Power BI Connector for Tally

Build 24.0.8963




CData Power BI Connector for Tally ビュー

Name Description
Company Retrieve Company Details.
Employees Retrieve Employee Details.
Ledger Retrieve Ledger Details.
Payhead Retrieve Payhead Details.
PriceList Retrieve PriceList.
Report_BalanceSheet Balance Sheet Report of Tally
Report_BankGroupSummary Bank Group Summary Report of Tally
Report_BillsPayable Bills Payable Report of Tally
Report_BillsReceivable Bills Receivable Report of Tally
Report_GodownSummary Godown Summary Report of Tally
Report_GroupOutstandings Group Outstandings Report of Tally
Report_GroupSummary Group Summary Report of Tally
Report_GroupVouchers Group Vouchers Report of Tally
Report_ItemMonthlySummary ItemMonthlySummary Report of Tally
Report_LedgerOutstandings Ledger Outstandings Report of Tally
Report_LedgerVouchers Ledger Vouchers Report of Tally
Report_NegativeLedger Negative Ledger Report of Tally
Report_NegativeStock Negative Stock Report of Tally
Report_ProfitAndLoss Profit and Loss Report of Tally
Report_RatioAnalysis Ratio Analysis Report of Tally
Report_Statistics Statistics Report of Tally
Report_StockGroupSummary Stock Summary Report of Tally
Report_StockItemSummary Stock Summary Report of Tally
Report_StockVouchers StockVouchers Report of Tally
Report_TrialBalance Trial Balance Report of Tally
Report_VoucherRegister Voucher Register Report of Tally
StockItem Retrieve StockItems.

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Build 24.0.8963