Each row of this table represents a payment.
Name | Type | Description |
accountid | String | The 'accountid' column for the 'payment' table. |
accountingcode | String | The 'accountingcode' column for the 'payment' table. |
paymentmethodid | String | The 'paymentmethodid' column for the 'payment' table. |
updateddate | Datetime | The 'updateddate' column for the 'payment' table. |
markedforsubmissionon | Datetime | The 'markedforsubmissionon' column for the 'payment' table. |
transferredtoaccounting | String | The 'transferredtoaccounting' column for the 'payment' table. |
appliedcreditbalanceamount | Decimal | The 'appliedcreditbalanceamount' column for the 'payment' table. |
referencedpaymentid | String | The 'referencedpaymentid' column for the 'payment' table. |
softdescriptor | String | The 'softdescriptor' column for the 'payment' table. |
source | String | The 'source' column for the 'payment' table. |
secondpaymentreferenceid | String | The 'secondpaymentreferenceid' column for the 'payment' table. |
gatewayreconciliationreason | String | The 'gatewayreconciliationreason' column for the 'payment' table. |
gatewaystate | String | The 'gatewaystate' column for the 'payment' table. |
createdbyid | String | The 'createdbyid' column for the 'payment' table. |
referenceid | String | The 'referenceid' column for the 'payment' table. |
softdescriptorphone | String | The 'softdescriptorphone' column for the 'payment' table. |
gateway | String | The 'gateway' column for the 'payment' table. |
currency | String | The 'currency' column for the 'payment' table. |
gatewayreconciliationstatus | String | The 'gatewayreconciliationstatus' column for the 'payment' table. |
authtransactionid | String | The 'authtransactionid' column for the 'payment' table. |
bankidentificationnumber | String | The 'bankidentificationnumber' column for the 'payment' table. |
unappliedamount | Decimal | The 'unappliedamount' column for the 'payment' table. |
cancelledon | Datetime | The 'cancelledon' column for the 'payment' table. |
gatewayresponsecode | String | The 'gatewayresponsecode' column for the 'payment' table. |
gatewayresponse | String | The 'gatewayresponse' column for the 'payment' table. |
status | String | The 'status' column for the 'payment' table. |
comment | String | The 'comment' column for the 'payment' table. |
retrynumber_c | String | The 'retrynumber__c' column for the 'payment' table. |
submittedon | Datetime | The 'submittedon' column for the 'payment' table. |
gatewayorderid | String | The 'gatewayorderid' column for the 'payment' table. |
payoutid | String | The 'payoutid' column for the 'payment' table. |
updatedbyid | String | The 'updatedbyid' column for the 'payment' table. |
amount | Decimal | The 'amount' column for the 'payment' table. |
appliedamount | Decimal | The 'appliedamount' column for the 'payment' table. |
sourcename | String | The 'sourcename' column for the 'payment' table. |
refundamount | Decimal | The 'refundamount' column for the 'payment' table. |
type | String | The 'type' column for the 'payment' table. |
paymentmethodsnapshotid | String | The 'paymentmethodsnapshotid' column for the 'payment' table. |
settledon | Datetime | The 'settledon' column for the 'payment' table. |
createddate | Datetime | The 'createddate' column for the 'payment' table. |
id | String | The 'id' column for the 'payment' table. |
paymentnumber | String | The 'paymentnumber' column for the 'payment' table. |
effectivedate | Date | The 'effectivedate' column for the 'payment' table. |
retrystatus_c | String | The 'retrystatus__c' column for the 'payment' table. |