Get performance information of keywords.
Table Specific Information
The connector will use the Yahoo! Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The AccountId,DateInterval,MaxCpc,KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordText and KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordMatchType is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the connector.
- AccountId supports the '='.
- DateInterval supports the '='.
- StartDate supports the '='.
- EndDate supports the '='.
- KeywordPlanNetwork supports the '='.
- Cpc supports the '='.
- GeoTargets supports the '=,IN'.
- KeywordPlanAdGroupMCpc supports the '='.
- KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywords supports the '=,IN'.
- KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordText supports the '='.
- KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordMatchType supports the '='.
- KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordCpc supports the '='.
- KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordIsNegative supports the '='.
For example:
SELECT * FROM KeywordForecastMetrics WHERE AccountId = '1234339' AND DateInterval = 'NEXT_QUARTER' AND Cpc = '1' AND KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordText = 'test' AND KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordMatchType = 'EXACT'
Name | Type | References | Description |
AverageCpc | String | Average CPC. | |
Clicks | String | Number of click. | |
Cost | String | Cost. | |
Ctr | String | Click rate. | |
Impressions | String | Number of impression. | |
Keyword | String | Keywords. | |
AccountId | Int64 | Account ID. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
DateInterval | String | Describes the forecast period. startDate and endDate is required if CUSTOM_DATE is specified.
StartDate | Date | Start date specified when dateInterval is CUSTOM_DATE. Must be earlier than the current date and less than a year old. | |
EndDate | Date | End date specified when dateInterval is CUSTOM_DATE. Must be earlier than the current date and less than a year old. | |
KeywordPlanNetwork | String | Describes the forecast target.
Cpc | String | Maximum CPC. | |
GeoTargets | String | Area information. | |
KeywordPlanAdGroupMCpc | String | Maximum CPC. | |
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywords | String | A container for the keywords to estimate. Use this attribute to send the keywordPlanAdGroupKeywords columns using a TEMP table or JSON | |
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordText | String | Keyword. | |
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordMatchType | String | Describes keyword match type.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。EXACT, PHRASE, BROAD, UNKNOWN | |
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordCpc | String | Maximum CPC. When isNegative is TRUE, maxCPC cannot be specified. | |
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordIsNegative | String | Refine keyword. The default value will be FALSE. Cannot request with only refine keyword. |