SSIS Components for ADP

Build 24.0.9111


Add and view the payroll runs.

Table Specific Information


The component uses the ADP API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the component.

  • ItemID supports the '=' comparison.
  • PayrollRegionCodeValue supports the '=' comparison.
  • PayrollGroupCodeValue supports the '=' comparison.
  • PayrollScheduleReferenceScheduleEntryID supports the '=' comparison.
  • PayrollScheduleReferencePayrollWeekNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • PayrollScheduleReferencePayrollYear supports the '=' comparison.
  • PayrollScheduleReferencePayrollRunNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • Level supports the '=' comparison.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PayrollRuns WHERE ItemID = 'TXSMIb+yh9UbJ9-im9au7g=='

SELECT * FROM PayrollRuns WHERE PayrollRegionCodeValue = 'BOST'

SELECT * FROM PayrollRuns WHERE PayrollGroupCodeValue = '3TN'

SELECT * FROM PayrollRuns WHERE PayrollScheduleReferenceScheduleEntryID = '20201117141612-l6OF8VuGHJD1ydLFoe5+nGBEm7rZkaRSorra0woRs04='

SELECT * FROM PayrollRuns WHERE PayrollScheduleReferencePayrollWeekNumber = '40'

SELECT * FROM PayrollRuns WHERE PayrollScheduleReferencePayrollYear = '2020'

SELECT * FROM PayrollRuns WHERE PayrollScheduleReferencePayrollRunNumber = '1'

SELECT * FROM PayrollRuns WHERE Level = 'payroll'


Following is an example of how to inserting pay data inputs into PayrollRuns table. For example:

INSERT INTO PayrollRuns (PayrollGroupCodeValue, PayrollProcessingJobID, AssociateOID, PayNumber, PayrollFileNumber, EarningInputs, DeductionInputs, ReimbursementInputs) VALUES ('3U7', 'TestProcessing', 'G3BGDF8JG32ERTGK', '1', '020024', '[{"earningCode":{"codeValue":"R"},"modifierCode":{"codeValue":"1"},"rate":{"rateValue":"44.50"},"configurationTags":[{"tagCode":"ShiftCode","tagValues":["1"]}],"numberOfHours":40},{"earningCode":{"codeValue":"O"},"modifierCode":{"codeValue":"2"},"numberOfHours":4}]', '[{"deductionCode":{"codeValue":"A"},"deductionRate":{"rateValue":9.5,"currencyCode":"USD"}}]', '[{"reimbursementCode":{"codeValue":"B"},"reimbursementAmount":{"amountValue":25,"currencyCode":"USD"}}]')

Inserting pay data inputs using Temp Table.

INSERT INTO PayrollRunsEarningInputs#TEMP (EarningCodeValue, RateValue, NumberOfHours) VALUES ('R', '50.50', '40');
INSERT INTO PayrollRunsDeductionInputs#TEMP (DeductionCodeValue, DeductionRateValue, DeductionAmountcurrencyCode) VALUES ('A', '10', 'USD');
INSERT INTO PayrollRunsReimbursementInputs#TEMP (ReimbursementCodeValue, ReimbursementAmountValue, ReimbursementAmountCurrencyCode) VALUES ('B', '25.00', 'USD');

INSERT INTO PayrollRuns (PayrollGroupCodeValue, PayrollProcessingJobID, PayrollWeekNumber, AssociateOID, PayNumber, PayrollFileNumber, EarningInputs, DeductionInputs,  ReimbursementInputs) VALUES ('3U7', 'TestProcessing', '53', 'G3BGDF8JG32ERTGK', '1', '020024', 'PayrollRunsEarningInputs#TEMP', 'PayrollRunsDeductionInputs#TEMP', 'PayrollRunsReimbursementInputs#TEMP');


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
ItemID [KEY] String True

The unique identifier of a instance within the collection.

PayrollProcessingJobID String False

The unique identifier of the related payroll processing job. This is generated as the result of the payrollProcessingJob.initiate event.

AlternateJobIDs String True

PayrollRegionCodeValue String True

The region in which the payroll is processed.

PayrollGroupCodeValue String False


The payroll group code relevant to payroll processing.

PayrollGroupCodeShortName String True

Short description of the related code.

PayrollGroupCodeLongName String True

Long description of the related code.

PayrollScheduleReferencePayrollScheduleID String True

The unique identifier of the payroll schedule associated with the payroll output.

PayrollScheduleReferenceScheduleEntryID String True

The unique identifier of payroll schedule entry associated to the payroll schedule associated with the payroll output.

PayrollScheduleReferencePayrollWeekNumber String True

The week number for a payroll in the payroll schedule. This does not necessarily align with the calendar week number.

PayrollScheduleReferencePayrollYear String True

The year associated to a payroll in the payroll schedule.

PayrollScheduleReferencePayrollRunNumber String True

For a given payroll week number, this is the numbered run for that week.

PayrollProcessingJobStatusCodeValue String True

The Job status code of the payroll processing.

PayrollProcessingJobStatusCodeShortName String True

Short description of the related Job status code.

PayrollProcessingJobStatusCodelongName String True

Long description of the related Job status code.

AssociatePayments String True

This column will return data. If level set to detail.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
level String

The allowed values are payroll, pay, details, payDetails, acc, acc-all, error, dropped pay, wage garnishements.

AssociateOID String

Payroll Insert Only

PayrollWeekNumber String

Payroll Insert Only

PayrollFileNumber String

Payroll Insert Only

PayNumber String

Payroll Insert Only

EarningInputs String

Payroll Insert Only. Following Modifier codes are supported for pay data input 1 - 'Hours 1 (Regular)', 2 - 'Hours 3 Code & Quantity', 3 - 'Hours 3 Code & Quantity', 4 - 'Hours 4 Code & Quantity', 7 - 'Earnings 3 Code & Amount', 8 - 'Earnings 4 Code & Amount', 9 - 'Earnings 5 Code & Amount', 24 - 'Temporary Hourly Rate'.

DeductionInputs String

Payroll Insert Only

ReimbursementInputs String

Payroll Insert Only

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Build 24.0.9111