SSIS Components for Avro

Build 24.0.9029

MATH Functions

ABS ( numeric_expression )

Returns the absolute (positive) value of the specified numeric expression.

  • numeric_expression: The expression of an indeterminate numeric data type except for the bit data type.

                      SELECT ABS(15);
                      -- Result: 15

                      SELECT ABS(-15);
                      -- Result: 15

ACOS ( float_expression )

Returns the arc cosine, the angle in radians whose cosine is the specified float expression.

  • float_expression: The float expression that specifies the cosine of the angle to be returned. Values outside the range from -1 to 1 return null.

                      SELECT ACOS(0.5);
                      -- Result: 1.0471975511966

ASIN ( float_expression )

Returns the arc sine, the angle in radians whose sine is the specified float expression.

  • float_expression: The float expression that specifies the sine of the angle to be returned. Values outside the range from -1 to 1 return null.

                      SELECT ASIN(0.5);
                      -- Result: 0.523598775598299

ATAN ( float_expression )

Returns the arc tangent, the angle in radians whose tangent is the specified float expression.

  • float_expression: The float expression that specifies the tangent of the angle to be returned.

                      SELECT ATAN(10);
                      -- Result: 1.47112767430373

ATN2 ( float_expression1 , float_expression2 )

Returns the angle in radians between the positive x-axis and the ray from the origin to the point (y, x) where x and y are the values of the two specified float expressions.

  • float_expression1: The float expression that is the y-coordinate.
  • float_expression2: The float expression that is the x-coordinate.

                      SELECT ATN2(1, 1);
                      -- Result: 0.785398163397448

CEILING ( numeric_expression ) or CEIL( numeric_expression )

Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified numeric expression.

  • numeric_expression: The expression of an indeterminate numeric data type except for the bit data type.

                      SELECT CEILING(1.3);
                      -- Result: 2

                      SELECT CEILING(1.5);
                      -- Result: 2

                      SELECT CEILING(1.7);
                      -- Result: 2

COS ( float_expression )

Returns the trigonometric cosine of the specified angle in radians in the specified expression.

  • float_expression: The float expression of the specified angle in radians.

                      SELECT COS(1);
                      -- Result: 0.54030230586814

COT ( float_expression )

Returns the trigonometric cotangent of the angle in radians specified by float_expression.

  • float_expression: The float expression of the angle in radians.

                      SELECT COT(1);
                      -- Result: 0.642092615934331

DEGREES ( numeric_expression )

Returns the angle in degrees for the angle specified in radians.

  • numeric_expression: The angle in radians, an expression of an indeterminate numeric data type except for the bit data type.

                      SELECT DEGREES(3.1415926);
                      -- Result: 179.999996929531

EXP ( float_expression )

Returns the exponential value of the specified float expression. For example, EXP(LOG(20)) is 20.

  • float_expression: The float expression.

                      SELECT EXP(2);
                      -- Result: 7.38905609893065

EXPR ( expression )

Evaluates the expression.

  • expression: The expression. Operators allowed are +, -, *, /, ==, !=, >, <, >=, and <=.

                      SELECT EXPR('1 + 2 * 3');
                      -- Result: 7

                      SELECT EXPR('1 + 2 * 3 == 7');
                      -- Result: true

FLOOR ( numeric_expression )

Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the numeric expression.

  • numeric_expression: The expression of an indeterminate numeric data type except for the bit data type.

                      SELECT FLOOR(1.3);
                      -- Result: 1

                      SELECT FLOOR(1.5);
                      -- Result: 1

                      SELECT FLOOR(1.7);
                      -- Result: 1


Returns the greatest of the supplied integers.

				SELECT GREATEST(3,5,8,10,1)
				-- Result: 10			


Returns a the equivalent hex for the input value.

  • value: A string or numerical value to be converted into hex.

				SELECT HEX(866849198);
				-- Result: 33AB11AE
				SELECT HEX('Sample Text');
				-- Result: 53616D706C652054657874

JSON_AVG(json, jsonpath)

Computes the average value of a JSON array within a JSON object. The path to the array is specified in the jsonpath argument. Return value is numeric or null.

  • json: The JSON document to compute.
  • jsonpath: The JSONPath used to select the nodes. [x], [2..], [..8], or [1..12] are accepted. [x] selects all nodes.

                      SELECT JSON_AVG('[1,2,3,4,5]', '$[x]');
                      -- Result: 3

                      SELECT JSON_AVG('{"test": {"data": [1,2,3,4,5]}}', '$[x]');
                      -- Result: 3

                      SELECT JSON_AVG('{"test": {"data": [1,2,3,4,5]}}', '$[3..]');
                      -- Result: 4.5

JSON_COUNT(json, jsonpath)

Returns the number of elements in a JSON array within a JSON object. The path to the array is specified in the jsonpath argument. Return value is numeric or null.

  • json: The JSON document to compute.
  • jsonpath: The JSONPath used to select the nodes. [x], [2..], [..8], or [1..12] are accepted. [x] selects all nodes.

                      SELECT JSON_COUNT('[1,2,3,4,5]', '$[x]');
                      -- Result: 5

                      SELECT JSON_COUNT('{"test": {"data": [1,2,3,4,5]}}', '$[x]');
                      -- Result: 5

                      SELECT JSON_COUNT('{"test": {"data": [1,2,3,4,5]}}', '$[3..]');
                      -- Result: 2

JSON_MAX(json, jsonpath)

Gets the maximum value in a JSON array within a JSON object. The path to the array is specified in the jsonpath argument. Return value is numeric or null.

  • json: The JSON document to compute.
  • jsonpath: The JSONPath used to select the nodes. [x], [2..], [..8], or [1..12] are accepted. [x] selects all nodes.

                      SELECT JSON_MAX('[1,2,3,4,5]', '$[x]');
                      -- Result: 5

                      SELECT JSON_MAX('{"test": {"data": [1,2,3,4,5]}}', '$[x]');
                      -- Result: 5

                      SELECT JSON_MAX('{"test": {"data": [1,2,3,4,5]}}', '$[..3]');
                      -- Result: 4

JSON_MIN(json, jsonpath)

Gets the minimum value in a JSON array within a JSON object. The path to the array is specified in the jsonpath argument. Return value is numeric or null.

  • json: The JSON document to compute.
  • jsonpath: The JSONPath used to select the nodes. [x], [2..], [..8], or [1..12] are accepted. [x] selects all nodes.

                      SELECT JSON_MIN('[1,2,3,4,5]', '$[x]');
                      -- Result: 1

                      SELECT JSON_MIN('{"test": {"data": [1,2,3,4,5]}}', '$[x]');
                      -- Result: 1

                      SELECT JSON_MIN('{"test": {"data": [1,2,3,4,5]}}', '$[3..]');
                      -- Result: 4

JSON_SUM(json, jsonpath)

Computes the summary value in JSON according to the JSONPath expression. Return value is numeric or null.

  • json: The JSON document to compute.
  • jsonpath: The JSONPath used to select the nodes. [x], [2..], [..8], or [1..12] are accepted. [x] selects all nodes.

                      SELECT JSON_SUM('[1,2,3,4,5]', '$[x]');
                      -- Result: 15

                      SELECT JSON_SUM('{"test": {"data": [1,2,3,4,5]}}', '$[x]');
                      -- Result: 15

                      SELECT JSON_SUM('{"test": {"data": [1,2,3,4,5]}}', '$[3..]');
                      -- Result: 9


Returns the least of the supplied integers.

				SELECT LEAST(3,5,8,10,1)
				-- Result: 1			

LOG ( float_expression [, base ] )

Returns the natural logarithm of the specified float expression.

  • float_expression: The float expression.
  • base: The optional integer argument that sets the base for the logarithm.

                      SELECT LOG(7.3890560);
                      -- Result: 1.99999998661119

LOG10 ( float_expression )

Returns the base-10 logarithm of the specified float expression.

  • float_expression: The expression of type float.

                      SELECT LOG10(10000);
                      -- Result: 4


Returns the integer value associated with the remainder when dividing the dividend by the divisor.

  • dividend: The number to take the modulus of.
  • divisor: The number to divide the dividend by when determining the modulus.

				SELECT MOD(10,3);
				-- Result: 1


Returns the opposite to the real number input.

  • real_number: The real number to find the opposite of.

				-- Result: -10
				SELECT NEGATE(-12.4)
				--Result: 12.4

PI ( )

Returns the constant value of pi.

                  SELECT PI()
                  -- Result: 3.14159265358979 

POWER ( float_expression , y )

Returns the value of the specified expression raised to the specified power.

  • float_expression: The float expression.
  • y: The power to raise float_expression to.

                      SELECT POWER(2, 10);
                      -- Result: 1024

                      SELECT POWER(2, -2);
                      -- Result: 0.25

RADIANS ( float_expression )

Returns the angle in radians of the angle in degrees.

  • float_expression: The degrees of the angle as a float expression.

                      SELECT RADIANS(180);
                      -- Result: 3.14159265358979

RAND ( [ integer_seed ] )

Returns a pseudorandom float value from 0 through 1, exclusive.

  • seed: The optional integer expression that specifies the seed value. If seed is not specified, a seed value at random will be assigned.

                      SELECT RAND();
                      -- This result may be different, since the seed is randomized
                      -- Result: 0.873159630165044

                      SELECT RAND(1);
                      -- This result will always be the same, since the seed is constant
                      -- Result: 0.248668584157093

ROUND ( numeric_expression [ ,integer_length] [ ,function ] )

Returns the numeric value rounded to the specified length or precision.

  • numeric_expression: The expression of a numeric data type.
  • length: The optional precision to round the numeric expression to. When this is ommitted, the default behavior will be to round to the nearest whole number.
  • function: The optional type of operation to perform. When the function parameter is omitted or has a value of 0 (default), numeric_expression is rounded. When a value other than 0 is specified, numeric_expression is truncated.

                      SELECT ROUND(1.3, 0);
                      -- Result: 1

                      SELECT ROUND(1.55, 1);
                      -- Result: 1.6

                      SELECT ROUND(1.7, 0, 0);
                      -- Result: 2

                      SELECT ROUND(1.7, 0, 1);
                      -- Result: 1
                      SELECT ROUND (1.24);
                      -- Result: 1.0

SIGN ( numeric_expression )

Returns the positive sign (1), 0, or negative sign (-1) of the specified expression.

  • numeric_expression: The expression of an indeterminate data type except for the bit data type.

                      SELECT SIGN(0);
                      -- Result: 0

                      SELECT SIGN(10);
                      -- Result: 1

                      SELECT SIGN(-10);
                      -- Result: -1

SIN ( float_expression )

Returns the trigonometric sine of the angle in radians.

  • float_expression: The float expression specifying the angle in radians.

                     SELECT SIN(1);
                     -- Result: 0.841470984807897

SQRT ( float_expression )

Returns the square root of the specified float value.

  • float_expression: The expression of type float.

                      SELECT SQRT(100);
                      -- Result: 10

SQUARE ( float_expression )

Returns the square of the specified float value.

  • float_expression: The expression of type float.

                      SELECT SQUARE(10);
                      -- Result: 100

                      SELECT SQUARE(-10);
                      -- Result: 100

TAN ( float_expression )

Returns the tangent of the input expression.

  • float_expression: The expression of type float.

                      SELECT TAN(1);
                      -- Result: 1.5574077246549


Returns the supplied decimal number truncated to have the supplied decimal precision.

  • decimal_number: The decimal value to truncate.
  • precision: The number of decimal places to truncate the decimal number to.

				SELECT TRUNC(10.3423,2);
				-- Result: 10.34


Returns a row index as an additional column.

				SELECT ColumnName, _ROW_NUMBER_() FROM TableName
				-- Result: ColumnData, 0
				ColumnData2, 1
				ColumnData3, 2

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9029