ODBC Driver for Zuora

Build 24.0.8963


A payment run.


Name Type Description
executeddate Datetime The 'executeddate' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofdebitmemosunprocessed String The 'numberofdebitmemosunprocessed' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
autoapplyunappliedpayment Bool The 'autoapplyunappliedpayment' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofdreditmemos String The 'numberofdreditmemos' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofunappliedpayments String The 'numberofunappliedpayments' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
accountid String The 'accountid' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
runtime String The 'runtime' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
updateddate Datetime The 'updateddate' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
consolidatedpayment Bool The 'consolidatedpayment' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
repeatto String The 'repeatto' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
applycreditbalance Bool The 'applycreditbalance' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
collectpayment Bool The 'collectpayment' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
billingrunid String The 'billingrunid' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
createdbyid String The 'createdbyid' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
batch String The 'batch' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
paymentgatewayid String The 'paymentgatewayid' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
currency String The 'currency' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
paymentrunnumber String The 'paymentrunnumber' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
monthlyonday String The 'monthlyonday' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofunprocessed String The 'numberofunprocessed' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofpayments String The 'numberofpayments' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofinvoices String The 'numberofinvoices' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberoferrors String The 'numberoferrors' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
status String The 'status' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
billingcycleday String The 'billingcycleday' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
totalexecutiontime String The 'totalexecutiontime' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
updatedbyid String The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
weeklyonday String The 'weeklyonday' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
repeatfrom String The 'repeatfrom' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
enddate Datetime The 'enddate' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
rundate Date The 'rundate' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofcreditbalanceadjustments String The 'numberofcreditbalanceadjustments' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
timezone String The 'timezone' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
targetdate Date The 'targetdate' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
createddate Datetime The 'createddate' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
repeattype String The 'repeattype' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
id String The 'id' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
autoapplycreditmemo Bool The 'autoapplycreditmemo' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
errormessage String The 'errormessage' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
numberofcebitmemos String The 'numberofcebitmemos' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
nextrunon Date The 'nextrunon' column for the 'paymentrun' table.
processpaymentwithclosedpm Bool The 'processpaymentwithclosedpm' column for the 'paymentrun' table.

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Build 24.0.8963