributionWindow = '1_DAY' AND ViewAttributionWindow = '1_HOUR' SELECT * FROM CampaignStats WHERE AccountId = '40b748fb-d16f-4b3a-8d63-a3547d01ba57' AND ConversionSourceTypes = 'app'
SELECT * FROM CampaignStats WHERE CampaignId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' SELECT * FROM CampaignStats WHERE CampaignId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND StartTime = '01/02/2019' AND EndTime = '10/14/2020' SELECT * FROM CampaignStats WHERE CampaignId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND Dimension = 'Country' SELECT * FROM CampaignStats WHERE CampaignId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND Granularity = 'LIFETIME' SELECT * FROM CampaignStats WHERE CampaignId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND SwipeUpAttributionWindow = '1_DAY' AND ViewAttributionWindow = '1_HOUR' SELECT * FROM CampaignStats WHERE CampaignId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74' AND ConversionSourceTypes = 'app'
Note: You must specify either AccountId or CampaignId. If a time window is not specified, the stats for the last seven days or the last 31 days will be returned based on the specified granularity.
If you do not specify a wildcard column and specify one of the dimensions from the table below in the SELECT projection the stats will breakdown according to the specified dimension. You can not specify dimensions with different dimension categories. You can only query one dimension at a time unless you are querying (age and gender) or (InterestCategoryId and InterestCategoryName) which may be combined.
Dimension | Dimension Category |
Country | geos |
Region | geos |
DMA | geos |
Gender | demographics |
Age | demographics |
InterestCategoryId | interests |
InterestCategoryName | interests |
OS | devices |
Make | devices |
Name | Type | References | Description |
AccountId | String |
Accounts.Id | The account Id. |
CampaignId | String |
Campaigns.Id | The campaign Id. |
StartTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours. | |
EndTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours. | |
FinalizedDataEndTime | Datetime | This defines the time up until when reporting metrics are finalized. You can query for all metrics before this time including uniques and reach and they will have the final numbers. For any time after the FinalizedDataEndTime the metrics are still undergoing de-duplication and finalization and may change accordingly. | |
IntervalStartTime | Datetime | Start time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR. | |
IntervalEndTime | Datetime | End time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR. | |
Granularity | String | Determines how granular the data points will be returned within the time range specified by StartTime and EndTime. For instance, when set to HOUR, you will be presented with a datapoint for each hour between StartTime and EndTime. | |
Dimension | String | You can get reporting insights based on different geographic, demographic, interest-based, and device-based dimensions. You can only query one dimension at a time unless you are querying age and gender which may be combined. | |
SwipeUpAttributionWindow | String | Attribution window for swipe ups. | |
ViewAttributionWindow | String | Attribution window for views. | |
Country | String | ISO country code. | |
Region | String | Region. | |
DMA | Int | DMA numeric code. | |
Gender | String | Gender. | |
Age | String | Age bucket. | |
InterestCategoryId | String | SnapchatAds User Lifestyle Interest Category Id. | |
InterestCategoryName | String | SnapchatAds User Lifestyle Interest Category Name. | |
OS | String | Device Operating System. | |
Make | String | Device Make (e.g., Apple, Samsung) | |
Impressions | Int | Impression Count. | |
Swipes | Int | Swipe-Up Count. | |
ViewTimeMillis | Long | Use screen_time_millis instead. Total Time Spent on top Snap Ad (milliseconds). | |
ScreenTimeMillis | Long | Total Time Spent on top Snap Ad (milliseconds). | |
Quartile1 | Int | Video Views to 25%. | |
Quartile2 | Int | Video Views to 50%. | |
Quartile3 | Int | Video Views to 75%. | |
ViewCompletion | Int | Video Views to completion. | |
Spend | Decimal | Amount Spent. | |
VideoViews | Int | The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds of consecutive watch time or a swipe up action on the Top Snap. | |
AndroidInstalls | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsApp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsWeb | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsSwipeUp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsView | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsAppView | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AndroidInstallsWebView | Int | Number of Android App Installs. | |
AttachmentAvgViewTimeMillis | Long | Average Attachment View Time (milli-seconds). | |
AttachmentFrequency | Double | Average number of Attachment Views per User Reached. | |
AttachmentQuartile1 | Int | Long Form Video Views to 25%. | |
AttachmentQuartile2 | Int | Long Form Video Views to 50%. | |
AttachmentQuartile3 | Int | Long Form Video Views to 75%. | |
AttachmentTotalViewTimeMillis | Long | Total Attachment View Time (milli-seconds). | |
AttachmentUniques | Int | Number of unique attachment impressions. | |
AttachmentViewCompletion | Int | Long Form Video Views to completion. | |
AttachmentVideoViews | Int | Long Form Video Attachment Views, viewed for at least 10 consecutive seconds or reached 97% of the Long Form Video duration. | |
AvgViewTimeMillis | Long | Use avg_screen_time_millis instead. Average Top Snap view time per User Reached. | |
AvgScreenTimeMillis | Long | Average Top Snap view time across all impressions. | |
Frequency | Double | Average number of Impressions per User Reached. | |
IosInstalls | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsApp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsWeb | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsSwipeUp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsView | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsAppView | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
IosInstallsWebView | Int | Number of iOS App Installs. | |
SwipeUpPercent | Double | % of Impressions that Swiped-Up. | |
TotalInstalls | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsApp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsWeb | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsSwipeUp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsAppSwipeUp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsWebSwipeUp | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsView | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsAppView | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
TotalInstallsWebView | Int | Total number of App Installs. | |
Uniques | Int | Number of unique impressions. | |
VideoViewsTimeBased | Int | The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds, not including swipe ups. | |
VideoViews15s | Int | The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 15 seconds, or 97% completion if it?s shorter than 15 seconds, or a swipe up action on the ad. | |
StoryOpens | Int | Number of times users tapped on the ad tile in the feed to view the Story Ad. | |
StoryCompletes | Int | Number of times users viewed through to the last Snap of your Story Ad. | |
PositionImpressions | Int | The impression number for this story ad position. | |
PositionUniques | Int | The unique viewer numbers for this story ad position. | |
PositionFrequency | Double | The frequency for this story ad position. | |
PositionScreenTimeMillis | Long | The total view time in milliseconds for this story ad position. | |
PositionSwipeUpPercent | Double | The swipe up rate for this story ad position. | |
AvgPositionScreenTimeMillis | Long | The average view time for this story ad position. | |
Shares | Int | Number of times lens/filter was shared in a Chat or Story. | |
Saves | Int | Number of times lens/filter was saved to Memories. | |
ConversionPurchases | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValue | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSave | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckout | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCart | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContent | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBilling | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUps | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearches | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletes | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpens | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViews | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribe | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClick | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorial | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInvite | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLogin | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShare | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserve | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlocked | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlist | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCredits | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRate | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrial | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5 | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueSwipeUp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5SwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesView | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueView | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveView | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentView | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsView | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesView | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesView | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensView | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsView | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeView | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialView | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteView | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginView | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareView | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveView | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedView | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsView | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateView | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5View | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesApp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueApp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutApp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentApp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesApp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensApp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsApp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickApp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewApp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialApp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteApp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginApp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveApp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistApp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsApp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateApp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialApp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewApp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5App | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueAppSwipeUp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewAppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5AppSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueAppView | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewAppView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5AppView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueWeb | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewWeb | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5Web | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueWebSwipeUp | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewWebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5WebSwipeUp | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events. | |
ConversionPurchasesValueWebView | Decimal | Value of attributed 'PURCHASE' conversion events (microcurrency in Ad Account's currency). | |
ConversionSaveWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SAVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartCheckoutWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_CHECKOUT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddCartWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_CART' conversion events. | |
ConversionViewContentWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'VIEW_CONTENT' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddBillingWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_BILLING' conversion events. | |
ConversionSignUpsWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SIGN_UP' conversion events. | |
ConversionSearchesWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SEARCH' conversion events. | |
ConversionLevelCompletesWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'LEVEL_COMPLETE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAppOpensWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'APP_OPEN' conversion events. | |
ConversionPageViewsWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'PAGE_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionSubscribeWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SUBSCRIBE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdClickWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_CLICK' conversion events. | |
ConversionAdViewWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'AD_VIEW' conversion events. | |
ConversionCompleteTutorialWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'COMPLETE_TUTORIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionInviteWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'INVITE' conversion events. | |
ConversionLoginWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'LOGIN' conversion events. | |
ConversionShareWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SHARE' conversion events. | |
ConversionReserveWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'RESERVE' conversion events. | |
ConversionAchievementUnlockedWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED' conversion events. | |
ConversionAddToWishlistWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'ADD_TO_WISHLIST' conversion events. | |
ConversionSpendCreditsWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'SPENT_CREDITS' conversion events. | |
ConversionRateWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'RATE' conversion events. | |
ConversionStartTrialWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'START_TRIAL' conversion events. | |
ConversionListViewWebView | Int | Number of attributed 'LIST_VIEW' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent1WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_1' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent2WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_2' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent3WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_3' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent4WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_4' conversion events. | |
CustomEvent5WebView | Int | Number of attributed 'CUSTOM_EVENT_5' conversion events. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
ConversionSourceTypes | String | Conversion source breakout by platform. Possible values are web,app,total. The default value is set to 'web,app,total' | |
RetrieveSampleStats | Bool | Whether to return sample (fake) stats or not. |
Retrieves all creatives associated with an ad account
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM Creatives WHERE Id = 'c1e6e929-acec-466f-b023-852b8cacc18f' SELECT * FROM Creatives WHERE AccountId = '331deb8082b8-a1d5-4579-9f7c-2e874d37'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | ID of the creative. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date when the entity was last updated. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The creation date of the entity. | |
Name | String | Creative name. | |
Headline | String | Creative headline. | |
AccountId | String |
Accounts.Id | Creative Account ID. |
Type | String | Creative type.
PackagingStatus | String | Packaging Status.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。PENDING, SUCCESS, IN_PROGRESS | |
ReviewStatus | String | Review Status. | |
Shareable | Boolean | Allow Users to Share with Friends | |
TopSnapMediaId | String | Top Snap Media ID. | |
CallToAction | String | Call to Action.
TopSnapCropPosition | String | Top Snap Crop Position.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。OPTIMIZED, MIDDLE, TOP, BOTTOM | |
LongformVideoProperties | String | Long Form Video Properties. | |
AppInstallProperties | String | App Install Properties. | |
WebViewProperties | String | Web View Properties. |
Lists all age group targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
The following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DemographicsAgeGroups
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | ID of the target option. | |
Name | String | The name of the target option. |
Lists all gender targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
The following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DemographicsGender
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | ID of the target option. | |
Name | String | The name of the target option. |
Lists all language targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
The following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DemographicsLanguages
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | ID of the target option. | |
Name | String | The name of the target option. |
Lists all device carrier targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
The following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DeviceCarriers
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The ID of the targeting option. | |
Name | String | The name of the targeting option. | |
ValidCountry | String | The valid country of the targeting option. |
Lists all device connection type targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
The following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DeviceConnectionTypes
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The ID of the target option. | |
Name | String | The name of the target option. |
Lists all device make targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
The following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DeviceMakes
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The ID of the targeting option. | |
Name | String | The name of the targeting option. |
Lists all device OS type targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
The following queries are processed server side:
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The ID of the targeting option. | |
Name | String | The name of the targeting option. |
Lists all device OS version targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
The following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DeviceOSVersions
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The ID of the targeting option. | |
DeviceOSType | String |
DeviceOSTypes.Name | The device OS type. |
Name | String | The name of the targeting option. |
Lists all funding sources for the specified Organization.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM FundingSources WHERE OrganizationId = '2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8' SELECT * FROM FundingSources WHERE OrganizationId IN ('2e874d37-a1d5-4579-9f7c-331deb8082b8', '331deb8082b8-a1d5-4579-9f7c-2e874d37') SELECT * FROM FundingSources WHERE Id = '69b96ded-4871-4750-83ba-8f19507f6bdd' SELECT * FROM FundingSources WHERE Id IN ('69b96ded-4871-4750-83ba-8f19507f6bdd', '83ba-69b96ded-4871-4750-8f19507f6bdd')
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | ID of the funding source. | |
OrganizationId | String | The id of the organization. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | Date of creation. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | Date of last update. | |
Type | String | Funding Source type.
Status | String | Status of the funding source.
BudgetSpent | Decimal | Budget Spent. | |
Currency | String | Account currency.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。USD, CAD, GBP, AUD, EUR | |
TotalBudget | Decimal | Total Budget. | |
AvailableCredit | Decimal | Total available credit. | |
CardType | String | Credit Card Type.
Name | String | Name of the Credit Card. | |
Last4 | Int | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card. | |
ExpirationYear | Int | Expiration year of the Credit Card. | |
ExpirationMonth | Int | Expiration month of the Credit Card. | |
DailySpendLimit | Decimal | Daily spend limit for Credit Card. | |
DailySpendLimitCurrency | String | Currency for the DailySpendLimit.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。USD, CAD, GBP, AUD, EUR | |
Value | Decimal | Value of the COUPON. | |
StartDate | Datetime | Start date of the COUPON. | |
EndDate | Datetime | End date of the COUPON. | |
String | Email associated with Paypal. |
Lists all country targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
The following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM GeolocationCountries
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The ID of the country. | |
Name | String | The country name. | |
Code | String | The country code. | |
Latitude | Decimal | The country latitude. | |
Longitude | Decimal | The country longitude. | |
ContinentId | String | The continent ID. | |
ContinentName | String | The name of the continent. |
Lists all metro/dma targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM GeolocationMetros WHERE CountryCode = 'ca'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The ID of the metro. | |
CountryCode | String |
GeolocationCountries.Code | The country code.
デフォルト値はusです。 |
Name | String | The metro name. | |
Regions | String | The metro regions. | |
Latitude | Decimal | The metro latitude. | |
Longitude | Decimal | The metro longitude. |
Lists all region/state targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM GeolocationRegions WHERE CountryCode = 'ca'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The ID of the region. | |
CountryCode | String |
GeolocationCountries.Code | The country code.
デフォルト値はusです。 |
Name | String | The region name. | |
Code | String | The region code. | |
Latitude | Decimal | The region latitude. | |
Longitude | Decimal | The region longitude. |
Lists all of zipcode targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM GeolocationZipCodes WHERE CountryCode = 'ca'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Code [KEY] | String | The zip code. | |
CountryCode | String |
GeolocationCountries.Code | The country code.
デフォルト値はusです。 |
CityName | String | The city name. |
Lists all invoices for a given Ad Account.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM Invoices WHERE AccountId = '4b591696-3017-4852-85d2-dc7d50157153' SELECT * FROM Invoices WHERE AccountId = '4b591696-3017-4852-85d2-dc7d50157153' AND Id = '861b7c55-7e35-4348-918f-3758db350b80'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Invoice ID. | |
AccountId [KEY] | String |
Accounts.Id | Ad Account ID. |
OrganizationId | String | The ID of the organization. | |
NetsuiteFileId | String | Snap Internal ID. | |
CustomerName | String | Customer name. | |
CustomerNetsuiteId | String | Snap Internal ID. | |
DocumentNumber | Int | Document number. | |
LineLastModified | Datetime | The date when the line was last updated. | |
LastModified | Datetime | The date when the invoice was last updated. | |
Amount | Decimal | Invoice amount. | |
Currency | String | Currency of the invoice.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, USD, SEK, DKK, NOK | |
BillingPeriod | String | Specifies the billing period. | |
DueDate | Datetime | Due date of the invoice. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The creation date of the invoice. | |
InvoiceStatus | String | Indicates whether the invoice has been collected.
InvoiceContent | String | Bytestream (Base64), this Bytestream can turned into a PDF. |
Lists all location categories.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
The following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM LocationCategories
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The ID of the location category. | |
Name | String | The location category name. | |
ParentId | String | The parent id of the location category. | |
Path | String | The path of the location category. | |
Source | String | The source of the location category. |
Lists all Nielsen Interests targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
The following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM NielsenInterests
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The ID of the Nielsen interest. | |
Name | String | The Nielsen interest name. | |
ParentId | String | The parent Id of the Nielsen interest. | |
Path | String | The path of the Nielsen interest. | |
Source | String | The source of the Nielsen interest. |
Lists all Oracle Datalogix Interests targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM OracleDatalogixInterests WHERE Type = 'dlxc' SELECT * FROM OracleDatalogixInterests WHERE Type = 'dlxp'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The ID of the Oracle Datalogix DLXS interest. | |
Type | String | The Oracle Datalogix interest type
使用できる値は次のとおりです。dlxs, dlxc, dlxp デフォルト値はdlxsです。 | |
Name | String | The Oracle Datalogix interest name. | |
ParentId | String | The parent id of the Oracle Datalogix interest. | |
Path | String | The path of the Oracle Datalogix interest. | |
Source | String | The source of the Oracle Datalogix interest. |
Lists all the organizations where the authenticated user has access.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE Id = '69b96ded-4871-4750-83ba-8f19507f6bdd' SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE Id IN ('69b96ded-4871-4750-83ba-8f19507f6bdd', '83ba-69b96ded-4871-4750-8f19507f6b')
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Unique identifier of the organization. | |
Name | String | The organization name. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | Identifies the date and time when the organization was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | Identifies the date and time when the organization was updated. | |
AddressLine1 | String | Address line 1. | |
Locality | String | Locality. | |
AdministrativeDistrictLevel1 | String | AdministrativeDistrictLevel. | |
Country | String | Country. | |
PostalCode | String | Zip/Postal Code. | |
ContactEmail | String | Contact email. | |
ContactName | String | Contact name. | |
ContactPhone | String | Contact phone. | |
Type | String | The organization type. | |
State | String | The organization state. | |
Roles | String | Roles. | |
ConfigurationSettings | String | Configuration settings. |
Lists all interest targeting based on Placed Visitation Segments.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
The following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PlacedVisitationSegmentsInterests
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The ID of the interest. | |
Name | String | The interest name. | |
ParentId | String | The parent id of the interest. | |
Path | String | The path of the interest. | |
Source | String | The source of the interest. |
Lists all Snap Lifestyle Categories targeting options.
The Cloud will use the Snapchat Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM SnapLifeStyleCategoriesInterests WHERE CountryCode = 'ca'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The ID of the targeting option. | |
CountryCode | String |
GeolocationCountries.Code | The country code. |
Name | String | The name of the lifestyle category. | |
ParentId | String | The parent ID of the lifestyle category. | |
Path | String | The path of the lifestyle category. | |
Source | String | The source of the lifestyle category. |
ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Snapchat Ads の単純なSELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 処理にとどまらずCloud の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにSnapchat Ads から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
Name | Description |
AddAudienceSegmentUsers | Add specific users to an audience segment. |
CreateLookalikeSegment | Create a Snap Audience Match Lookalike Segment within a specified ad account. |
RemoveAudienceSegmentUsers | Remove specific users or all users from specified Snap Audience Match segment |
Add specific users to an audience segment.
You can add users to a specific audience segment by specifying a list of identifiers:
EXECUTE AddAudienceSegmentUsers AudienceSegmentId = '5603670370513719', IdentifierType = 'PHONE', Identifiers = '001-234-567-8910,+44 844 412 4653'
You can add users to a specific audience segment by specifying a CSV file with a list of identifiers:
EXECUTE AddAudienceSegmentUsers AudienceSegmentId = '5603670370513719', IdentifierType = 'PHONE', CSVFilePath = 'C:\\identifiers.csv'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AudienceSegmentId | String | True | The Id of the audience segment. |
IdentifierType | String | True | The identifier type.
Identifiers | String | False | Comma-separated list of email, phone number or mobile identifiers. |
CSVFilePath | String | False | The path of the csv file. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Bool | Whether the request was successful or not. |
NumberOfUploadedUsers | Int | The number of the uploaded users. |
Create a Snap Audience Match Lookalike Segment within a specified ad account.
EXECUTE CreateLookalikeSegment AccountId = '8adc3db7-8148-4fbf-999c-8d2266369d74', SeedSegmentId = '5677923948298240', Country = 'US', Type = 'REACH', Name = 'lookalikes of all the sams in the world', Description = 'similar to all the sams in the world', RetentionInDays = '180'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AccountId | String | True | Ad Account ID. |
SeedSegmentId | String | True | Seed Audience Segment ID. |
Country | String | True | ISO-2 Country Code. |
Type | String | False | The type of Lookalike to be created.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。BALANCE, SIMILARITY, REACH デフォルト値はBALANCEです。 |
Name | String | True | Audience Segment name. |
RetentionInDays | Int | True | Number of days to retain audience members. |
Description | String | False | Audience Segment Description. |
Name | Type | Description |
SegmentId | String | The ID of the newly created Lookalike Segment. |
Remove specific users or all users from specified Snap Audience Match segment
You can remove users from a specific audience segment by specifying a list of identifiers:
EXECUTE RemoveAudienceSegmentUsers AudienceSegmentId = '5603670370513719', IdentifierType = 'PHONE', Identifiers = '001-234-567-8910,+44 844 412 4653'
You can remove users from a specific audience segment by specifying a CSV file with a list of identifiers:
EXECUTE RemoveAudienceSegmentUsers AudienceSegmentId = '5603670370513719', IdentifierType = 'PHONE', CSVFilePath = 'C:\\identifiers.csv'
You can also remove all users from a specific audience segment:
EXECUTE RemoveAudienceSegmentUsers AudienceSegmentId = '5603670370513719', RemoveAllUsers = true
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AudienceSegmentId | String | True | The Id of the audience segment. |
IdentifierType | String | False | The identifier type.
Identifiers | String | False | Comma-separated list of email, phone number or mobile identifiers. |
CSVFilePath | String | False | The path of the csv file. |
RemoveAllUsers | Bool | False | Whether to delete all users or not. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Bool | Whether the request was successful or not. |
NumberOfUploadedUsers | Int | The number of the uploaded users. |
以下のテーブルは、Snapchat Ads のデータベースメタデータを返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_catalogs
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_schemas
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SchemaName | String | スキーマ名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_tables
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | テーブル名またはビュー名。 |
TableType | String | テーブルの種類(テーブルまたはビュー)。 |
Description | String | テーブルまたはビューの説明。 |
IsUpdateable | Boolean | テーブルが更新可能かどうか。 |
次のクエリは、Campaigns テーブルのカラムとデータ型を返します。
SELECT ColumnName, DataTypeName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='Campaigns'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | カラムを含むテーブルまたはビューの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | カラム名。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | カラムのストレージサイズ。 |
DisplaySize | Int32 | 指定されたカラムの通常の最大幅(文字数)。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの最大桁数。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | カラムのスケール(小数点以下の桁数)。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | カラムがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
Description | String | カラムの簡単な説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | カラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
IsAutoIncrement | String | カラムに固定増分値が割り当てられるかどうか。 |
IsGeneratedColumn | String | 生成されたカラムであるかどうか。 |
IsHidden | Boolean | カラムが非表示かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | カラムが配列かどうか。 |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | カラムが読み取り専用かどうか。 |
IsKey | Boolean | sys_tablecolumns から返されたフィールドがテーブルの主キーであるかどうか。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_procedures
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマ。 |
ProcedureName | String | ストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
Description | String | ストアドプロシージャの説明。 |
ProcedureType | String | PROCEDURE やFUNCTION などのプロシージャのタイプ。 |
次のクエリは、RemoveAudienceSegmentUsers ストアドプロシージャのすべての入力パラメータについての情報を返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_procedureparameters WHERE ProcedureName='RemoveAudienceSegmentUsers' AND Direction=1 OR Direction=2
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマの名前。 |
ProcedureName | String | パラメータを含むストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | ストアドプロシージャパラメータの名前。 |
Direction | Int32 | パラメータのタイプに対応する整数値:input (1)。input/output (2)、またはoutput(4)。input/output タイプパラメータは、入力パラメータと出力パラメータの両方になれます。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | 文字データの場合は、許可される文字数。数値データの場合は、許可される桁数。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの場合は最大精度。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | 数値データの小数点以下の桁数。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | パラメータがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
IsRequired | Boolean | プロシージャの実行にパラメータが必要かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | パラメータが配列かどうか。 |
Description | String | パラメータの説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
次のクエリは、Campaigns テーブルの主キーを取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_keycolumns WHERE IsKey='True' AND TableName='Campaigns'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
IsKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照されるテーブル内の主キーかどうか。 |
IsForeignKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照される外部キーかどうか。 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_foreignkeys WHERE ForeignKeyType = 'FOREIGNKEY_TYPE_IMPORT'
名前 | タイプ | 説明 |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
ForeignKeyType | String | 外部キーがインポート(他のテーブルを指す)キーかエクスポート(他のテーブルから参照される)キーかを指定します。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_primarykeys
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前。 |
KeySeq | String | 主キーのシーケンス番号。 |
KeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_indexes WHERE IsPrimary='false'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | インデックスを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | インデックスを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | インデックスを含むテーブルの名前。 |
IndexName | String | インデックス名。 |
ColumnName | String | インデックスに関連付けられたカラムの名前。 |
IsUnique | Boolean | インデックスが固有の場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
IsPrimary | Boolean | インデックスが主キーの場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
Type | Int16 | インデックスタイプに対応する整数値:statistic (0)、clustered (1)、hashed (2)、またはother (3)。 |
SortOrder | String | 並べ替え順序:A が昇順、D が降順。 |
OrdinalPosition | Int16 | インデックスのカラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
このテーブルをクエリする際は、config 接続文字列を使用する必要があります。
SELECT * FROM sys_connection_props WHERE Value <> ''
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | 接続プロパティ名。 |
ShortDescription | String | 簡単な説明。 |
Type | String | 接続プロパティのデータ型。 |
Default | String | 明示的に設定されていない場合のデフォルト値。 |
Values | String | 可能な値のカンマ区切りリスト。別な値が指定されていると、検証エラーがスローされます。 |
Value | String | 設定した値またはあらかじめ設定されたデフォルト。 |
Required | Boolean | プロパティが接続に必要かどうか。 |
Category | String | 接続プロパティのカテゴリ。 |
IsSessionProperty | String | プロパティが、現在の接続に関する情報を保存するために使用されるセッションプロパティかどうか。 |
Sensitivity | String | プロパティの機密度。これは、プロパティがロギングおよび認証フォームで難読化されているかどうかを通知します。 |
PropertyName | String | キャメルケースの短縮形の接続プロパティ名。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
CatOrdinal | Int32 | パラメータカテゴリのインデックス。 |
Hierarchy | String | このプロパティと一緒に設定する必要がある、関連のある依存プロパティを表示します。 |
Visible | Boolean | プロパティが接続UI に表示されるかどうかを通知します。 |
ETC | String | プロパティに関するその他のさまざまな情報。 |
Cloud がデータソースにオフロードできるSELECT クエリ処理について説明します。
SQL 構文の詳細については、SQL 準拠 を参照してください。
以下はSQL 機能のサンプルデータセットです。 SELECT 機能のいくつかの側面がサポートされている場合には、カンマ区切りのリストで返されます。サポートされていない場合、カラムにはNO が入ります。
名前 | 説明 | 有効な値 |
COUNT | COUNT 関数がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_OPEN_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための開始文字。 | [ |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CLOSE_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための終了文字。 | ] |
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS | サポートされているSQL 演算子。 | =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR |
GROUP_BY | GROUP BY がサポートされているかどうか。サポートされている場合、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, NO_RELATION, EQUALS_SELECT, SQL_GB_COLLATE |
OUTER_JOINS | 外部結合がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
SUBQUERIES | サブクエリがサポートされているかどうか。サポートされていれば、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, COMPARISON, EXISTS, IN, CORRELATED_SUBQUERIES, QUANTIFIED |
REPLICATION_SKIP_TABLES | レプリケーション中にスキップされたテーブルを示します。 | |
REPLICATION_TIMECHECK_COLUMNS | レプリケーション中に更新判断のカラムとして使用するかどうかを、(指定された順に)チェックするカラムのリストを含む文字列の配列。 | |
IDENTIFIER_PATTERN | 識別子としてどの文字列が有効かを示す文字列値。 | |
SUPPORT_TRANSACTION | プロバイダーが、コミットやロールバックなどのトランザクションをサポートしているかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DIALECT | 使用するSQL ダイアレクトを示します。 | |
KEY_PROPERTIES | Uniform データベースを特定するプロパティを示します。 | |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_SCHEMAS | プロバイダー用に複数のスキームが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_CATALOGS | プロバイダー用に複数のカタログが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DATASYNCVERSION | このドライバーにアクセスするために必要な、CData Sync のバージョン。 | Standard, Starter, Professional, Enterprise |
DATASYNCCATEGORY | このドライバーのCData Sync カテゴリ。 | Source, Destination, Cloud Destination |
SUPPORTSENHANCEDSQL | API で提供されている以上の、追加SQL 機能がサポートされているかどうか。 | TRUE, FALSE |
SUPPORTS_BATCH_OPERATIONS | バッチ操作がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
PREFERRED_CACHE_OPTIONS | 使用したいcacheOptions を指定する文字列値。 | |
ENABLE_EF_ADVANCED_QUERY | ドライバーがEntity Framework の高度なクエリをサポートしているかどうかを示します。サポートしていなければ、クエリはクライアントサイドで処理されます。 | YES, NO |
PSEUDO_COLUMNS | 利用可能な疑似カラムを示す文字列の配列。 | |
MERGE_ALWAYS | 値がtrue であれば、CData Sync 内でMerge Model が強制的に実行されます。 | TRUE, FALSE |
REPLICATION_MIN_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmin を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_START_DATE | レプリケート開始日を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_MAX_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmax を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
IGNORE_INTERVALS_ON_INITIAL_REPLICATE | 初回のレプリケートで、レプリケートをチャンクに分割しないテーブルのリスト。 | |
CHECKCACHE_USE_PARENTID | CheckCache 構文を親キーカラムに対して実行するかどうかを示します。 | TRUE, FALSE |
CREATE_SCHEMA_PROCEDURES | スキーマファイルの生成に使用できる、ストアドプロシージャを示します。 |
次のクエリは、WHERE 句で使用できる演算子を取得します。
WHERE 句では、個々のテーブルの制限や要件が異なる場合がありますので注意してください。詳しくは、データモデル セクションを参照してください。
Name | Type | Description |
NAME | String | SQL 構文のコンポーネント、またはサーバー上で処理できる機能。 |
VALUE | String | サポートされるSQL またはSQL 構文の詳細。 |
次のクエリは、バッチ処理で変更された行のId を取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_identity
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | データ変更処理から返された、データベース生成Id。 |
Batch | String | バッチの識別子。1 は単一処理。 |
Operation | String | バッチ内の処理の結果:INSERTED、UPDATED、またはDELETED。 |
Message | String | SUCCESS、またはバッチ内の更新が失敗した場合のエラーメッセージ。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
AccountId | Identifier of the default advertising account. If left empty the driver will try to get the first account from the list returned by the Accounts view. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
MaxThreads | Specifies the number of concurrent requests. |
Pagesize | Snapchat Ads から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
RetrieveSampleStats | Whether to return sample (fake) stats or not. |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なAuthentication プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
AccountId | Identifier of the default advertising account. If left empty the driver will try to get the first account from the list returned by the Accounts view. |
Identifier of the default advertising account. If left empty the driver will try to get the first account from the list returned by the Accounts view.
This Id is used to get analytic stats for the account that is identified by this Id. The Accounts view can be used to list available accounts with their specific Ids. If left empty the driver will try to get the first account from the list returned by the Accounts view.
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSSL プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。
TLS/SSL 接続を使用する場合は、このプロパティを使用して、サーバーが受け入れるTLS/SSL 証明書を指定できます。コンピュータによって信頼されていない他の証明書はすべて拒否されます。
説明 | 例 |
フルPEM 証明書(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
証明書を保有するローカルファイルへのパス。 | C:\cert.cer |
公開鍵(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
MD5 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
SHA1 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なLogging プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSchema プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。
スキーマをデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でスキーマのリストを提供すると、 パフォーマンスが向上します。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
MaxThreads | Specifies the number of concurrent requests. |
Pagesize | Snapchat Ads から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
RetrieveSampleStats | Whether to return sample (fake) stats or not. |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
Specifies the number of concurrent requests.
This property allows you to issue multiple requests simultaneously, thereby improving performance.
The Snapchat Ads API has a rate limit of 10000 requests per minute for Snapchat Ads Professional plans and 25000 per minute for the Snapchat Ads Premium plans.
Because of the Snapchat Ads API limits, the Cloud is restricted to making an http request for each row in order to collect as much data as possible.
To improve the performance of the Cloud consider increasing this value based on the machine's resources.
Snapchat Ads から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。
Pagesize プロパティは、Snapchat Ads から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数に影響を与えます。より大きい値を設定すると、1ページあたりの消費メモリが増える代わりに、パフォーマンスが向上する場合があります。
Entity Framework ではテーブルカラムでない疑似カラムに値を設定できないため、この設定はEntity Framework で特に便利です。この接続設定の値は、"Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3" の形式です。"*=*" のように"*" 文字を使用して、すべてのテーブルとすべてのカラムを含めることができます。
Whether to return sample (fake) stats or not.
Set to false to exclude sample stats.
Timeout が0に設定されている場合は、操作がタイムアウトしません。処理が正常に完了するか、エラー状態になるまで実行されます。
Timeout の有効期限が切れても処理が完了していない場合は、Cloud は例外をスローします。