CData Python Connector for eBay Analytics

Build 24.0.9111


Returns a report that details the user traffic received by a seller's listings per day.


The 本製品 will use the eBay Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

To query the TrafficReportByDay view, a value for the MarketplaceId and the report date range via the columns ReportStartDate and ReportEndDate should be specified.

  • In case, the MarketplaceId is not specified, the value set in the MarketplaceId connection property will be used instead by default.

    The MarketplaceId is server side filterable and supports the operators: "=" and "IN".

    Supported MarketplaceId values are: EBAY_DE, EBAY_GB, EBAY_AU and EBAY_US.

  • In case, the report range (ReportStartDate and ReportEndDate) is not specified or partly specified, the driver will return the data for the last 90 days or 90 days before or after the partly specified range depending on which date range parameter is missing.

    The ReportStartDate and ReportEndDate columns are server side filterable and support only the operator: =.

  • Additionally the user can limit the report data to a listing or to a group of listings via the ListingId input.

    The ListingId is server side filterable and supports the operators: "=" and "IN".

The example query below will return TrafficReportByDay data for the Marketplace specified in the MarketplaceId connection property and for the last 90 days.

SELECT * FROM TrafficReportByDay

The other example query below, will return TrafficReportByDay data for the specified listings in the US Marketplace within the defined date range.

SELECT * FROM TrafficReportByDay WHERE ListingId IN ('182227914336', '182283742135', '311698881010') AND MarketplaceId = 'EBAY_US' AND ReportStartDate = '2019-07-12' AND ReportEndDate = '2019-09-13'


Name Type Description
Day Date The Day (individual date) by which the metrics are grouped.
ClickThroughRate Double The number of times an item displays on the search results page divided by the number of times buyers clicked through to its View Item page.
ListingImpressionSearchResultsPage Integer The number of times the seller's listings displayed on the search results page. Note, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page.
ListingImpressionStore Integer The number of times the seller's listings displayed on the seller's store. Note, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page.
ListingImpressionTotal Integer The total number of times the seller's listings displayed on the search results page OR in the seller's store. The item is counted each time it displays on either page. However, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page. This is a combination of: ListingImpressionSearchResultsPage + ListingImpressionStore.
ListingViewsSourceDirect Integer The number of times a View Item page was directly accessed, such as when a buyer navigates to the page using a bookmark.
ListingViewsSourceOffEbay Integer The number of times a View Item page was accessed via a site other than eBay, such as when a buyer clicks on a link to the listing from a search engine page.
ListingViewsSourceOtherEbay Integer The number of times a View Item page was accessed from an eBay page that is not either the search results page or the seller's store.
ListingViewsSourceSearchResultsPage Integer The number of times the item displayed on the search results page.
ListingViewsSourceStore Integer The number of times a View Item page was accessed via the seller's store.
ListingViewsTotal Integer Total number of listings viewed. This number sums: ListingViewsSourceDirect, ListingViewsSourceOffEbay, ListingViewsSourceOtherEbay, ListingViewsSourceSearchResultsPage, ListingViewsSourceStore.
SalesConversionRate Double The number of completed transactions divided by the number of View Item page views. Equals: TransactionsCount/ListingViewsTotal.
TotalImpressionTotal Integer The total number of times the seller's listings have displayed on any page or flow. It matches the value on the Seller Hub performance/traffic page. It includes the impressions from the ListingImpressionTotal metric plus any other impressions including those listings that display on pages other than search result and store. The item is counted each time it displays on either page. However, the listing might not have been visible to the buyer due to its position on the page.
TransactionsCount Integer The total number of completed transactions.
UsageStartDate Datetime The start date of the actual date range of the report data.
UsageEndDate Datetime The end date of the actual date range of the report data.
LastUpdatedDate Datetime The last time the data returned in the report was updated.
ReportStartDate Date The requested start date of the date range used to calculate the report.
ReportEndDate Date The requested end date of the date range used to calculate the report. If you specify an report end date that is beyond the lastUpdatedDate value, eBay returns a report that contains data only up to the LastUpdateDate. For this reason, the provided ReportStartDate and ReportEndDate values used to request the report might not match with the report's actual date range: ReportStartDate - ReportEndDate.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
MarketplaceId String The eBay marketplace ID of the marketplace upon which the seller report is limited.
ListingId String The Id of the Listing by which the metrics are grouped. You can get your ListingId-s from the TrafficReportByListing view.

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Build 24.0.9111