JDBC Driver for Avro

Build 24.0.9029


This section describes how to connect to Avro following the standard JDBC connection process in DBeaver: Add the driver JAR, provide the driver class name, and provide any Avro-specific parameters in the JDBC URL.

Add the JDBC Driver for Avro

Complete the following steps to add the driver .jar file:

  1. Open the DBeaver application and, in the Database menu, select the Driver Manager option. Click New to open the Create New Driver form.
  2. In the Driver Name box, enter a user-friendly name for the driver.
  3. To add the .jar file, click Add File on the Libraries tab. Select the cdata.jdbc.avro.jar file, located in the lib subfolder of the installation directory.

    Note that the.lic file must be located in the same folder as the .jar file.

  4. Click Find Class, and in the list select, "cdata.jdbc.avro.AvroDriver".
  5. In the URL Template field, enter jdbc:avro:.

Create the JDBC Data Source

Complete the following steps to select the Avro driver and build the JDBC URL to create the JDBC data source:

  1. In the main DBeaver window, click Database > New Connection.
  2. Select the driver definition you created in the dialog that is displayed.
  3. On the next page of the wizard, click the Driver Properties tab.
  4. Enter any connection properties required to connect to Avro.

    Here is a typical connection string:

    See Establishing a Connection for a connection and authentication guide.

  5. Finish creating the connection with the default settings or configure advanced network settings -- proxy, firewall, and SSH.

Discover Schemas and Query Avro Data

Complete the following steps to query information from the tables exposed by the connection:

  1. Expand the node for the connection to access the database metadata.
  2. Browse the table metadata and edit the table data by right-clicking a Table and then clicking Edit Table.

To execute an SQL query, select SQL Editor > New SQL Editor and select the Avro connection you created. You can then enter queries using code completion.

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Build 24.0.9029