本製品 はADP のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
CData ADO.NET Provider for ADP テーブル
Name | Description |
Input_AdditionalRemunerations | To create aggregates for WorkersWorkAssignments.AdditionalRemunerations using this as a TEMP table. This table values only last as long as the connection remains open. When the connection to ADP is closed, all tables names started with Input are cleared. |
Input_configurationTags | Add configurationTags aggregate for Input_DeductionInputs.DeductionConfigurationTags OR Input_EarningInputs.EarningConfigurationTags OR Input_ReimbursementInputs.ReimbursementConfigurationTags using this as TEMP table. This table values only last as long as the connection remains open. When the connection to ADP is closed, all tables names started with Input are cleared. |
Input_DeductionInputs | Create aggregates for PayrollRuns.DeductionInputs using this as a TEMP table. This table values only last as long as the connection remains open. When the connection to ADP is closed, all tables names started with Input are cleared. |
Input_EarningInputs | Create aggregates for PayrollRuns.EarningInputs using this as a TEMP table. This table values only last as long as the connection remains open. When the connection to ADP is closed, all tables names started with Input are cleared. |
Input_ReimbursementInputs | Create aggregates for PayrollRuns.ReimbursementInputs using this as a TEMP table. This table values only last as long as the connection remains open. When the connection to ADP is closed, all tables names started with Input are cleared. |
PayrollRuns | Add and view the payroll runs. |
Workers | Returns workers details. |
WorkersPersonCommunicationEmails | Returns workers person communication emails. |
WorkersPersonCommunicationFaxes | Returns workers person communication faxes. |
WorkersPersonCommunicationLandlines | Returns workers person communication landlines. |
WorkersPersonCommunicationMobiles | Returns workers person communication mobiles. |
WorkersPersonCommunicationPagers | Returns workers person communication pagers. |
WorkersWorkAssignments | Returns workers details. |