ODBC Driver for Yahoo! Ads

Build 23.0.8839


Create, Read, Update or Delete Campaigns.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 will use the Yahoo! Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The AccountId is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the 本製品.

  • AccountId supports the '='.
  • CampaignId supports the '=,IN'.
  • BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingStrategyId supports the '=,IN'.
  • StartDate supports the '='.
  • EndDate supports the '='.
  • UserStatus supports the '=,IN'.
  • ContainsLabel supports the '='.
  • LabelId supports the '=,IN'.
  • MinBudgetAmount supports the '='.
  • MaxBudgetAmount supports the '='.

For example:

SELECT * FROM  SearchAdsCampaigns WHERE AccountId = '12346'

SELECT * FROM  SearchAdsCampaigns WHERE AccountId = '12346' AND CampaignId = '9756'

SELECT * FROM  SearchAdsCampaigns WHERE AccountId = '12346' AND StartDate = '2021-01-21' AND EndDate = '2021-02-03'

SELECT * FROM  SearchAdsCampaigns WHERE AccountId = '12346' AND UserStatus = 'UNKNOWN'

SELECT * FROM  SearchAdsCampaigns WHERE AccountId = '12346' AND ContainsLabel = 'TRUE'

SELECT * FROM  SearchAdsCampaigns WHERE AccountId = '12346' AND MinBudgetAmount = '1' AND MaxBudgetAmount = '1000'


Insert can be executed by specifying the AccountId, BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeBiddingStrategyType, BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeLocation, BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeTargetImpressionShare, BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeBidCeiling, BudgetAmount, CampaignName, CustomParametersParameters, EndDate, FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeTargetImpressionShare, UrlReviewDataDisapprovalReviewUrlParameters, UrlReviewDataDisapprovalReviewUrlTrackingUrl, UrlReviewDataInReviewUrlParameters, UrlReviewDataInReviewUrlTrackingUrl, UserStatus columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO CustomParameters#TEMP (Key,Value) VALUES ('TestKey','TestValue')

INSERT INTO UrlReviewDataDisapprovalReviewUrlParameters#TEMP (Key,Value) VALUES ('TestKey2','TestValue2')

INSERT INTO UrlReviewDataInReviewUrlParameters#TEMP (Key,Value) VALUES ('TestKey3','TestValue3')

INSERT INTO SearchAdsCampaigns (AccountId, BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeBiddingStrategyType, BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeLocation, BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeTargetImpressionShare, BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeBidCeiling, BudgetAmount, BudgetPeriod, CampaignName, CustomParameters, FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeTargetImpressionShare, UrlReviewDataDisapprovalReviewUrlParameters, UrlReviewDataDisapprovalReviewUrlTrackingUrl, UrlReviewDataInReviewUrlParameters, UrlReviewDataInReviewUrlTrackingUrl, UserStatus) VALUES (1234339,'TARGET_IMPRESSION_SHARE','ANYWHERE_ON_PAGE', '1', 20, 100, 'DAILY', 'CampaignProduct1', 'CustomParameters#TEMP', 50, 'UrlReviewDataDisapprovalReviewUrlParameters#TEMP', 'tracking.com/1sjfn23iu4hnw234s', 'UrlReviewDataInReviewUrlParameters#TEMP', 'tracking.com/1sjfn23iu4hnw234f', 'PAUSED')


Update can be executed by specifying the AccountId, CampaignId, BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeTargetImpressionShare, CustomParametersParameters, EndDate, FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeTargetImpressionShare, UrlReviewDataDisapprovalReviewUrlParameters, UrlReviewDataDisapprovalReviewUrlTrackingUrl, UrlReviewDataInReviewUrlParameters, UrlReviewDataInReviewUrlTrackingUrl in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

INSERT INTO CustomParameters#TEMP (Key,Value) VALUES ('TestKey','TestValue')
INSERT INTO UrlReviewDataDisapprovalReviewUrlParameters#TEMP (Key,Value) VALUES ('TestKey2','TestValue2')
INSERT INTO UrlReviewDataInReviewUrlParameters#TEMP (Key,Value) VALUES ('TestKey3','TestValue3')
UPDATE SearchAdsCampaigns SET BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeTargetImpressionShare = '20', CustomParameters = 'CustomParameters#TEMP', FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeTargetImpressionShare  = '50', UrlReviewDataDisapprovalReviewUrlParameters = 'UrlReviewDataDisapprovalReviewUrlParameters#TEMP', UrlReviewDataDisapprovalReviewUrlTrackingUrl = 'tracking.com/1sjfn23iu4hnw234t', UrlReviewDataInReviewUrlParameters = 'UrlReviewDataInReviewUrlParameters#TEMP', UrlReviewDataInReviewUrlTrackingUrl = 'tracking.com/1sjfn23iu4hnw234g' WHERE AccountId = '1234339' AND CampaignId = '25649'


Delete can be executed by specifying the AccountId,CampaignId in the WHERE Clause. For example:

DELETE FROM SearchAdsCampaigns WHERE AccountId = '12346' AND CampaignId = '23569'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
CampaignId [KEY] Int64 True

Campaign ID.

AccountId Int64 False


Account ID.

AppId String False

App ID (for iOS) or Package name (for Android). pp ID (for iOS) or Package name (for Android). Input only the numbers for iOS in Mobile App Campaign. In ADD operation, this field will be ignored when campaignType is (STANDARD) or (DYNAMIC_ADS_FOR_SEARCH_SETTING), and is required when campaignType is MOBILE_APP.

AppOsType String False

It is a setting that allows you to adjust ads to be served or not, depending on the user. In ADD operation, this field will be ignored when campaignType is (STANDARD) or (DYNAMIC_ADS_FOR_SEARCH_SETTING), and is required when campaignType is MOBILE_APP.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。IOS, ANDROID, UNKNOWN

BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeBiddingStrategyType String False

Displays the Auto Bidding type. This field is required when Standard bidding is setting, and is optional when Portfolio bidding is setting in ADD operation.


BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingCpcBiddingSchemeEnhancedCpcEnabled String False

Specifies flag of Maximize Conversions. This field is required when BiddingStrategyType is MANUAL_CPC in ADD operation. For other BiddingStrategyType, this field is optional in ADD operation.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN


BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetCpaBiddingSchemeBidCeiling Int64 False

Limit of bid (CPC). The default value will be 0. No limits if 0 is set. This field is required when BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_CPA in ADD operation. For other BiddingStrategyType, this field is optional in ADD operation.

BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetCpaBiddingSchemeBidFloor Int64 False

Minimum CPC. The default value will be 0. Set 0 to deactivate. This field is required when BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_CPA in ADD operation. For other BiddingStrategyType, this field is optional in ADD operation.

BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetCpaBiddingSchemeTargetCpa Int64 False

Target CPA (JPY). Range limit: 0 - 99999999. This field is required when BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_CPA in ADD operation. For other BiddingStrategyType, this field is optional in ADD operation.

BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeBidCeiling Int64 False

Limit of bid (CPC). The default value will be 0. No limits if 0 is set. If BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_IMPRESSION_SHARE, this field is required in ADD operation, and it is optional when BiddingStrategyType is the others.

BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeLocation String False

Specifies search result posting position to achieve the target ratio of impression share. If BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_IMPRESSION_SHARE, this field is required in ADD operation, and it is optional when BiddingStrategyType is the others.



BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeTargetImpressionShare Int64 False

Target impression share. If BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_IMPRESSION_SHARE, this field is required in ADD operation, and it is optional when BiddingStrategyType is the others.

BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetRoasBiddingSchemeBidCeiling Int64 False

Limit of bid (CPC). This field is required when BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_ROAS in ADD operation. For other BiddingStrategyType, this field is optional in ADD operation.

BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetRoasBiddingSchemeBidFloor Int64 False

Minimum CPC. This field is required when BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_ROAS in ADD operation. For other BiddingStrategyType, this field is optional in ADD operation.

BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetRoasBiddingSchemeTargetRoas String False

Target ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend). This field is required when BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_ROAS in ADD operation. For other BiddingStrategyType, this field is optional in ADD operation.

BiddingStrategyConfigurationPortfolioBiddingId Int64 False

Portfolio Bidding ID. This field cannot be specified when Standard bidding is setting, and is required when Portfolio bidding is setting in ADD operation. It cannot be specified at the same times as biddingScheme.

BiddingStrategyConfigurationPortfolioBiddingName String False

Portfolio Bidding name. Up to 50 characters.

BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingStrategySource String False

A source of Auto Bidding.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。CAMPAIGN, UNKNOWN

BiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingStrategyType String False

Displays the Auto Bidding type. This field is required when Standard bidding is setting, and is optional when Portfolio bidding is setting in ADD operation.


BiddingStrategyFailedReason String False

Displays the failure reason of Auto Bidding setting.


BudgetAmount Int64 False

Amount of budget of Campaign.

BudgetCampaignBudgetId Int64 False

CampaignBudget ID. In Insert and Update operation, this field is not allowed when setting individual budgets, and is required when setting shared budgets. This field cannot be set at the same time as amount.

BudgetCampaignBudgetName String False

CampaignBudget name.

CampaignName String False

Campaign name. Insert limit: Up to 50 characters.

CampaignTrackId Int64 False

Campaign ID for tracking.

ConversionOptimizerEligibility String False

Object is to determine if it is possible to use conversion optimizer.


CreatedDate Date False

Date of Campaign made.

CustomParametersIsRemove String False

Delete flag.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN

CustomParameters String False

Displays the element of custom parameters.

StartDate Date False

Start date of Campaign. The default value in ADD operation will be Today's date. The default value in ADD operation will be Today's date. Cannot set the past date. Cannot change the date to the campaign that is already active. In YYYYMMDD format.

EndDate Date False

End date of Campaign. The default value in ADD operation will be 20371231. Cannot set the past date and date before the start date. In YYYYMMDD format.

FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeBiddingStrategyType String False

Displays the Auto Bidding type. This field is required when Standard bidding is setting, and cannot be specified when Portfolio bidding is setting in ADD operation. It cannot be specified at the same times as biddingStrategyId.


FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeCpcBiddingSchemeEnhancedCpcEnabled String False

Specifies flag of Maximize Conversions. This field is required when Standard bidding is setting, and cannot be specified when Portfolio bidding is setting in ADD operation. It cannot be specified at the same times as biddingStrategyId.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN


FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetCpaBiddingSchemeBidCeiling Int64 False

Limit of bid (CPC). The default value will be 0. No limits if 0 is set. This field is required when BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_CPA in ADD operation. For other BiddingStrategyType, this field is optional in ADD operation.

FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetCpaBiddingSchemeBidFloor Int64 False

Minimum CPC. The default value will be 0. No limits if 0 is set. This field is required when BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_CPA in ADD operation. For other BiddingStrategyType, this field is optional in ADD operation.

FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetCpaBiddingSchemeTargetCpa Int64 False

Target CPA (JPY). Range limit: 0 - 99999999. This field is required when BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_CPA in ADD operation. For other BiddingStrategyType, this field is optional in ADD operation.

FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeBidCeiling Int64 False

Limit of bid (CPC). The default value will be 0. No limits if 0 is set. If BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_IMPRESSION_SHARE, this field is required in ADD operation, and it is optional when BiddingStrategyType is the others.

FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeLocation String False

Specifies search result posting position to achieve the target ratio of impression share. If BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_IMPRESSION_SHARE, this field is required in ADD operation, and it is optional when BiddingStrategyType is the others.



FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetImpressionShareSchemeTargetImpressionShare Int64 False

Target impression share. If BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_IMPRESSION_SHARE, this field is required in ADD operation, and it is optional when BiddingStrategyType is the others.

FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetRoasBiddingSchemeBidCeiling Int64 False

Limit of bid (CPC). he default value will be 0. No limits if 0 is set. This field is required when BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_ROAS in ADD operation. For other BiddingStrategyType, this field is optional in ADD operation.

FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetRoasBiddingSchemeBidFloor Int64 False

Minimum CPC. The default value will be 0. Set 0 to deactivate. This field is required when BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_ROAS in ADD operation. For other BiddingStrategyType, this field is optional in ADD operation.

FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingSchemeTargetRoasBiddingSchemeTargetRoas String False

Target ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend). Limit range: 0.01 - 1000.00 (1% - 100000%). This field is required when BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_ROAS in ADD operation. For other BiddingStrategyType, this field is optional in ADD operation.

FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationPortfolioBiddingId Int64 False

Portfolio Bidding ID. This field cannot be specified when Standard bidding is setting, and is required when Portfolio bidding is setting in ADD operation. It cannot be specified at the same times as biddingScheme.

FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationPortfolioBiddingName String False

Portfolio Bidding name. Up to 50 characters.

FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingStrategySource String False

A source of Auto Bidding.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。CAMPAIGN, UNKNOWN

FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationBiddingStrategyType String False

Displays the Auto Bidding type.


FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationMaximizeConversionsBiddingSchemeTargetCpa Int64 False

Target CPA (JPY). Range limit: 0 - 99999999. This field is required when BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_CPA in ADD operation. For other BiddingStrategyType, this field is optional in ADD operation.

FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationMaximizeConversionValueBiddingSchemeSchemeTargetRoas String False

Target ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend). Limit range: 0.01 - 1000.00 (1% - 100000%). This field is required when BiddingStrategyType is TARGET_ROAS in ADD operation. For other BiddingStrategyType, this field is optional in ADD operation.

Labels String False

Describes label information to be associated.

ServingStatus String False

displays delivery status in campaign level.


Settings String False

Container for geographic targeting of campaign.

TrackingUrl String False

Tracking URL. Cannot set if Mobile App Campaign is in Android.

Type String False

the type of campaign.


UrlReviewDataDisapprovalReasonCodes String False

Code of Disapproval reason.

UrlReviewDataDisapprovalReviewUrlParameters String False

Displays the element of custom parameters.

UrlReviewDataDisapprovalReviewUrlTrackingUrl String False

Tracking URL

UrlReviewDataInReviewUrlParameters String False

Displays the element of custom parameters.

UrlReviewDataInReviewUrlTrackingUrl String False

Tracking URL

UrlReviewDataUrlApprovalStatus String False

A review status of URL.


UserStatus String False

Displays ad delivery status that can be set by an user.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。ACTIVE, PAUSED, UNKNOWN

BiddingStrategyConfigurationMaximizeConversionsBiddingSchemeTargetCpa Int64 False

Target CPA (JPY). Range limit: 1 - 800000.

BiddingStrategyConfigurationMaximizeConversionsBiddingSchemeIsRemoveTargetCpa String False

It is a flag for removing an information item.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN

BiddingStrategyConfigurationMaximizeConversionValueBiddingSchemeTargetRoas Double False

Target ROAS (Return on advertising spend). Range limit: 0.01 - 1000.

BiddingStrategyConfigurationMaximizeConversionValueBiddingSchemeIsRemoveTargetRoas String False

It is a flag for removing an information item.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN

FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationMaximizeConversionsBiddingSchemeIsRemoveTargetCpa String False

It is a flag for removing an information item.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN

FailedBiddingStrategyConfigurationMaximizeConversionValueBiddingSchemeSchemeIsRemoveTargetRoas String False

It is a flag for removing an information item.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
ContainsLabel String

acquisition flag of label data

使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN

LabelId Int64

Label ID.

MinBudgetAmount Int64

Minimum value of the search range.

MaxBudgetAmount Int64

Maximum value of the search range.

ReferenceNumber String

This column will be used in Bulk operations to get specific values from the Temp tables.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839