The connector maps SQL queries into the corresponding Apache CouchDB queries. The connector uses the Selector syntax to compute the desired results.
A detailed description of all the transformations is out of scope, but we will describe some of the common elements that are used.
SELECT Queries
The SELECT statement is mapped to the GET and POST methods. Below are example queries and the corresponding request payloads.
SQL Query | Apache CouchDB Query |
SELECT * FROM sales |
For this query a GET request is sent to the /_all_docs endpoint. |
SELECT _id, value FROM sales | { "fields": [ "_id", "value" ], "skip": 0, "selector": { "_id": { "$exists": true } } } |
SELECT * FROM sales WHERE value=175033291697 | { "selector": { "value": { "$eq": 175033291697 } }, "skip": 0 } |
SELECT * FROM sales WHERE value = 175033291697 OR month='June' | { "selector": { "$or": [ { "value": { "$eq": 175033291697 } }, { "month": { "$eq": "June" } } ] }, "skip": 0 } |
SELECT * FROM sales WHERE name LIKE 'A%' | { "selector": { "name": { "$regex": "A%" } }, "skip": 0 } |
SELECT * FROM sales WHERE month='June' ORDER BY _id ASC | { "skip": 0, "sort": [ { "_id": "asc" } ], "selector": { "month": { "$eq": "June" } } } |
SELECT * FROM sales WHERE month='June' ORDER BY _id DESC | { "skip": 0, "sort": [ { "_id": "desc" } ], "selector": { "month": { "$eq": "June" } } } |
INSERT Statements
The INSERT statement is mapped to the HTTP POST request, as shown in the following query and request payload.
SQL Query
INSERT INTO users (_id, age, status, [address.city], [address.postalcode]) VALUES ('bcd001', 45, 'A', 'Chapel Hill', 27517)
Apache CouchDB Query
{ "address": { "city": "Chapel Hill", "postalcode": 27517 }, "_id": "bcd001", "age": 45, "status": "A" }
UPDATE Statements
The UPDATE statement is mapped to the HTTP PUT method, as shown in the following query and request payload.
SQL Query
UPDATE users SET status = 'C', [address.postalcode] = 90210 WHERE _id = 'bcd001'
Apache CouchDB Query
{ "_id": "bcd001", "_rev": "1-446f6c67e3a483feae8eaf112f18892c", "status": "C", "age": 45, "address": { "city": "Chapel Hill", "postalcode": 90210 } }
DELETE Statements
The DELETE statement is mapped to the DELETE method as shown below.
SQL Query
DELETE FROM users WHERE _id = 'bcd001'
Apache CouchDB Query
For this query, a DELETE request is sent to the users/{_id}?rev={_rev} endpoint.