The CData Sync App provides a straightforward way to continuously pipeline your eBay Analytics data to any database, data lake, or data warehouse, making it easily available for Analytics, Reporting, AI, and Machine Learning.
The eBay Analytics connector can be used from the CData Sync application to pull data from eBay Analytics and move it to any of the supported destinations.
The Sync App leverages the EbayAnalytics API to enable bidirectional access to EbayAnalytics.
For required properties, see the Settings tab.
For connection properties that are not typically required, see the Advanced tab.
You can establish a connection and authenticate to the eBay Analytics only via the OAuth 2 authentication method. The eBay Analytics API requires an access token created with the authorization code grant flow to authorize the requests.
This section details a selection of advanced features of the eBay Analytics Sync App.
The Sync App supports the use of user defined views, virtual tables whose contents are decided by a pre-configured user defined query. These views are useful when you cannot directly control queries being issued to the drivers. For an overview of creating and configuring custom views, see User Defined Views .
Use SSL Configuration to adjust how Sync App handles TLS/SSL certificate negotiations. You can choose from various certificate formats;. For further information, see the SSLServerCert property under "Connection String Options" .
Configure the Sync App for compliance with Firewall and Proxy, including Windows proxies and HTTP proxies. You can also set up tunnel connections.
For further information, see Query Processing.
By default, the Sync App attempts to negotiate TLS with the server. The server certificate is validated against the default system trusted certificate store. You can override how the certificate gets validated using the SSLServerCert connection property.
To specify another certificate, see the SSLServerCert connection property.
To authenticate to an HTTP proxy, set the following:
Set the following properties:
This section shows the available API resources and provides more information on executing SQL to eBay Analytics APIs.
Views describes the available views. Views are statically defined to model CustomerServiceMetricByCategory, CustomerServiceMetricByShippingRegion, SellerStandardsProfile, TrafficReportByDay and TrafficReportByListing.
Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to eBay Analytics. Stored procedures allow you to execute operations to eBay Analytics. The eBay Analytics supports only stored procedures related to authentication.
Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
Name | Description |
CustomerServiceMetricByCategory | Returns a seller's performance and rating for the customer service metric by the primary proudct categories. |
CustomerServiceMetricByShippingRegion | Returns a seller's performance and rating for the customer service metric by the established shipping corridors. |
SellerStandardsProfile | Returns the standards profiles for the associated seller. |
TrafficReportByDay | Returns a report that details the user traffic received by a seller's listings per day. |
TrafficReportByListing | Returns a report that details the user traffic received by a seller's listings per listing. |
Returns a seller's performance and rating for the customer service metric by the primary proudct categories.
The Sync App will use the eBay Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
To query the CustomerServiceMetricByCategory view, a value for the EvaluationType and MarketplaceId columns should be specified.
The MarketplaceId is server side filterable and supports only the operator: =.
Supported MarketplaceId values are: EBAY_AU, EBAY_CA, EBAY_FR, EBAY_DE, EBAY_GB, EBAY_IT, EBAY_ES and EBAY_US.
The EvaluationType is server side filterable and supports only the operator: =.
Supported EvaluationType values are: CURRENT and PROJECTED.
The example query below will return CustomerServiceMetricByCategory data for the CURRENT Evaluation Type period and for the Marketplace specified in the MarketplaceId connection property.
SELECT * FROM CustomerServiceMetricByCategory
The example query below will return CustomerServiceMetricByCategory data for the PROJECTED Evaluation Type period and for the US Marketplace.
SELECT * FROM CustomerServiceMetricByCategory WHERE EvaluationType = 'PROJECTED' AND MarketplaceId = 'EBAY_US'
Note: Querying this view will return results only if the below conditions are met.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryId | String | The primary category ID in which the items being rated were listed. |
CategoryName | String | The primary category name in which the items being rated were listed. |
TransactionCount | Integer | The total number of transactions completed in the seller group for the MetricType in the given dimension during the associated evaluationCycle. |
Count | Integer | The total number of transactions the seller completed that meet the criteria of the MetricType for the given dimension that occurred during the evaluationCycle. |
DistributionsBasis | String | The overarching basis by which an array of seller data is grouped. Along with DistributionsData, they expand the total number of transactions in Count column grouped by a certain basis. |
DistributionsData | String | Expands the Count column data via an aggregated list of name/value pairs, where the name indicates the distribution being rated and the value indicates the count of seller transactions that meet the distribution criteria. |
Rate | Double | The rate of the customer service MetricType in the given dimension during the associated evaluationCycle. Specifically, it is the TransactionCount divided by the Count value. |
BenchmarkBasis | String | The basis by which the benchmark is calculated for the MetricType. |
BenchmarkRating | String | The seller's rating for the ServiceMetric. It represents the relative deviation between the seller's Rate metric value and the benchmark value for the specified ServiceMetric. |
BenchmarkAverage | Double | The average value for the group, as defined by the specified BenchmarkBasis. When BenchmarkBasis is 'PEER_BENCHMARK', this is the benchmark value to which the seller's metric value is compared to determine the BenchmarkRating for the ServiceMetric. |
BenchmarkAdjustment | String | The reason why the rating given to the seller was adjusted. |
EvaluationDate | Datetime | Date and time at which the seller was evaluated for this customer service metric rating. |
EvaluationType | String | This field specifies the transaction lookback period used for the evaluation. Supported values are: CURRENT, PROJECTED. |
StartDate | Datetime | The start date and time of the transaction lookback range. |
EndDate | Datetime | End date and time of the transaction lookback range. |
MarketplaceId | String | The eBay marketplace ID of the marketplace upon which the customer service metric evaluation is based. |
MetricType | String | The type of customer service metric. |
Returns a seller's performance and rating for the customer service metric by the established shipping corridors.
The Sync App will use the eBay Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
To query the CustomerServiceMetricByShippingRegion view, a value for the EvaluationType and MarketplaceId columns should be specified.
The MarketplaceId is server side filterable and supports only the operator: =.
Supported MarketplaceId values are: EBAY_AU, EBAY_CA, EBAY_FR, EBAY_DE, EBAY_GB, EBAY_IT, EBAY_ES and EBAY_US.
The EvaluationType is server side filterable and supports only the operator: =.
Supported EvaluationType values are: CURRENT and PROJECTED.
The example query below will return CustomerServiceMetricByShippingRegion data for the CURRENT Evaluation Type period and for the Marketplace specified in the MarketplaceId connection property.
SELECT * FROM CustomerServiceMetricByShippingRegion
The example query below will return CustomerServiceMetricByShippingRegion data for the PROJECTED Evaluation Type period and for the German Marketplace.
SELECT * FROM CustomerServiceMetricByShippingRegion WHERE EvaluationType = 'PROJECTED' AND MarketplaceId = 'EBAY_DE'
Note: Querying this view will return results only if the below conditions are met.
Name | Type | Description |
ShippingRegionId | String | The Id of the established shipping corridor. |
ShippingRegionName | String | The Name of the established shipping corridor. |
TransactionCount | Integer | The total number of transactions completed in the seller group for the MetricType in the given dimension during the associated evaluationCycle. |
Count | Integer | The total number of transactions the seller completed that meet the criteria of the MetricType for the given dimension that occurred during the evaluationCycle. |
DistributionsBasis | String | The overarching basis by which an array of seller data is grouped. Along with DistributionsData, they expand the total number of transactions in Count column grouped by a certain basis. |
DistributionsData | String | Expands the Count column data via an aggregated list of name/value pairs, where the name indicates the distribution being rated and the value indicates the count of seller transactions that meet the distribution criteria. |
Rate | Double | The rate of the customer service MetricType in the given dimension during the associated evaluationCycle. Specifically, it is the TransactionCount divided by the Count value. |
BenchmarkBasis | String | The basis by which the benchmark is calculated for the MetricType. |
BenchmarkRating | String | The seller's rating for the ServiceMetric. It represents the relative deviation between the seller's Rate metric value and the benchmark value for the specified ServiceMetric. |
BenchmarkAverage | Double | The average value for the group, as defined by the specified BenchmarkBasis. When BenchmarkBasis is 'PEER_BENCHMARK', this is the benchmark value to which the seller's metric value is compared to determine the BenchmarkRating for the ServiceMetric. |
BenchmarkAdjustment | String | The reason why the rating given to the seller was adjusted. |
EvaluationDate | Datetime | Date and time at which the seller was evaluated for this customer service metric rating. |
EvaluationType | String | This field specifies the transaction lookback period used for the evaluation. Supported values are: CURRENT, PROJECTED. |
StartDate | Datetime | The start date and time of the transaction lookback range. |
EndDate | Datetime | End date and time of the transaction lookback range. |
MarketplaceId | String | The eBay marketplace ID of the marketplace upon which the customer service metric evaluation is based. |
MetricType | String | The type of customer service metric. |
Returns the standards profiles for the associated seller.
The Sync App will use the eBay Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
The Program and Cycle columns support server side filtering only when specified at the same time and only for the = operator.
For example, the query below is processed server side and it returns the SellerStandardsProfile report data for the Current cycle based on the US Program standards.
SELECT * FROM SellerStandardsProfile WHERE Cycle = 'CURRENT' AND Program = 'PROGRAM_US'
The other example query below, will return the SellerStandardsProfile for every available program standards region and for both cycles, Current and PROJECTED.
SELECT * FROM SellerStandardsProfile
Name | Type | Description |
Program | String | The program used to generate the profile data. Values can be PROGRAM_DE, PROGRAM_UK, PROGRAM_US, or PROGRAM_GLOBAL. |
DefaultProgram | Boolean | Boolean indicating if this is the default program for the seller. |
StandardsLevel | String | The overall standards level of the seller, one of TOP_RATED, ABOVE_STANDARD, or BELOW_STANDARD. |
EvaluationReason | String | Specifies how the overall seller level was calculated. |
Cycle | String | The cycle type, either CURRENT or PROJECTED. CURRENT means the profile's metrics values are from the most recent official eBay monthly standards evaluation. PROJECTED means the profile values were determined when the profile was requested. |
EvaluationDate | Datetime | The date and time at which the standard compliance values were determined for the profile. |
EvaluationMonth | String | The month in which the currently effective seller level was computed. The value is always formatted as YYYY-MM. If the cycle is CURRENT, this value is the month and year the of the last eBay compliance evaluation. If this is for a PROJECTED cycle, the value is the month and year of the next scheduled evaluation. |
MinimumDaysOnSite | Integer | Minimum days on site. |
Transactions | Integer | The total Transactions count. |
SalesAmount | Decimal | The total Sales amount. |
TransactionDefectRate | Decimal | Transaction defect rate. |
CasesClosedWithoutSellerResolution | Decimal | Total cases closed without seller resolution. |
LateShipmentRate | Decimal | Late shipment rate. |
TrackingUploadedOnTimeAndValidated | Decimal | Tracking uploaded on time and validated. |
BusinessSeller | Boolean | Business seller critera met. |
PowerSeller | Boolean | Power seller criteria met. |
MinimumDaysOnSiteLevel | String | The seller level for the MinimumDaysOnSite metric, which indicates how well the seller is doing in meeting eBay's standards for this metric. Possible values are TOP_RATED, ABOVE_STANDARD, and BELOW_STANDARD. |
TransactionsLevel | String | The seller level for the Transactions metric, which indicates how well the seller is doing in meeting eBay's standards for this metric. Possible values are TOP_RATED, ABOVE_STANDARD, and BELOW_STANDARD. |
SalesAmountLevel | String | The seller level for the SalesAmount metric, which indicates how well the seller is doing in meeting eBay's standards for this metric. Possible values are TOP_RATED, ABOVE_STANDARD, and BELOW_STANDARD. |
TransactionDefectRateLevel | String | The seller level for the TransactionDefectRate metric, which indicates how well the seller is doing in meeting eBay's standards for this metric. Possible values are TOP_RATED, ABOVE_STANDARD, and BELOW_STANDARD. |
CasesClosedWithoutSellerResolutionLevel | String | The seller level for the CasesClosedWithoutSellerResolution metric, which indicates how well the seller is doing in meeting eBay's standards for this metric. Possible values are TOP_RATED, ABOVE_STANDARD, and BELOW_STANDARD. |
LateShipmentRateLevel | String | The seller level for the LateShipmentRate metric, which indicates how well the seller is doing in meeting eBay's standards for this metric. Possible values are TOP_RATED, ABOVE_STANDARD, and BELOW_STANDARD. |
TrackingUploadedOnTimeAndValidatedLevel | String | The seller level for the TrackingUploadedOnTimeAndValidated metric, which indicates how well the seller is doing in meeting eBay's standards for this metric. Possible values are TOP_RATED, ABOVE_STANDARD, and BELOW_STANDARD. |
BusinessSellerLevel | String | The seller level for the BusinessSeller metric, which indicates how well the seller is doing in meeting eBay's standards for this metric. Possible values are TOP_RATED, ABOVE_STANDARD, and BELOW_STANDARD. |
PowerSellerLevel | String | The seller level for the PowerSeller metric, which indicates how well the seller is doing in meeting eBay's standards for this metric. Possible values are TOP_RATED, ABOVE_STANDARD, and BELOW_STANDARD. |
MinimumDaysOnSiteThresholdLowerBound | Integer | Specifies the lowest number value for the MinimumDaysOnSite metric can be and still qualify for the currently assigned seller level. |
TransactionsThresholdLowerBound | Integer | Specifies the lowest number value for the Transactions metric can be and still qualify for the currently assigned seller level. |
SalesAmountThresholdLowerBound | Decimal | Specifies the lowest number value for the SalesAmount metric can be and still qualify for the currently assigned seller level. |
TrackingUploadedOnTimeAndValidatedThresholdLowerBound | Decimal | Specifies the lowest number value for the TrackingUploadedOnTimeAndValidated metric can be and still qualify for the currently assigned seller level. |
BusinessSellerThresholdLowerBound | Boolean | Specifies the lowest number value for the BusinessSeller metric can be and still qualify for the currently assigned seller level. |
PowerSellerThresholdLowerBound | Boolean | Specifies the lowest number value for the PowerSeller metric can be and still qualify for the currently assigned seller level. |
TransactionsThresholdUpperBound | Integer | Specifies the highest number value for the Transactions metric can be and still qualify for the currently assigned seller level. |
SalesAmountThresholdUpperBound | Decimal | Specifies the highest number value for the SalesAmount metric can be and still qualify for the currently assigned seller level. |
TransactionDefectRateThresholdUpperBound | Decimal | Specifies the highest number value for the TransactionDefectRate metric can be and still qualify for the currently assigned seller level. |
CasesClosedWithoutSellerResolutionThresholdUpperBound | Decimal | Specifies the highest number value for the CasesClosedWithoutSellerResolution metric can be and still qualify for the currently assigned seller level. |
LateShipmentRateThresholdUpperBound | Decimal | Specifies the highest number value for the LateShipmentRate metric can be and still qualify for the currently assigned seller level. |
BusinessSellerThresholdUpperBound | Boolean | Specifies the highest number value for the BusinessSeller metric can be and still qualify for the currently assigned seller level. |
PowerSellerThresholdUpperBound | Boolean | Specifies the highest number value for the PowerSeller metric can be and still qualify for the currently assigned seller level. |
MinimumDaysOnSiteThresholdMetaData | String | An expression that indicates the inclusive and exclusive characteristics of the upper and lower threshold boundaries for the MinimumDaysOnSite metric. The expression consists of two values separated by a comma, which are bounded by either a parenthesis or a square bracket. The parenthesis excludes the adjacent value, while the square bracket includes it. |
TransactionsThresholdMetaData | String | An expression that indicates the inclusive and exclusive characteristics of the upper and lower threshold boundaries for the Transactions metric. The expression consists of two values separated by a comma, which are bounded by either a parenthesis or a square bracket. The parenthesis excludes the adjacent value, while the square bracket includes it. |
SalesAmountThresholdMetaData | String | An expression that indicates the inclusive and exclusive characteristics of the upper and lower threshold boundaries for the SalesAmount metric. The expression consists of two values separated by a comma, which are bounded by either a parenthesis or a square bracket. The parenthesis excludes the adjacent value, while the square bracket includes it. |
TransactionDefectRateThresholdMetaData | String | An expression that indicates the inclusive and exclusive characteristics of the upper and lower threshold boundaries for the TransactionDefectRate metric. The expression consists of two values separated by a comma, which are bounded by either a parenthesis or a square bracket. The parenthesis excludes the adjacent value, while the square bracket includes it. |
CasesClosedWithoutSellerResolutionThresholdMetaData | String | An expression that indicates the inclusive and exclusive characteristics of the upper and lower threshold boundaries for the CasesClosedWithoutSellerResolution metric. The expression consists of two values separated by a comma, which are bounded by either a parenthesis or a square bracket. The parenthesis excludes the adjacent value, while the square bracket includes it. |
LateShipmentRateThresholdMetaData | String | An expression that indicates the inclusive and exclusive characteristics of the upper and lower threshold boundaries for the LateShipmentRate metric. The expression consists of two values separated by a comma, which are bounded by either a parenthesis or a square bracket. The parenthesis excludes the adjacent value, while the square bracket includes it. |
TrackingUploadedOnTimeAndValidatedThresholdMetaData | String | An expression that indicates the inclusive and exclusive characteristics of the upper and lower threshold boundaries for the TrackingUploadedOnTimeAndValidated metric. The expression consists of two values separated by a comma, which are bounded by either a parenthesis or a square bracket. The parenthesis excludes the adjacent value, while the square bracket includes it. |
TransactionsLookbackStartDate | Datetime | The start date and time when the seller was evaluated for the Transactions metric. |
SalesAmountLookbackStartDate | Datetime | The start date and time when the seller was evaluated for the SalesAmount metric. |
TransactionDefectRateLookbackStartDate | Datetime | The start date and time when the seller was evaluated for the TransactionDefectRate metric. |
CasesClosedWithoutSellerResolutionLookbackStartDate | Datetime | The start date and time when the seller was evaluated for the CasesClosedWithoutSellerResolution metric. |
LateShipmentRateLookbackStartDate | Datetime | The start date and time when the seller was evaluated for the LateShipmentRate metric. |
TrackingUploadedOnTimeAndValidatedLookbackStartDate | Datetime | The start date and time when the seller was evaluated for the TrackingUploadedOnTimeAndValidated metric. |
TransactionsLookbackEndDate | Datetime | The end date and time when the seller was evaluated for the Transactions metric. |
SalesAmountLookbackEndDate | Datetime | The end date and time when the seller was evaluated for the SalesAmount metric. |
TransactionDefectRateLookbackEndDate | Datetime | The end date and time when the seller was evaluated for the TransactionDefectRate metric. |
CasesClosedWithoutSellerResolutionLookbackEndDate | Datetime | The end date and time when the seller was evaluated for the CasesClosedWithoutSellerResolution metric. |
LateShipmentRateLookbackEndDate | Datetime | The end date and time when the seller was evaluated for the LateShipmentRate metric. |
TrackingUploadedOnTimeAndValidatedLookbackEndDate | Datetime | The end date and time when the seller was evaluated for the TrackingUploadedOnTimeAndValidated metric. |
SalesAmountCurrency | String | The sales amount currency. |
Returns a report that details the user traffic received by a seller's listings per day.
The Sync App will use the eBay Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
To query the TrafficReportByDay view, a value for the MarketplaceId and the report date range via the columns ReportStartDate and ReportEndDate should be specified.
The MarketplaceId is server side filterable and supports the operators: "=" and "IN".
Supported MarketplaceId values are: EBAY_DE, EBAY_GB, EBAY_AU and EBAY_US.
The ReportStartDate and ReportEndDate columns are server side filterable and support only the operator: =.
The ListingId is server side filterable and supports the operators: "=" and "IN".
The example query below will return TrafficReportByDay data for the Marketplace specified in the MarketplaceId connection property and for the last 90 days.
SELECT * FROM TrafficReportByDay
The other example query below, will return TrafficReportByDay data for the specified listings in the US Marketplace within the defined date range.
SELECT * FROM TrafficReportByDay WHERE ListingId IN ('182227914336', '182283742135', '311698881010') AND MarketplaceId = 'EBAY_US' AND ReportStartDate = '2019-07-12' AND ReportEndDate = '2019-09-13'
Name | Type | Description |
Day | Date | The Day (individual date) by which the metrics are grouped. |
ClickThroughRate | Double | The number of times an item displays on the search results page divided by the number of times buyers clicked through to its View Item page. |
ListingImpressionSearchResultsPage | Integer | The number of times the seller's listings displayed on the search results page. Note, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page. |
ListingImpressionStore | Integer | The number of times the seller's listings displayed on the seller's store. Note, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page. |
ListingImpressionTotal | Integer | The total number of times the seller's listings displayed on the search results page OR in the seller's store. The item is counted each time it displays on either page. However, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page. This is a combination of: ListingImpressionSearchResultsPage + ListingImpressionStore. |
ListingViewsSourceDirect | Integer | The number of times a View Item page was directly accessed, such as when a buyer navigates to the page using a bookmark. |
ListingViewsSourceOffEbay | Integer | The number of times a View Item page was accessed via a site other than eBay, such as when a buyer clicks on a link to the listing from a search engine page. |
ListingViewsSourceOtherEbay | Integer | The number of times a View Item page was accessed from an eBay page that is not either the search results page or the seller's store. |
ListingViewsSourceSearchResultsPage | Integer | The number of times the item displayed on the search results page. |
ListingViewsSourceStore | Integer | The number of times a View Item page was accessed via the seller's store. |
ListingViewsTotal | Integer | Total number of listings viewed. This number sums: ListingViewsSourceDirect, ListingViewsSourceOffEbay, ListingViewsSourceOtherEbay, ListingViewsSourceSearchResultsPage, ListingViewsSourceStore. |
SalesConversionRate | Double | The number of completed transactions divided by the number of View Item page views. Equals: TransactionsCount/ListingViewsTotal. |
TotalImpressionTotal | Integer | The total number of times the seller's listings have displayed on any page or flow. It matches the value on the Seller Hub performance/traffic page. It includes the impressions from the ListingImpressionTotal metric plus any other impressions including those listings that display on pages other than search result and store. The item is counted each time it displays on either page. However, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page. |
TransactionsCount | Integer | The total number of completed transactions. |
UsageStartDate | Datetime | The start date of the actual date range of the report data. |
UsageEndDate | Datetime | The end date of the actual date range of the report data. |
LastUpdatedDate | Datetime | The last time the data returned in the report was updated. |
ReportStartDate | Date | The requested start date of the date range used to calculate the report. |
ReportEndDate | Date | The requested end date of the date range used to calculate the report. If you specify an report end date that is beyond the lastUpdatedDate value, eBay returns a report that contains data only up to the LastUpdateDate. For this reason, the provided ReportStartDate and ReportEndDate values used to request the report might not match with the report's actual date range: ReportStartDate - ReportEndDate. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
MarketplaceId | String | The eBay marketplace ID of the marketplace upon which the seller report is limited. |
ListingId | String | The Id of the Listing by which the metrics are grouped. You can get your ListingId-s from the TrafficReportByListing view. |
Returns a report that details the user traffic received by a seller's listings per listing.
The Sync App will use the eBay Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
To query the TrafficReportByListing view, at least the report date range via the columns ReportStartDate and ReportEndDate should be specified.
The ReportStartDate and ReportEndDate columns are server side filterable and support only the operator: =.
The MarketplaceId input supports the operators: "=" and "IN".
Supported MarketplaceId values are: EBAY_DE, EBAY_GB, EBAY_AU and EBAY_US.
The ListingId column is server side filterable and supports the operators: "=" and "IN".
The example query below will return TrafficReportByListing data for every available Marketplace, including every Listing the last 90 days.
SELECT * FROM TrafficReportByListing
The other example query below, will return TrafficReportByListing data for the specified listings in the GB Marketplace within the defined date range.
SELECT * FROM TrafficReportByListing WHERE ReportStartDate = '2019-06-20' AND ReportEndDate = '2019-09-15' AND ListingId IN ('201294636968', '201450979387', '201461563488') AND MarketplaceId = 'EBAY_GB'
Name | Type | Description |
ListingId | String | The Id of the Listing by which the metrics are grouped. |
ListingName | String | The Listing Name. |
ClickThroughRate | Double | The number of times an item displays on the search results page divided by the number of times buyers clicked through to its View Item page. |
ListingImpressionSearchResultsPage | Integer | The number of times the seller's listings displayed on the search results page. Note, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page. |
ListingImpressionStore | Integer | The number of times the seller's listings displayed on the seller's store. Note, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page. |
ListingImpressionTotal | Integer | The total number of times the seller's listings displayed on the search results page OR in the seller's store. The item is counted each time it displays on either page. However, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page. This is a combination of: ListingImpressionSearchResultsPage + ListingImpressionStore. |
ListingViewsSourceDirect | Integer | The number of times a View Item page was directly accessed, such as when a buyer navigates to the page using a bookmark. |
ListingViewsSourceOffEbay | Integer | The number of times a View Item page was accessed via a site other than eBay, such as when a buyer clicks on a link to the listing from a search engine page. |
ListingViewsSourceOtherEbay | Integer | The number of times a View Item page was accessed from an eBay page that is not either the search results page or the seller's store. |
ListingViewsSourceSearchResultsPage | Integer | The number of times the item displayed on the search results page. |
ListingViewsSourceStore | Integer | The number of times a View Item page was accessed via the seller's store. |
ListingViewsTotal | Integer | Total number of listings viewed. This number sums: ListingViewsSourceDirect, ListingViewsSourceOffEbay, ListingViewsSourceOtherEbay, ListingViewsSourceSearchResultsPage, ListingViewsSourceStore. |
SalesConversionRate | Double | The number of completed transactions divided by the number of View Item page views. Equals: TransactionsCount/ListingViewsTotal. |
TotalImpressionTotal | Integer | The total number of times the seller's listings have displayed on any page or flow. It matches the value on the Seller Hub performance/traffic page. It includes the impressions from the ListingImpressionTotal metric plus any other impressions including those listings that display on pages other than search result and store. The item is counted each time it displays on either page. However, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page. |
TransactionsCount | Integer | The total number of completed transactions. |
UsageStartDate | Datetime | The start date of the actual date range of the report data. |
UsageEndDate | Datetime | The end date of the actual date range of the report data. |
LastUpdatedDate | Datetime | The last time the data returned in the report was updated. |
ReportStartDate | Date | The requested start date of the date range used to calculate the report. |
ReportEndDate | Date | The requested end date of the date range used to calculate the report. If you specify an report end date that is beyond the lastUpdatedDate value, eBay returns a report that contains data only up to the LastUpdateDate. For this reason, the provided ReportStartDate and ReportEndDate values used to request the report might not match with the report's actual date range: ReportStartDate - ReportEndDate. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
MarketplaceId | String | The eBay marketplace ID of the marketplace upon which the seller report is limited. |
The connection string properties are the various options that can be used to establish a connection. This section provides a complete list of the options you can configure in the connection string for this provider. Click the links for further details.
For more information on establishing a connection, see Establishing a Connection.
Property | Description |
AuthScheme | The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are OAuth and OAuthClient. |
Property | Description |
RuName | The Redirect URL name used for validation. |
UseSandbox | A boolean indicating if you are using a sandbox account. |
MarketplaceId | The identification number for the eBay Marketplace. |
Property | Description |
OAuthClientId | The client Id assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server. |
OAuthClientSecret | The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server. |
OAuthGrantType | The grant type for the OAuth flow. |
Property | Description |
SSLServerCert | The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL. |
Property | Description |
FirewallType | The protocol used by a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallServer | The name or IP address of a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPort | The TCP port for a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallUser | The user name to use to authenticate with a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPassword | A password used to authenticate to a proxy-based firewall. |
Property | Description |
ProxyAutoDetect | When this connection property is set to True, the provider checks your system proxy settings for existing proxy server configurations (no need to manually supply proxy server details). Set to False if you want to manually configure the provider to connect to a specific proxy server. |
ProxyServer | The hostname or IP address of the proxy server that you want to route HTTP traffic through. |
ProxyPort | The TCP port that the proxy server (specified in the ProxyServer connection property) is running on. |
ProxyAuthScheme | The authentication method the provider uses when authenticating to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyUser | The username of a user account registered with the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connnection property. |
ProxyPassword | The password associated with the user specified in the ProxyUser connection property. |
ProxySSLType | The SSL type to use when connecting to the ProxyServer proxy. |
ProxyExceptions | A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the ProxyServer . |
Property | Description |
LogModules | Core modules to be included in the log file. |
Property | Description |
Location | A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures. |
BrowsableSchemas | This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC. |
Tables | This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC. |
Views | Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC. |
Property | Description |
MaxRows | Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. LIMIT clauses take precedence over the limit specified in MaxRows. |
Other | These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases. |
PseudoColumns | Specify a set of pseudocolumns to expose as columns. |
Timeout | The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation. |
UserDefinedViews | A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views. |
This section provides a complete list of the Authentication properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
AuthScheme | The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are OAuth and OAuthClient. |
The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are OAuth and OAuthClient.
This section provides a complete list of the Connection properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
RuName | The Redirect URL name used for validation. |
UseSandbox | A boolean indicating if you are using a sandbox account. |
MarketplaceId | The identification number for the eBay Marketplace. |
The Redirect URL name used for validation.
It is not necessary when refreshing the Access Token. This property is only needed when performing the Code grant type OAuth flow to get an Access Token. You can obtain this by clicking "User Tokens" from your developer account, clicking "Get a Token from eBay via Your Application", and then clicking "Add eBay Redirect URL".
A boolean indicating if you are using a sandbox account.
A boolean indicating if you are using a sandbox account.
The identification number for the eBay Marketplace.
By default, it has no value assigned to it, this means that to query the reports: CustomerServiceMetricByCategory, CustomerServiceMetricByShippingRegion, TrafficReportByDay and TrafficReportByListing, you must specify the MarketplaceId/s in the query criteria.
You should note that each report is supported in distinct marketplaces, as outlined in the below.
This section provides a complete list of the OAuth properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
OAuthClientId | The client Id assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server. |
OAuthClientSecret | The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server. |
OAuthGrantType | The grant type for the OAuth flow. |
The client Id assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId value, sometimes also called a consumer key, and a client secret, the OAuthClientSecret.
The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId, also called a consumer key. You will also receive a client secret, also called a consumer secret. Set the client secret in the OAuthClientSecret property.
The grant type for the OAuth flow.
The following options are available: CODE,CLIENT
This section provides a complete list of the SSL properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
SSLServerCert | The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL. |
The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.
If using a TLS/SSL connection, this property can be used to specify the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected.
This property can take the following forms:
Description | Example |
A full PEM Certificate (example shortened for brevity) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
A path to a local file containing the certificate | C:\cert.cer |
The public key (example shortened for brevity) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
The MD5 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
The SHA1 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
If not specified, any certificate trusted by the machine is accepted.
Use '*' to signify to accept all certificates. Note that this is not recommended due to security concerns.
This section provides a complete list of the Firewall properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
FirewallType | The protocol used by a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallServer | The name or IP address of a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPort | The TCP port for a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallUser | The user name to use to authenticate with a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPassword | A password used to authenticate to a proxy-based firewall. |
The protocol used by a proxy-based firewall.
This property specifies the protocol that the Sync App will use to tunnel traffic through the FirewallServer proxy. Note that by default, the Sync App connects to the system proxy; to disable this behavior and connect to one of the following proxy types, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
Type | Default Port | Description |
TUNNEL | 80 | When this is set, the Sync App opens a connection to eBay Analytics and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy. |
SOCKS4 | 1080 | When this is set, the Sync App sends data through the SOCKS 4 proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort and passes the FirewallUser value to the proxy, which determines if the connection request should be granted. |
SOCKS5 | 1080 | When this is set, the Sync App sends data through the SOCKS 5 proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort. If your proxy requires authentication, set FirewallUser and FirewallPassword to credentials the proxy recognizes. |
To connect to HTTP proxies, use ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate to HTTP proxies, use ProxyAuthScheme, ProxyUser, and ProxyPassword.
The name or IP address of a proxy-based firewall.
This property specifies the IP address, DNS name, or host name of a proxy allowing traversal of a firewall. The protocol is specified by FirewallType: Use FirewallServer with this property to connect through SOCKS or do tunneling. Use ProxyServer to connect to an HTTP proxy.
Note that the Sync App uses the system proxy by default. To use a different proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
The TCP port for a proxy-based firewall.
This specifies the TCP port for a proxy allowing traversal of a firewall. Use FirewallServer to specify the name or IP address. Specify the protocol with FirewallType.
The user name to use to authenticate with a proxy-based firewall.
The FirewallUser and FirewallPassword properties are used to authenticate against the proxy specified in FirewallServer and FirewallPort, following the authentication method specified in FirewallType.
A password used to authenticate to a proxy-based firewall.
This property is passed to the proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort, following the authentication method specified by FirewallType.
This section provides a complete list of the Proxy properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
ProxyAutoDetect | When this connection property is set to True, the provider checks your system proxy settings for existing proxy server configurations (no need to manually supply proxy server details). Set to False if you want to manually configure the provider to connect to a specific proxy server. |
ProxyServer | The hostname or IP address of the proxy server that you want to route HTTP traffic through. |
ProxyPort | The TCP port that the proxy server (specified in the ProxyServer connection property) is running on. |
ProxyAuthScheme | The authentication method the provider uses when authenticating to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyUser | The username of a user account registered with the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connnection property. |
ProxyPassword | The password associated with the user specified in the ProxyUser connection property. |
ProxySSLType | The SSL type to use when connecting to the ProxyServer proxy. |
ProxyExceptions | A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the ProxyServer . |
When this connection property is set to True, the provider checks your system proxy settings for existing proxy server configurations (no need to manually supply proxy server details). Set to False if you want to manually configure the provider to connect to a specific proxy server.
This connection property takes precedence over other proxy settings, so you'll need to set ProxyAutoDetect to False in order to use custom proxy settings.
To connect to an HTTP proxy, see ProxyServer. For other proxies, such as SOCKS or tunneling, see FirewallType.
The hostname or IP address of the proxy server that you want to route HTTP traffic through.
The hostname or IP address of a proxy to route HTTP traffic through. The Sync App can use the HTTP, Windows (NTLM), or Kerberos authentication types to authenticate to an HTTP proxy.
If you need to connect through a SOCKS proxy or tunnel the connection, see FirewallType.
By default, the Sync App uses the system proxy. If you need to use another proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
The TCP port that the proxy server (specified in the ProxyServer connection property) is running on.
The port the HTTP proxy is running on that you want to redirect HTTP traffic through. Specify the HTTP proxy in ProxyServer. For other proxy types, see FirewallType.
The authentication method the provider uses when authenticating to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property.
This value specifies the authentication type to use to authenticate to the HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer and ProxyPort.
The authentication type can be one of the following:
If you need to use another authentication type, such as SOCKS 5 authentication, see FirewallType.
The username of a user account registered with the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connnection property.
The ProxyUser and ProxyPassword options are used to connect and authenticate against the HTTP proxy specified in ProxyServer.
You can select one of the available authentication types in ProxyAuthScheme. If you are using HTTP authentication, set this to the user name of a user recognized by the HTTP proxy. If you are using Windows or Kerberos authentication, set this property to a user name in one of the following formats:
user@domain domain\user
The password associated with the user specified in the ProxyUser connection property.
This property is used to authenticate to an HTTP proxy server that supports NTLM (Windows), Kerberos, or HTTP authentication. To specify the HTTP proxy, you can set ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To specify the authentication type, set ProxyAuthScheme.
If you are using HTTP authentication, additionally set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword to HTTP proxy.
If you are using NTLM authentication, set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword to your Windows password. You may also need these to complete Kerberos authentication.
For SOCKS 5 authentication or tunneling, see FirewallType.
By default, the Sync App uses the system proxy. If you want to connect to another proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
The SSL type to use when connecting to the ProxyServer proxy.
This property determines when to use SSL for the connection to an HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer. This value can be AUTO, ALWAYS, NEVER, or TUNNEL. The applicable values are the following:
AUTO | Default setting. If the URL is an HTTPS URL, the Sync App will use the TUNNEL option. If the URL is an HTTP URL, the component will use the NEVER option. |
ALWAYS | The connection is always SSL enabled. |
NEVER | The connection is not SSL enabled. |
TUNNEL | The connection is through a tunneling proxy. The proxy server opens a connection to the remote host and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy. |
A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the ProxyServer .
The ProxyServer is used for all addresses, except for addresses defined in this property. Use semicolons to separate entries.
Note that the Sync App uses the system proxy settings by default, without further configuration needed; if you want to explicitly configure proxy exceptions for this connection, you need to set ProxyAutoDetect = false, and configure ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate, set ProxyAuthScheme and set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword, if needed.
This section provides a complete list of the Logging properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
LogModules | Core modules to be included in the log file. |
Core modules to be included in the log file.
Only the modules specified (separated by ';') will be included in the log file. By default all modules are included.
See the Logging page for an overview.
This section provides a complete list of the Schema properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
Location | A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures. |
BrowsableSchemas | This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC. |
Tables | This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC. |
Views | Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC. |
A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.
The path to a directory which contains the schema files for the Sync App (.rsd files for tables and views, .rsb files for stored procedures). The folder location can be a relative path from the location of the executable. The Location property is only needed if you want to customize definitions (for example, change a column name, ignore a column, and so on) or extend the data model with new tables, views, or stored procedures.
If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\EbayAnalytics Data Provider\\Schema" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:
Platform | %APPDATA% |
Windows | The value of the APPDATA environment variable |
Linux | ~/.config |
This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC.
Listing the schemas from databases can be expensive. Providing a list of schemas in the connection string improves the performance.
This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC.
Listing the tables from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of tables in the connection string improves the performance of the Sync App.
This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.
Specify the tables you want in a comma-separated list. Each table should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space`.
Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.
Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC.
Listing the views from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of views in the connection string improves the performance of the Sync App.
This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.
Specify the views you want in a comma-separated list. Each view should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space`.
Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.
This section provides a complete list of the Miscellaneous properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
MaxRows | Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. LIMIT clauses take precedence over the limit specified in MaxRows. |
Other | These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases. |
PseudoColumns | Specify a set of pseudocolumns to expose as columns. |
Timeout | The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation. |
UserDefinedViews | A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views. |
Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. LIMIT clauses take precedence over the limit specified in MaxRows.
Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. LIMIT clauses take precedence over the limit specified in MaxRows.
These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.
The properties listed below are available for specific use cases. Normal driver use cases and functionality should not require these properties.
Specify multiple properties in a semicolon-separated list.
DefaultColumnSize | Sets the default length of string fields when the data source does not provide column length in the metadata. The default value is 2000. |
ConvertDateTimeToGMT | Determines whether to convert date-time values to GMT, instead of the local time of the machine. |
RecordToFile=filename | Records the underlying socket data transfer to the specified file. |
Specify a set of pseudocolumns to expose as columns.
The value of this connection setting is of the format "Table1=Column1;Table1=Column2;Table2=Column3".
You can use the "*" character to include all tables and all columns; for example, "*=*".
The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
If Timeout = 0, operations do not time out. The operations run until they complete successfully or until they encounter an error condition.
If Timeout expires and the operation is not yet complete, the Sync App throws an exception.
A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.
User Defined Views are defined in a JSON-formatted configuration file called UserDefinedViews.json. The Sync App automatically detects the views specified in this file.
You can also have multiple view definitions and control them using the UserDefinedViews connection property. When you use this property, only the specified views are seen by the Sync App.
This User Defined View configuration file is formatted as follows:
For example:
{ "MyView": { "query": "SELECT * FROM TrafficReportByListing WHERE MyColumn = 'value'" }, "MyView2": { "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)" } }Use the UserDefinedViews connection property to specify the location of your JSON configuration file. For example:
"UserDefinedViews", C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\tmp\UserDefinedViews.jsonNote that the specified path is not embedded in quotation marks.