CData JDBC Driver for Yahoo! Ads ビュー
Name | Description |
AccountAuthorities | Get account authority information. |
AdGroupAdResponsiveAdAssetDescriptionAssets | Represents a description asset to specify in responsive display ads. |
AdGroupAdResponsiveAdAssetHeadlineAssets | Represents a headline asset to specify in responsive display ads. |
AdGroupAdResponsiveAdAssetMediaAssets | Represents a media asset to specify in responsive display ads. |
AppLinkService | Get the app link information. |
AudienceCategories | Get the list of audience category |
AudienceListContentAppUserAudienceListRules | Retrieve the details of ContentAppUserAudience List Rules. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
AudienceListContentAppUserAudienceListRulesRuleConditions | Retrieve the details of AudienceListContentAppUserAudienceListRules Rules RuleConditions. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
AudienceListContentCombinationAudienceListCombinations | Retrieve the details of Combination of Audience list information. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
AudienceListContentCombinationAudienceListCombinationsAudienceLists | Retrieve the details of Audience list. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
AudienceListContentCombinationAudienceListRulesRuleConditions | Retrieve the details of AudienceList Rules RuleConditions. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
AudienceListContentRuleAudienceListRules | Retrieve the details of ContentRuleAudience List Rules. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
AudienceListContentSimilarityAudienceListAudienceListSizeReaches | Retrieve the details of each reaches of Audience list size. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
AudienceListContentWebsiteVisitorsAudienceListRules | Retrieve the details of ContentWebsiteVisitorsAudience List Rules. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
AudienceListContentWebsiteVisitorsAudienceListRulesRuleConditions | Retrieve the details of ContentWebsiteVisistorsAudienceList Rules RuleConditions. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
BrandLifts | Get the BrandLift information. |
BrandLiftsQuestions | Brand lift survey contents. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
BusinessCategories | Get the list of business category |
ContentsKeywordIdea | Retrieves the keyword for contents targeting. |
ContentsKeywordListsContentsKeyword | Get the contents keyeord list |
ConversionGroupConversions | Get ConversionGroup information of specified account |
DisplayAdsAccountLinks | Get the account link information. |
DisplayAdsAdGroupAdCarouselAdCarousels | Retrieve the information of carousel ad. |
DisplayAdsAdGroupAdServiceLabels | Retrieve the details of AdGroupAdService Labels. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables |
DisplayAdsAdGroupServiceLabels | Retrieve the details of AdGroup Labels. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
DisplayAdsBalance | Get the account balance. |
DisplayAdsBaseAccount | Get lists of all accounts (MCC and ad accounts). |
DisplayAdsCampaignServiceLabels | Retrieve the details of DisplayAdsCampaign Labels. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
DisplayAdsConversionTrackerWebConversionSnippets | Retrieve the details of tracking script information of Web Conversion Tracker. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
DisplayAdsDisapprovalReasons | Get the list of response from recommendation with EditorialReason. |
DisplayAdsGeographicLocations | Get the information list of geo targeting. |
DisplayAdsOfflineConversion | Get registered offline conversion data information. |
DisplayAdsReportFields | Retrieve the available report fields for a given report type. |
DisplayAdsReportFilters | Retrieve the details of filtering report conditions. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
DisplayAdsReportReportTypeConditionConversionPathAccountSettingSubAccounts | Retrieve the details of account and its product type. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
DisplayAdsReportReportTypeConditionConversionPathFilters | Retrieve the details of flag which indicates whether to include view interaction in Conversion Path Report. |
DisplayAdsReportReportTypeConditionCrossCampaignReachesReportConditionCrossCampaignGoals | Retrieve the details of account and campaign goal that is subject to Cross-campaign Reach Report combination. |
DisplayAdsReportReportTypeConditionCrossCampaignReachesReportConditionCrossCampaignIds | Retrieve the details of condition to create each report type |
DisplayAdsReportSortFields | Retrieve the sort details of report definition. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
DisplayAdsReportTypeConditionCrossCampaignBuyingTypes | Retrieve the details of Condition to create Cross-campaign Reach Report. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
EstimatedUserSize | Retrieves estimated user size for keywords. |
FeedData | Get the status of uploaded item list. |
FeedItemGoogleProductCategories | Get Google product category that can be specified for Feed item information. |
FeedSetConditionSets | Retrieve the details of Conditions of Item Set information. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
FeedSetConditionSetsOrCondition | Retrieve the details of Conditions of Item Set information. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
GetUploadUserListStatus | Get the upload status of the user list. |
GuaranteedAdGroupAdBrandPanelPanoramaPanelSwitchPanels | Retreived detailed information of Brand Panel Panorama Panel-switch ad. |
GuaranteedAdGroupAdCarouselAdCarousels | Retreived detailed information of carousel ad. |
GuaranteedAdGroupAdGroupTargets | Retrieve the targeting information specified in ad group.This object is required if you are adding ad group via GuaranteedAdGroupService. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
GuaranteedAdGroupAdLabels | Retrieve the details of GuaranteedAdGroupAds Labels. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
GuaranteedAdGroupAds | Create, Read, Update guaranteed ad and use AdGroupAd/remove to delete the guaranteed ad. |
GuaranteedAdGroupAdTopImpactPanoramaPanelSwitchPanels | Retreived detailed information of top impact Panorama Panel-switch ad. |
GuaranteedAdGroupLabels | Retrieve the details of GuaranteedAdGroup Labels. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
GuaranteedAdGroups | Create, Read, Update guaranteed ad group and use AdGroup/remove to delete the guaranteed ad group. |
GuaranteedCampaignLabels | Retrieve the details of GuaranteedCampaigns Labels. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
MediaAdFormats | Get an acceptable format (MediaAdFormat) of ad creatives. |
OsVersions | Get the version of OS. |
PlacementUrlIdeas | Get the candidate URL |
PlacementUrlListUrls | Retrieve the details of PlacementUrlLists Urls. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
RecommendationAdGroupsForAddingAdsList | Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the ad group with recommended image sizes. |
RecommendationAdGroupsForAddingAdsListAdGroupList | Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the ad group with recommended image sizes. |
RecommendationCampaignBiddingStrategyToTargetCpaCampaignBiddingStrategyToTargetCpaCampaignList | Retrieve the details of campaign that is suitable for using autobidding. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
RecommendationCreateAdCreateAdList | Retrieve the detailed information about a recommendation for creating ads. |
RecommendationCreateAdGroupCreateAdGroupList | Retrieve the detailed information of ads that have recommendation for creating ad groups. |
RecommendationCreateResponsiveDisplayAdCreateResponsiveDisplayAdsList | Retrieve the detailed information about a recommendation for Responsive Ads for Display. |
RecommendationDailyBudgetOverDailyBudgetOverCampaignLists | Retrieve the information about campaigns that reached the daily budget. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
RecommendationDailyBudgetSmallCampaignList | Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the campaign with less than 5,000 JPY daily budget. |
RecommendationDuplicateTargetingSettingsAdGroupList | Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the ad group with duplicate targeting settings. |
RecommendationDuplicateTargetingSettingsAdGroupListAdGroupList | Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the ad group with duplicate targeting settings. |
RecommendationEnhancedCpcEnhancedCpcCampaignList | Retrieve the detailed information of ads that have recommendation information about the campaign that is suitable for using enhanced CPC. |
RecommendationImpsShareBudgetLossOverImpsShareBudgetLossOverCampaignLists | Retrieve the information of campaigns that have a large lost impression share (budget). The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
RecommendationInsufficientAdScheduleTargetingCampaignList | Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the campaign that have days of the week with less than six hours available for ad delivery. |
RecommendationInsufficientClicksCampaignList | Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the campaign that need to increase clicks. |
RecommendationInsufficientConversionsCampaignList | Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the campaign that need to increase conversions. |
RecommendationInsufficientTargetingCampaignList | Retrieve the detailed information about the campaign that too narrow down the targeting. |
RecommendationInsufficientVideoViewsCampaignList | Retrieve the detailed information of Recommendations about the campaign that need to increase video views. |
RecommendationMaximizeClicksMaximizeClicksCampaignList | Retrieve the detailed information of Recommendations about the campaign that is suitable for using autobidding (Maximize Clicks). |
RecommendationMaximizeConversionsMaximizeConversionsCampaignList | Retrieve the detailed information of Recommendations about the campaign that is suitable for using autobidding (Maximize Conversions). |
RecommendationMaximizeVideoViewsMaximizeVideoViewsCampaignList | Retrieve the detailed information of Recommendations about the campaign that is suitable for using autobidding (Maximize Video Views). |
RecommendationNotOptimalAdCountCombinedAdTypeAndImageSizeAdGroupList | Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the ad group that have other than 3-5 ads that combine a specific ad type and image size. |
RecommendationNotOptimalAdCountCombinedAdTypeAndImageSizeAdGroupListAdGroupList | Retrieve the detailed information of recommendations about the ad group that have other than 3-5 ads that combine a specific ad type and image size. |
Recommendations | Get Recommendations information. |
RecommendationSearchKeywordIdeaSearchKeywordIdeaSearchKeywordLists | Retrieve the details of recommended search keyword to add. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
RecommendationUpdateAdCreativeUpdateAdCreativeList | Retrieve the detailed information of ads that have recommendations for updating images or videos. |
ReportDisplayAdsAd | To view the Ad report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report |
ReportDisplayAdsAudience_category | To view the Audience_category report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report |
ReportDisplayAdsConversion_path | To view the Conversion_path report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report |
ReportDisplayAdsCross_campaign_reaches | To view the Cross_campaign_reaches report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report |
ReportDisplayAdsLabel | To view the Label report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report |
ReportDisplayAdsPlacement_target | To view the Placement_target report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report |
ReportDisplayAdsReach | To view the Reach report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report |
ReportDisplayAdsSearch_target | To view the Search_target report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report |
ReportDisplayAdsSite_category | To view the Site_category report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report |
ReportDisplayAdsUrl | To view the Url report. Simple Select statement will create and retrieve last 7 days report |
SearchKeywordIdeas | Get the keyword for search targeting. |
SearchKeywordListSearchKeywords | Retrieve the details of search keyword. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
SearchLifts | Get SearchLift information. |
SearchLiftskeywords | Retrieve the details of keyword of the search lift. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |
SharedAudienceList | Get the list of shared audience list. |
SharedAudienceListMaster | Get the list of shared audience list master. |
SiteCategories | Get the list of site category. |
Stats | Get the stats information of each campaign, ad group, ad, image and video. |
ThirdPartyTrackingDomains | Get the domain and vendor name that can be specified for the third-party scripting URL. |
VideosVideoSettingExtraSpecs | It is an additional video quality that can be used other than the regular video qualities. The columns values set read-only false can be inserted in the parent table using Temp tables. |