ODBC Driver for Yahoo! Ads

Build 24.0.8963


Get an acceptable format (MediaAdFormat) of ad creatives.

Table Specific Information


The driver does not support server side filters. The rest of the filters are processed on the client side. For example:

SELECT * FROM MediaAdFormats


Name Type References Description
AdFormat String Format of display (image) ads.
Aspect Boolean This field indicates whether the aspect ratio is supported.
AspectHeight Int64 Image aspect ratio: height [ratio]
AspectRatio String Aspect ratio.
AspectWidth Int64 Image aspect ratio: width [ratio]
CampaignBanner Boolean This field indicates whether it is a campaign banner image or not.
Height Int64 Minimum image size: height [pixel]
Logo Boolean This field indicates whether it is a logo image or not.
MaxHeight Int64 Size limit: height [pixel]
MaxWidth Int64 Size limit: weight [pixel]
RichFormat Boolean Indicates whether the image is for rich format.
Size Int64 Maximum image capacity: [byte]
SizeTo Int64 Image compression capacity: [byte]
StaticImage Boolean This field indicates whether it is a static image.
Thumbnail Boolean This field indicates whether it is a thumbnail image image or not.
Transparent Boolean This field indicates whether transparent image is permitted.
Width Int64 Minimum image size: width [pixel]

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Build 24.0.8963