ODBC Driver for Yahoo! Ads

Build 24.0.8963


Get the candidate URL

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 will use the Yahoo! Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.

  • Keyword supports the '='.
  • SiteCategory supports the '=,IN'.
For example:
SELECT * FROM PlacementUrlIdeas


Name Type References Description
DesktopAdRequests Int64 AD Number of PC(1000 In the case of 0)
DesktopReaches Int64 Reach Number of PC(1000 In the case of 0)
Keyword String Search Keyword Search all keywords (AND), separated by spaces. Maximum of 250 characters. Maximum of 10 spaces to separate the words
SearchUrl String Search Category
SiteCategory String URL. Category of URL. Exact match. Search multiple specific keywords (OR) From value: TC-SC-xxxxxx Choose the TC-SC-xxxxxx value from DictionaryService Maximum of 50 cases
SmartPhoneAdRequests Int64 AD Number of SmartPhone(1000 In the case of 0)
SmartPhoneReaches Int64 Reach Number of SmartPhone (1000 In the case of 0)
TabletAdRequests Int64 AD Number of Tablet (1000 In the case of 0)
TabletReaches Int64 Tablet(1000 In the case of 0)

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Build 24.0.8963