A collection of extra claims that should be included in the JWT payload.
The string should not contain any single quotes or double quotes and : and | have to be used as delimiters. For example:
JWTClaims = aud : https://my.couchdb.server | nbf : 1720444762;
If you need to use more complex values such as JSON objects or arrays, they have to be base64 encoded. For example:
JWTClaims = my : eyJuZXN0ZWQiOnsiX2NvdWNoZGIucm9sZXMiOlsidXNlcjIiXX19 | nbf : 1720444762;
By default, not all the claims in the JWT token are validated by the Apache CouchDB (only sub). See the documentation of required_claims for enforcing the validation of additional claims. In that case, you can configure this connection property as well so that the 本製品 includes them when generating the token.