ADO.NET Provider for Yahoo! Ads

Build 23.0.8839


Create, Read, Update or Delete the Audience list for site retargeting

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 will use the Yahoo! Ads API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The AccountId is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the 本製品.

  • AccountId supports the '='.
  • AudienceListId supports the '=,IN'.
  • AudienceListType supports the '=,IN'.

For example:

SELECT * FROM AudienceLists WHERE AccountId = '1234339'
SELECT * FROM AudienceLists WHERE AccountId = '1234339' AND AudienceListId = '1003039071'
SELECT * FROM AudienceLists WHERE AccountId = '1234339' AND AudienceListId = '1003039071' AND AudienceListType = 'DEFAULT_LIST'


Insert in AudienceLists can be done using temp tables.

INSERT INTO DisplayAdsAudienceListContentCombinationAudienceListRulesRuleConditions#TEMP(AccountId, CompareOperator, RuleType, Value) VALUES (1002504155, 'EQUAL', 'URL', '')
INSERT INTO DisplayAdsAudienceListContentRuleAudienceListRules#TEMP(AccountId, RuleConditions) VALUES (1002504155, 'DisplayAdsAudienceListContentCombinationAudienceListRulesRuleConditions#TEMP')
INSERT INTO AudienceLists(AccountId, AudienceListType, AudienceListName, ContentRuleAudienceListRetargetingTagId, ContentRuleAudienceListIsOpen, ContentRuleAudienceListIsPreset, ContentRuleAudienceListReachPeriod, ContentRuleAudienceListRules) VALUES (1002504155, 'RULE', 'UpdatingRetargetingListThrice', 'YWQ5T1KH11', TRUE, FALSE, 7, 'DisplayAdsAudienceListContentRuleAudienceListRules#TEMP')


Update can be executed by specifying the AccountId, AudienceListId, AudienceListName AND AudienceListType in the WHERE Clause. For example:

UPDATE AudienceLists SET AudienceListName = 'UpdatingRetargetingListFour' WHERE AudienceListId = 1003411978 AND AccountId = 1002504155 AND AudienceListName = 'UpdatingRetargetingListThrice' AND AudienceListType = 'RULE'


Delete can be executed by specifying the AccountId and AudienceListId in the WHERE Clause. For example.

DELETE FROM AudienceLists WHERE AudienceListId = 1003411978 AND AccountId = 1002504155


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
AudienceListId [KEY] Int64 True

Audience List ID.

AccountId Int64 True


Account ID.

AudienceListType String False

Types of audience list. DEFAULT_LIST cannot be specified in ADD operation.


ContentCombinationAudienceListCombinations String False

Combination of audience list information. If targetListType is COMBINATION, this field is required in ADD and SET operation.

ContentCustomerDataAudienceListCustomAudienceId String False

Custom audience ID.

ContentCustomerDataAudienceListReachPeriod Int64 False

Duration of user data configured from DMP (1-60days).This field is required in ADD operation.

ContentRuleAudienceListIsOpen String False

Display the setting of store to reaches Audience List. If audienceListType is RULE, this field is required in ADD operation, and is optional in SET operation. If audienceListType is DEFAULT_LIST, this field is optional in SET operation.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN

ContentRuleAudienceListIsPreset String False

Display the setting of history of past visit. This field is required in ADD operation.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN

ContentRuleAudienceListReachPeriod Int64 False

Cookies validation period. (1 - 540 days). This field is required in ADD operation and is Optional in SET operation.

ContentRuleAudienceListRetargetingTagId String False

ID of Retargeting Tag. This field is required in ADD operation.

ContentRuleAudienceListRules String False

It displays the Possible conditions for audience list. This field is optional in ADD and SET operation.

ContentSimilarityAudienceListId Int64 False

Audience list ID that is the basis for creating the audience list (similar users). This field is required in ADD operation, and will be ignored in SET and REMOVE operation.

ContentSimilarityAudienceListSize String False

It serves audience list size of similarity audience list. Under similarityaudienceList, this field is optional in ADD and SET operation, and will be ignored in REMOVE operation.

ContentSimilarityAudienceListSizeReaches String False

It contains each reaches of audience list size. Although this field will be returned in the response, it will be ignored on input.

ContentWebsiteVisitorsAudienceListIsOpen String False

Display the setting of store of reaches to Audience List. If audienceListType is RULE, this field is required in ADD operation, and is optional in SET operation. If audienceListType is DEFAULT_LIST, this field is optional in SET operation.

ContentWebsiteVisitorsAudienceListIsPreset String False

Display the setting of history of past visit.This field is required in ADD operation.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN

ContentWebsiteVisitorsAudienceListReachPeriod Int64 False

Cookies validation period. (1 - 540 days). This field is required in ADD operation, and is optional in SET operation.

ContentWebsiteVisitorsAudienceListRetargetingTagId String False

ID of Retargeting Tag. This field is required in ADD operation.

ContentWebsiteVisitorsAudienceListRules String False

Displays the possible conditions for audience list. This field is optional in ADD and SET operation.

AudienceListName String False

Audience List name.

DeliveryStatus String False

Account delivery status

使用できる値は次のとおりです。ACTIVE, PAUSED, UNKNOWN

Description String False

Description of Audience List.

IsRemoveDescription String False

flag for removing an information item.If the set value is 'TRUE', the set value will be invalid.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN

IsShared Boolean False

Describes the sharing status of the audience list

使用できる値は次のとおりです。TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN

Reach Int64 False

Number of reaches.

SourceAccountId Int64 False

Account ID of the sharing source.

SourceAccountName String False

Account name of the sharing source.

SourceType String False

Describes the source type.

DataConnectionStopped String False

It shows whether or not the custom list stopped the data connection.

YahooJapanAudienceDiscoveryAudienceListReachPeriod String False

It displays audience list (Yahoo! JAPAN Audience Discovery).

ContentAppUserAudienceListIsOpen String False

It displays the setting of store of reaches to Audience List.

ContentAppUserAudienceListIsPresent String False

It displays the setting of history of past visit.

ContentAppUserAudienceListReachPeriod Int64 False

It represents Cookies validation period. (1 - 540 days).

ContentAppUserAudienceListRules String False

It displays the possible conditions for audience list.

ContentAppUserAudienceListAppLinkAppId String False

App Id.

ContentAppUserAudienceListAppLinkAppVendor String False

It serves app measurement partner.

ContentAppUserAudienceListAppLinkLinkId String False

Link ID.

ContentAppUserAudienceListAppLinkAppPlatform String False

It displays the platform of app link.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
SharingStatusFilterType String

Sharing status of the Audiencet list.



ReferenceNumber String

This column will be used in Bulk operations to get specific values from the Temp tables.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839