SSIS Components for ADP

Build 24.0.9111


Returns a list of demographics for each worker in the organization.

Table Specific Information


The component uses the ADP API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the AssociateOID column and '=' operator.

For example, the following queries are processed server-side:

SELECT * FROM WorkerDemographics WHERE AssociateOID = 'G3349PZGBADQY8H7'
The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the component.


Name Type References Description
AssociateOID [KEY] String


Associate OID of Worker Demographics
WorkerID String


WorkerID of Worker Demographicsof Worker Demographics
GivenName String GivenName of Worker Demographics
FamilyName String FamilyName of Worker Demographics
AddressCode String AddressCode of Worker Demographics
AddressShortName String AddressShortName of Worker Demographics
AddressLineOne String AddressLineOne of Worker Demographics
CityName String CityName of Worker Demographics
CountrySubdivisionLevelCode String CountrySubdivisionLevelCode of Worker Demographics
CountrySubdivisionType String CountrySubdivisionType of Worker Demographics
CountrySubdivisionShortName String CountrySubdivisionShortName of Worker Demographics
AddressCountryCode String AddressCountryCode of Worker Demographics
AddressPostalCode String AddressPostalCode of Worker Demographics
CommunicationLandlines String CommunicationLandlines of Worker Demographics
CommunicationMobiles String CommunicationMobiles of Worker Demographics
CommunicationFaxes String CommunicationFaxes of Worker Demographics
CommunicationPagers String CommunicationPagers of Worker Demographics
CommunicationEmails String CommunicationEmails of Worker Demographics
GenderCode String GenderCode of Worker Demographics
GenderCodeShortName String GenderCodeShortName of Worker Demographics
MaritalStatusCode String MaritalStatusCode of Worker Demographics
MaritalStatusShortName String MaritalStatusShortName of Worker Demographics
DisabledIndicatior Boolean DisabledIndicatior of Worker Demographics
BirthName String BirthName of Worker Demographics
OtherPersonalAddresses String OtherPersonalAddresses of Worker Demographics
RaceCodeIdentificationMethodCode String RaceCodeIdentificationMethodCode of Worker Demographics
RaceCodeIdentificationMethodShortName String RaceCodeIdentificationMethodShortName of Worker Demographics
RaceCodeShortName String RaceCodeShortName of Worker Demographics
RaceCode String RaceCode of Worker Demographics
HireDate Date HireDate of Worker Demographics
WorkerStatusCode String WorkerStatusCode of Worker Demographics
BusinessCommunicationLandlines String BusinessCommunicationLandlines of Worker Demographics
BusinessCommunicationMobiles String BusinessCommunicationMobiles of Worker Demographics
BusinessCommunicationFaxes String BusinessCommunicationFaxes of Worker Demographics
BusinessCommunicationEmails String BusinessCommunicationEmails of Worker Demographics
BusinessCommunicationPagers String BusinessCommunicationPagers of Worker Demographics
WorkAssignments String WorkAssignments of Worker Demographics

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Build 24.0.9111