ADO.NET Provider for Yahoo! Ads

Build 23.0.8839


Create, Read or Update the target list information.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 will use the Yahoo! Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The AccountId is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the 本製品.

  • AccountId supports the '='.
  • TargetListId supports the '=,IN'.
  • TargetListOwner supports the '='.
  • TargetListType supports the '=,IN'.

For example:

SELECT * FROM SearchAdsRetargetingLists WHERE AccountId = '125466'

SELECT * FROM SearchAdsRetargetingLists WHERE AccountId = '125466' AND TargetListId = '234234'


Insert can be executed by specifying the AccountId, LogicalTargetListLogicalGroup, RuleBaseTargetListIsAllVisitorRule, TargetListName and TargetListType columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. Following is an example of how to insert into this table

INSERT INTO SearchAdsRetargetingListRuleBaseTargetListRuleRuleItems#TEMP (RuleOperator,RuleType,UrlRuleItemUrlRuleKey,Value) VALUES ('EQUALS','URL_RULE','URL','')
INSERT INTO SearchAdsRetargetingListRuleBaseTargetListRules#TEMP (RuleItems) VALUES ('SearchAdsRetargetingListRuleBaseTargetListRuleRuleItems#TEMP')
INSERT INTO SearchAdsRetargetingLists (AccountId,TargetListName,TargetListType,RuleBaseTargetListIsAllVisitorRule,RuleBaseTargetListIsDateSpecificRule,RuleBaseTargetListRules) values (1234339,'RuleBaseRetargetingList','RULE','TRUE','FALSE','SearchAdsRetargetingListRuleBaseTargetListRules#TEMP')


UPDATE can be executed by specifying the AccountId, TargetListId, LogicalTargetListLogicalGroup, RuleBaseTargetListIsAllVisitorRule and TargetListType in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated. For example:

INSERT INTO SearchAdsRetargetingListRuleBaseTargetListRuleRuleItems#TEMP (RuleOperator,RuleType,UrlRuleItemUrlRuleKey,Value) VALUES ('NOT_EQUAL','URL_RULE','REFFER_URL','')
INSERT INTO SearchAdsRetargetingListRuleBaseTargetListRules#TEMP (RuleItems) VALUES ('SearchAdsRetargetingListRuleBaseTargetListRuleRuleItems#TEMP')
UPDATE SearchAdsRetargetingLists SET TargetListName = 'UpdateRetargetingList', TargetListType = 'RULE', RuleBaseTargetListIsAllVisitorRule = 'TRUE', RuleBaseTargetListIsDateSpecificRule = 'FALSE', RuleBaseTargetListRules = 'SearchAdsRetargetingListRuleBaseTargetListRules#TEMP' WHERE AccountId = '1234339' AND TargetListId = '634293'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
TargetListId [KEY] Int64 True

Target List ID.

AccountId Int64 True


Account ID.

ClosingReason String False

The reason for closing.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。UNUSED_LIST, UNKNOWN

DefaultTargetListTagAdvancedSnippet String False

The new format of site retargeting tag avoids the impacts such as changes made to the browser.

LogicalTargetListLogicalGroup String False

An object that holds combination group information.

Reach Int64 False

Number of users stored to the list.

ReachStorageSpan Int64 False

Days to hold Cookie. Default:180

ReachStorageStatus String False

The flag status to store Cookie reach.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。OPEN, CLOSED, UNKNOWN

RetargetingAccountStatusAgreeDate String False

Agreement date.

RetargetingAccountStatusReviewRequestDate String False

Re-examination review request date.

RetargetingAccountStatusReviewStatus String False

The review status of target list.


RuleBaseTargetListStartDate String False

Start date of rule setting in

RuleBaseTargetListEndDate String False

End date of rule setting in

RuleBaseTargetListIsAllVisitorRule String False

The rule of visitors.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN

RuleBaseTargetListIsDateSpecificRule String False

The rule with deadline.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN

RuleBaseTargetListRules String False

An object that holds grouped URL/LABEL rules.

TargetListDescription String False

Description of Target List.

TargetListName String False

Target List name.

TargetListOwner String False

Describes the owner information of the target list.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。ONWER, SHARED, UNKNOWN

TargetListTrackId Int64 False

Tracking ID of Target list.

TargetListType String False

The type of target list.



SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
ReferenceNumber String

This column will be used in Bulk operations to get specific values from the Temp tables.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839