A charge metrics service for accessing the key metrics for Rate Plan Charges in Zuora.
Name | Type | Description |
subscriptionowneraccountnumber | String | The 'subscriptionowneraccountnumber' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
tcvdiscountamount | Decimal | The 'tcvdiscountamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
tcvgrossamount | Decimal | The 'tcvgrossamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
amendmentid | String | The 'amendmentid' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
rateplanchargeid | String | The 'rateplanchargeid' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
mrrgrossamount | Decimal | The 'mrrgrossamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
updateddate | Datetime | The 'updateddate' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
amendmenttype | String | The 'amendmenttype' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
productrateplanid | String | The 'productrateplanid' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
productid | String | The 'productid' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
subscriptionname | String | The 'subscriptionname' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
enddate | Date | The 'enddate' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
startdate | Date | The 'startdate' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
productrateplanchargeid | String | The 'productrateplanchargeid' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
mrrnetamount | Decimal | The 'mrrnetamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
tcvnetamount | Decimal | The 'tcvnetamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
currency | String | The 'currency' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
createddate | Datetime | The 'createddate' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
id | String | The 'id' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
invoiceowneraccountnumber | String | The 'invoiceowneraccountnumber' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
chargenumber | String | The 'chargenumber' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |
mrrdiscountamount | Decimal | The 'mrrdiscountamount' column for the 'chargemetrics' table. |