Excel Add-In for Yahoo! Ads

Build 24.0.8963


Upload process of video files can be operated.

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Yahoo! Ads allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the Exec query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The required columns in DisplayAdsUploadVideo are AccountId,VideoName,VideoTitle,UserStatus and FileLocation. For example:

EXECUTE DisplayAdsUploadVideo AccountId = '8976', VideoName = 'DEMO', VideoTitle = 'Yahoosearchads', UserStatus = 'ACTIVE', FileLocation = 'c:/UploadVideo.mp4'


Name Type Description
AccountId Int64 Account ID.
VideoName String Video file name.
VideoTitle String Video name.
UserStatus String Serves ad delivery status that can be set by an user.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。ACTIVE, PAUSED, UNKNOWN

FileLocation String File to upload.
FileName String Name of the file to be uploaded only when content is given. For example: test.csv

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure

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Build 24.0.8963