FeedItemService provides the operation about item information.
Stored Procedure Specific Information
Yahoo! Ads allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the Exec query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. The required columns in DisplayAdsUpdateFeedItem are AccountId, FeedId, FormattedPrice, FormattedSalePrice and ItemId.
For example:
EXECUTE DisplayAdsUpdateFeedItem AccountId = '8976', FeedId = '25334', FormattedPrice = '1236', ItemId = '3454759'
Name | Type | Description |
AccountId | Int64 | Account ID. |
Availability | String | FeedItemServiceAvailability describes stock status.
Capacity | Int64 | Stock quantity. |
DisplaySettings | Int64 | Display settings. 0: Off, 1: On. |
FeedId | Int64 | ID for identifying Feed. |
FormattedPrice | String | Text strings price. |
FormattedSalePrice | String | Sale price of text strings. |
InStock | Int64 | Inventory information.0: Out of stock, 1: In stock. |
IsRemoveCapacity | String | FeedItemServiceIsRemoveFlg is a flag for removing an information item.If the set value is 'TRUE', the set value will be invalid
使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN |
IsRemoveFormattedPrice | String | FeedItemServiceIsRemoveFlg is a flag for removing an information item.If the set value is 'TRUE', the set value will be invalid
使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN |
IsRemoveFormattedSalePrice | String | FeedItemServiceIsRemoveFlg is a flag for removing an information item.If the set value is 'TRUE', the set value will be invalid
使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN |
IsRemovePrice | String | FeedItemServiceIsRemoveFlg is a flag for removing an information item.If the set value is 'TRUE', the set value will be invalid
使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN |
IsRemoveSalePrice | String | FeedItemServiceIsRemoveFlg is a flag for removing an information item.If the set value is 'TRUE', the set value will be invalid
使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN |
ItemId | Int64 | Item ID. |
Price | Int64 | Price. |
SalePrice | Int64 | Sale price. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | True if Feed Id is registered. |