CData Python Connector for Zuora

Build 24.0.8963


A charge metrics service for accessing the key metrics for Rate Plan Charges in Zuora.


Name Type Description
subscriptionowneraccountnumber String The 'subscriptionowneraccountnumber' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
tcvdiscountamount Decimal The 'tcvdiscountamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
tcvgrossamount Decimal The 'tcvgrossamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
amendmentid String The 'amendmentid' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
rateplanchargeid String The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
mrrgrossamount Decimal The 'mrrgrossamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
amendmenttype String The 'amendmenttype' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
productrateplanid String The 'productrateplanid' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
productid String The 'productid' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
subscriptionname String The 'subscriptionname' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
enddate Date The 'enddate' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
startdate Date The 'startdate' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
productrateplanchargeid String The 'productrateplanchargeid' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
mrrnetamount Decimal The 'mrrnetamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
tcvnetamount Decimal The 'tcvnetamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
invoiceowneraccountnumber String The 'invoiceowneraccountnumber' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
chargenumber String The 'chargenumber' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.
mrrdiscountamount Decimal The 'mrrdiscountamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table.

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Build 24.0.8963