Retrieve Company Details.
Table Specific Information
The adapter will use the Tally API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the adapter.
- String supports the '=, !=,<, <=, >, >=, LIKE, ORDER BY' comparisons.
For example these queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Company WHERE Name LIKE 'cdata%' SELECT * FROM Company WHERE CompanyFBTAssesseeType != 'Default' SELECT * FROM Company WHERE StateName = 'Karnataka' AND PINCode >= '560034' SELECT * FROM Company WHERE CountryName = 'India' OR CountryName = 'US' SELECT * FROM Company WHERE PINCode > '560034' SELECT * FROM Company ORDER BY DBName ASC
Name | Type | Description |
StartingFrom | Date | The StartingFrom value of the Company. |
BooksFrom | Date | The BooksFrom value of the Company. |
VatApplDate | Date | The VatApplDate value of the Company. |
CompositeApplicableDate | Date | The CompositeApplicableDate value of the Company. |
VATRegDate | Date | The VATRegDate value of the Company. |
DeactivateExciseFrom | Date | The DeactivateExciseFrom value of the Company. |
STRegDate | Date | The STRegDate value of the Company. |
DeactivateServiceTaxFrom | Date | The DeactivateServiceTaxFrom value of the Company. |
LBTRegnDate | Date | The LBTRegnDate value of the Company. |
DeactivateVATFrom | Date | The DeactivateVATFrom value of the Company. |
CSTApplDate | Date | The CSTApplDate value of the Company. |
GSTApplicableDate | Date | The GSTApplicableDate value of the Company. |
AuditedUpto | Date | The AuditedUpto value of the Company. |
FIFOApplicableFrom | Date | The FIFOApplicableFrom value of the Company. |
ReturnsStartFrom | Date | The ReturnsStartFrom value of the Company. |
Name | String | The Name value of the Company. |
BasicCompanyFormalName | String | The BasicCompanyFormalName value of the Company. |
Guid | String | The Guid value of the Company. |
String | The Email value of the Company. | |
StateName | String | The StateName value of the Company. |
PINCode | String | The PINCode value of the Company. |
PhoneNumber | String | The PhoneNumber value of the Company. |
CMPEmployerId | String | The CMPEmployerId value of the Company. |
FaxNumber | String | The FaxNumber value of the Company. |
Website | String | The Website value of the Company. |
IncomeTaxNumber | String | The IncomeTaxNumber value of the Company. |
SalesTaxNumber | String | The SalesTaxNumber value of the Company. |
InterStateSTNumber | String | The InterStateSTNumber value of the Company. |
TANumber | String | The TANumber value of the Company. |
VATTINNumber | String | The VATTINNumber value of the Company. |
CompositeTIN | String | The CompositeTIN value of the Company. |
EECDebtors | String | The EECDebtors value of the Company. |
EECCreditors | String | The EECCreditors value of the Company. |
CountryName | String | The CountryName value of the Company. |
VATPymtPeriod | String | The VATPymtPeriod value of the Company. |
CSTPymtPeriod | String | The CSTPymtPeriod value of the Company. |
STPymtPeriod | String | The STPymtPeriod value of the Company. |
TDSPymtPeriod | String | The TDSPymtPeriod value of the Company. |
TCSPymtPeriod | String | The TCSPymtPeriod value of the Company. |
PFPymtPeriod | String | The PFPymtPeriod value of the Company. |
PTPymtPeriod | String | The PTPymtPeriod value of the Company. |
ESIPymtPeriod | String | The ESIPymtPeriod value of the Company. |
FBTPymtPeriod | String | The FBTPymtPeriod value of the Company. |
FBTYearEndPymtPeriod | String | The FBTYearEndPymtPeriod value of the Company. |
ITDeductorWard | String | The ITDeductorWard value of the Company. |
ITDeductorRespPersonName | String | The ITDeductorRespPersonName value of the Company. |
ITDeductorRespPersonFatherName | String | The ITDeductorRespPersonFatherName value of the Company. |
ITDeductorRespPersonDesig | String | The ITDeductorRespPersonDesig value of the Company. |
TANRegNo | String | The TANRegNo value of the Company. |
VATFilingPeriodicity | String | The VATFilingPeriodicity value of the Company. |
ITDeductorBranch | String | The ITDeductorBranch value of the Company. |
ExciseRegn | String | The ExciseRegn value of the Company. |
ExciseRange | String | The ExciseRange value of the Company. |
ExciseRangeAddress | String | The ExciseRangeAddress value of the Company. |
ExciseDivision | String | The ExciseDivision value of the Company. |
ExciseDivisionAddress | String | The ExciseDivisionAddress value of the Company. |
CMPIECCode | String | The CMPIECCode value of the Company. |
ExciseAssesseeType | String | The ExciseAssesseeType value of the Company. |
ExciseCommissionerate | String | The ExciseCommissionerate value of the Company. |
ExciseRangeCode | String | The ExciseRangeCode value of the Company. |
ExciseDivisionCode | String | The ExciseDivisionCode value of the Company. |
ExciseFocalBankCode | String | The ExciseFocalBankCode value of the Company. |
ExciseFocalBankName | String | The ExciseFocalBankName value of the Company. |
ExciseFocalBankAddr | String | The ExciseFocalBankAddr value of the Company. |
STRegNumber | String | The STRegNumber value of the Company. |
STAssesseeCode | String | The STAssesseeCode value of the Company. |
STOrgType | String | The STOrgType value of the Company. |
STMajorService | String | The STMajorService value of the Company. |
STDivisionCode | String | The STDivisionCode value of the Company. |
STDivisionName | String | The STDivisionName value of the Company. |
STRangeCode | String | The STRangeCode value of the Company. |
STRangeName | String | The STRangeName value of the Company. |
STCommrtCode | String | The STCommrtCode value of the Company. |
STCommrtName | String | The STCommrtName value of the Company. |
STFocalBankCode | String | The STFocalBankCode value of the Company. |
STFocalBankName | String | The STFocalBankName value of the Company. |
STFocalBankAddr | String | The STFocalBankAddr value of the Company. |
STAdjExpenses | String | The STAdjExpenses value of the Company. |
STLargeTaxPayerUnit | String | The STLargeTaxPayerUnit value of the Company. |
STPremisesCodeNo | String | The STPremisesCodeNo value of the Company. |
ServiceTaxLiabilityType | String | The ServiceTaxLiabilityType value of the Company. |
RevChargeType | String | The RevChargeType value of the Company. |
DeductorWard | String | The DeductorWard value of the Company. |
DeductorStatus | String | The DeductorStatus value of the Company. |
DeductorRespPersonName | String | The DeductorRespPersonName value of the Company. |
DeductorRespPersonDesig | String | The DeductorRespPersonDesig value of the Company. |
DeductorRespPersonFatherName | String | The DeductorRespPersonFatherName value of the Company. |
HeadOfficeTANumber | String | The HeadOfficeTANumber value of the Company. |
TDSDeductorType | String | The TDSDeductorType value of the Company. |
PersonResponsiblePAN | String | The PersonResponsiblePAN value of the Company. |
PersonResponsibleFlatNo | String | The PersonResponsibleFlatNo value of the Company. |
PersonResponsiblePremises | String | The PersonResponsiblePremises value of the Company. |
PersonResponsibleRoad | String | The PersonResponsibleRoad value of the Company. |
PersonResponsibleArea | String | The PersonResponsibleArea value of the Company. |
PersonResponsibleCity | String | The PersonResponsibleCity value of the Company. |
PersonResponsibleState | String | The PersonResponsibleState value of the Company. |
PersonResponsiblePincode | String | The PersonResponsiblePincode value of the Company. |
PersonResponsibleMobile | String | The PersonResponsibleMobile value of the Company. |
PersonResponsibleSTDCode | String | The PersonResponsibleSTDCode value of the Company. |
PersonResponsiblePhone | String | The PersonResponsiblePhone value of the Company. |
PersonResponsibleEMail | String | The PersonResponsibleEMail value of the Company. |
PersonResponsibleAltSTDCode | String | The PersonResponsibleAltSTDCode value of the Company. |
PersonResponsibleAltPhone | String | The PersonResponsibleAltPhone value of the Company. |
PersonResponsibleAltEMail | String | The PersonResponsibleAltEMail value of the Company. |
PersonResponsibleAltMobile | String | The PersonResponsibleAltMobile value of the Company. |
DeductorResponsibleAltSTDCode | String | The DeductorResponsibleAltSTDCode value of the Company. |
DeductorResponsibleAltPhone | String | The DeductorResponsibleAltPhone value of the Company. |
DeductorResponsibleAltEMail | String | The DeductorResponsibleAltEMail value of the Company. |
DeductorResponsibleAltMobile | String | The DeductorResponsibleAltMobile value of the Company. |
ITDeductorRespPersonPAN | String | The ITDeductorRespPersonPAN value of the Company. |
DeductorBranch | String | The DeductorBranch value of the Company. |
CompanyFBTAssesseeType | String | The CompanyFBTAssesseeType value of the Company. |
CompanyFBTAssesseeCategory | String | The CompanyFBTAssesseeCategory value of the Company. |
CMPPFCode | String | The CMPPFCode value of the Company. |
CMPPFAccountGroupCode | String | The CMPPFAccountGroupCode value of the Company. |
CMPPFSecurityCode | String | The CMPPFSecurityCode value of the Company. |
CMPESICode | String | The CMPESICode value of the Company. |
CMPESIBranchOffice | String | The CMPESIBranchOffice value of the Company. |
CMPESIWorkingDays | String | The CMPESIWorkingDays value of the Company. |
XBRLCIN | String | The XBRLCIN value of the Company. |
XBRLIndustryType | String | The XBRLIndustryType value of the Company. |
LBTRegnNo | String | The LBTRegnNo value of the Company. |
LBTZone | String | The LBTZone value of the Company. |
EconomicActivityCode | String | The EconomicActivityCode value of the Company. |
AuthorisedPersonName | String | The AuthorisedPersonName value of the Company. |
AuthorisedPersonDesignation | String | The AuthorisedPersonDesignation value of the Company. |
AuthorisedPlace | String | The AuthorisedPlace value of the Company. |
CircleSector | String | The CircleSector value of the Company. |
CircleDivision | String | The CircleDivision value of the Company. |
ExportImportCode | String | The ExportImportCode value of the Company. |
TaxAuthorisedPerson | String | The TaxAuthorisedPerson value of the Company. |
CircleWard | String | The CircleWard value of the Company. |
VATReturnForm | String | The VATReturnForm value of the Company. |
GSTRegistrationNumber | String | The GSTRegistrationNumber value of the Company. |
GSTRegistrationType | String | The GSTRegistrationType value of the Company. |
CmpTypeOfSupply | String | The CmpTypeOfSupply value of the Company. |
CompanyNameNative | String | The CompanyNameNative value of the Company. |
CompanyEmirateNative | String | The CompanyEmirateNative value of the Company. |
CompanyCountryNative | String | The CompanyCountryNative value of the Company. |
VATDealerType | String | The VATDealerType value of the Company. |
ConnectName | String | The ConnectName value of the Company. |
SMSShortCode | String | The SMSShortCode value of the Company. |
SMSPrefix | String | The SMSPrefix value of the Company. |
CompanyContactPerson | String | The CompanyContactPerson value of the Company. |
CompanyContactNumber | String | The CompanyContactNumber value of the Company. |
CompanySMSName | String | The CompanySMSName value of the Company. |
LogoPath | String | The LogoPath value of the Company. |
CompanyChequeName | String | The CompanyChequeName value of the Company. |
TDSNatureOfPayment | String | The TDSNatureOfPayment value of the Company. |
TCSNatureofGood | String | The TCSNatureofGood value of the Company. |
CRNumber | String | The CRNumber value of the Company. |
BranchCRNumber | String | The BranchCRNumber value of the Company. |
ShowBankDetails | String | The ShowBankDetails value of the Company. |
GenerateBatchesOn | String | The GenerateBatchesOn value of the Company. |
UploadLastRefresh | String | The UploadLastRefresh value of the Company. |
IsAggregate | String | The IsAggregate value of the Company. |
IndianVat | String | The IndianVat value of the Company. |
IsVATRegdDealer | String | The IsVATRegdDealer value of the Company. |
IsVATCompositeDealer | String | The IsVATCompositeDealer value of the Company. |
IsDaywiseCashAggregate | String | The IsDaywiseCashAggregate value of the Company. |
ITDeductorType | String | The ITDeductorType value of the Company. |
IsAuditWorkingPaperOn | String | The IsAuditWorkingPaperOn value of the Company. |
IsAuditCategoryOn | String | The IsAuditCategoryOn value of the Company. |
IsRoundOffExceOn | String | The IsRoundOffExceOn value of the Company. |
IsCSTWithAddlTax | String | The IsCSTWithAddlTax value of the Company. |
IsSalesTaxCessOn | String | The IsSalesTaxCessOn value of the Company. |
IsExciseClassificationOn | String | The IsExciseClassificationOn value of the Company. |
STIsSTLargeTaxPayer | String | The STIsSTLargeTaxPayer value of the Company. |
STXIsRoundOffApplicable | String | The STXIsRoundOffApplicable value of the Company. |
ServiceTaxIsSEZ | String | The ServiceTaxIsSEZ value of the Company. |
STIsMultiUnit | String | The STIsMultiUnit value of the Company. |
STUserDefinedClass | String | The STUserDefinedClass value of the Company. |
STIsInputServDistributor | String | The STIsInputServDistributor value of the Company. |
IsSTStockItemOn | String | The IsSTStockItemOn value of the Company. |
IsReverseApplicable | String | The IsReverseApplicable value of the Company. |
STIsMonthlyReturns | String | The STIsMonthlyReturns value of the Company. |
DeductorType | String | The DeductorType value of the Company. |
IgnoreITExemption | String | The IgnoreITExemption value of the Company. |
IgnoreTCSITExemption | String | The IgnoreTCSITExemption value of the Company. |
IsTDSStockItemOn | String | The IsTDSStockItemOn value of the Company. |
IsFBTSurchargeApplicable | String | The IsFBTSurchargeApplicable value of the Company. |
XBRLIsConsolidatedRepType | String | The XBRLIsConsolidatedRepType value of the Company. |
IsLBTOn | String | The IsLBTOn value of the Company. |
IsVATClassOn | String | The IsVATClassOn value of the Company. |
IsMRPOn | String | The IsMRPOn value of the Company. |
IsRevisedAnnexureOn | String | The IsRevisedAnnexureOn value of the Company. |
EnableVATOnItemRate | String | The EnableVATOnItemRate value of the Company. |
EnableVATOnQuantity | String | The EnableVATOnQuantity value of the Company. |
IsInZRBasicServices | String | The IsInZRBasicServices value of the Company. |
IsDesignatedZone | String | The IsDesignatedZone value of the Company. |
STMaintainSepAccForExempt | String | The STMaintainSepAccForExempt value of the Company. |
IsDeviceDetailsReq | String | The IsDeviceDetailsReq value of the Company. |
CMPIsUnderNPVScheme | String | The CMPIsUnderNPVScheme value of the Company. |
IsSecurityOn | String | The IsSecurityOn value of the Company. |
IsAccountingOn | String | The IsAccountingOn value of the Company. |
IsInventoryOn | String | The IsInventoryOn value of the Company. |
IsIntegrated | String | The IsIntegrated value of the Company. |
IsBillWiseOn | String | The IsBillWiseOn value of the Company. |
IsAllBillWiseOn | String | The IsAllBillWiseOn value of the Company. |
IsCostCentresOn | String | The IsCostCentresOn value of the Company. |
IsCostCategoryOn | String | The IsCostCategoryOn value of the Company. |
IsStockCategoryOn | String | The IsStockCategoryOn value of the Company. |
IsBatchWiseOn | String | The IsBatchWiseOn value of the Company. |
IsPerishableOn | String | The IsPerishableOn value of the Company. |
IsMultiGodownOn | String | The IsMultiGodownOn value of the Company. |
IsMultiCurrencyOn | String | The IsMultiCurrencyOn value of the Company. |
IsInvoicingOn | String | The IsInvoicingOn value of the Company. |
IsRevJrnlOn | String | The IsRevJrnlOn value of the Company. |
IsRemindersOn | String | The IsRemindersOn value of the Company. |
IsDCNoteOn | String | The IsDCNoteOn value of the Company. |
IsRejectionOn | String | The IsRejectionOn value of the Company. |
IsTrackingOn | String | The IsTrackingOn value of the Company. |
IsExciseOn | String | The IsExciseOn value of the Company. |
IsChqPrintingOn | String | The IsChqPrintingOn value of the Company. |
DiffActualQty | String | The DiffActualQty value of the Company. |
UseZeroEntries | String | The UseZeroEntries value of the Company. |
AddlAmount | String | The AddlAmount value of the Company. |
IsTallyAuditOn | String | The IsTallyAuditOn value of the Company. |
IsBudgetsOn | String | The IsBudgetsOn value of the Company. |
IsPayrollOn | String | The IsPayrollOn value of the Company. |
IsTDSOn | String | The IsTDSOn value of the Company. |
IsServiceTaxOn | String | The IsServiceTaxOn value of the Company. |
IsJobCostingOn | String | The IsJobCostingOn value of the Company. |
IsTCSOn | String | The IsTCSOn value of the Company. |
IsExciseReportsOn | String | The IsExciseReportsOn value of the Company. |
IsCompositeDealer | String | The IsCompositeDealer value of the Company. |
IsBOMOn | String | The IsBOMOn value of the Company. |
IsSalesOrdersOn | String | The IsSalesOrdersOn value of the Company. |
IsPurcOrdersOn | String | The IsPurcOrdersOn value of the Company. |
IsDiscountsOn | String | The IsDiscountsOn value of the Company. |
CNoteAsInvoice | String | The CNoteAsInvoice value of the Company. |
UKVATReturns | String | The UKVATReturns value of the Company. |
UsePriceLevels | String | The UsePriceLevels value of the Company. |
IsInterestOn | String | The IsInterestOn value of the Company. |
IsAdvInterestOn | String | The IsAdvInterestOn value of the Company. |
PurcAsInvoice | String | The PurcAsInvoice value of the Company. |
UseAutoCost | String | The UseAutoCost value of the Company. |
DNoteAsInvoice | String | The DNoteAsInvoice value of the Company. |
PLasIncomeExpense | String | The PLasIncomeExpense value of the Company. |
AllowinMobile | String | The AllowinMobile value of the Company. |
IsIndentOn | String | The IsIndentOn value of the Company. |
IsFBTOn | String | The IsFBTOn value of the Company. |
IsExciseMfgrTraderOn | String | The IsExciseMfgrTraderOn value of the Company. |
IsSalesTaxOn | String | The IsSalesTaxOn value of the Company. |
IsPayrollStatOn | String | The IsPayrollStatOn value of the Company. |
ConnectCompany | String | The ConnectCompany value of the Company. |
ConnectCompanyOnLoad | String | The ConnectCompanyOnLoad value of the Company. |
IsEntryTaxApplicable | String | The IsEntryTaxApplicable value of the Company. |
RevenueLedForOpBal | String | The RevenueLedForOpBal value of the Company. |
EnableSMSAccess | String | The EnableSMSAccess value of the Company. |
IsRcptsPymtsOn | String | The IsRcptsPymtsOn value of the Company. |
IsLogoEnabled | String | The IsLogoEnabled value of the Company. |
IsXBRLOn | String | The IsXBRLOn value of the Company. |
IsProprietorship | String | The IsProprietorship value of the Company. |
IsYearWise | String | The IsYearWise value of the Company. |
IsCmpLTUOn | String | The IsCmpLTUOn value of the Company. |
IsGSTOn | String | The IsGSTOn value of the Company. |
IsGSTClassifOn | String | The IsGSTClassifOn value of the Company. |
IsDisallowInEduMode | String | The IsDisallowInEduMode value of the Company. |
IsMultiAddressOn | String | The IsMultiAddressOn value of the Company. |
IsEbankingOn | String | The IsEbankingOn value of the Company. |
IsJobWorkOn | String | The IsJobWorkOn value of the Company. |
IsMaterialTransferOn | String | The IsMaterialTransferOn value of the Company. |
IsCostTrackingOn | String | The IsCostTrackingOn value of the Company. |
EnablePwdPolicy | String | The EnablePwdPolicy value of the Company. |
RestrictPwdReuse | String | The RestrictPwdReuse value of the Company. |
ResetPwdOnFirstLogin | String | The ResetPwdOnFirstLogin value of the Company. |
AllowPwdReset | String | The AllowPwdReset value of the Company. |
NotifyOfExpiry | String | The NotifyOfExpiry value of the Company. |
IsDefPwdPolicyAltered | String | The IsDefPwdPolicyAltered value of the Company. |
IsBankingVchMigrated | String | The IsBankingVchMigrated value of the Company. |
IsBeneficiaryCodeOn | String | The IsBeneficiaryCodeOn value of the Company. |
IsTransferModeOn | String | The IsTransferModeOn value of the Company. |
IsBankingforCCOn | String | The IsBankingforCCOn value of the Company. |
IsImpBankDetailsOn | String | The IsImpBankDetailsOn value of the Company. |
IsApprovalOn | String | The IsApprovalOn value of the Company. |
IsExportOnVchCreate | String | The IsExportOnVchCreate value of the Company. |
IsExportWithErrors | String | The IsExportWithErrors value of the Company. |
IsResetBankStatus | String | The IsResetBankStatus value of the Company. |
IsISOCurrencyApplicable | String | The IsISOCurrencyApplicable value of the Company. |
IsIgnoreWithWarnings | String | The IsIgnoreWithWarnings value of the Company. |
IsFIFOApplied | String | The IsFIFOApplied value of the Company. |
IsTrackVouchersOn | String | The IsTrackVouchersOn value of the Company. |
ResetTrackedChanges | String | The ResetTrackedChanges value of the Company. |
CompanyNumber | Decimal | The CompanyNumber value of the Company. |
StatutoryVersion | Decimal | The StatutoryVersion value of the Company. |
VATPymtDueDate | Decimal | The VATPymtDueDate value of the Company. |
CSTPymtDueDate | Decimal | The CSTPymtDueDate value of the Company. |
STPymtDueDate | Decimal | The STPymtDueDate value of the Company. |
TDSPymtDueDate | Decimal | The TDSPymtDueDate value of the Company. |
TCSPymtDueDate | Decimal | The TCSPymtDueDate value of the Company. |
PFPymtDueDate | Decimal | The PFPymtDueDate value of the Company. |
PTPymtDueDate | Decimal | The PTPymtDueDate value of the Company. |
ESIPymtDueDate | Decimal | The ESIPymtDueDate value of the Company. |
FBTPymtDueDate | Decimal | The FBTPymtDueDate value of the Company. |
FBTYearEndPymtDueDate | Decimal | The FBTYearEndPymtDueDate value of the Company. |
STCrAdjPercent | Decimal | The STCrAdjPercent value of the Company. |
CmpTaxAmountTolerence | Decimal | The CmpTaxAmountTolerence value of the Company. |
PwdLength | Decimal | The PwdLength value of the Company. |
LettersInPwd | Decimal | The LettersInPwd value of the Company. |
NumeralsInPwd | Decimal | The NumeralsInPwd value of the Company. |
SpclCharsInPwd | Decimal | The SpclCharsInPwd value of the Company. |
PwdHistory | Decimal | The PwdHistory value of the Company. |
PwdExpiry | Decimal | The PwdExpiry value of the Company. |
ExpiryNotifPeriod | Decimal | The ExpiryNotifPeriod value of the Company. |
NACHVersion | Decimal | The NACHVersion value of the Company. |
MaxCashValue | String | The MaxCashValue value of the Company. |
MinCashValue | String | The MinCashValue value of the Company. |
CMPESIEligibleAmount | String | The CMPESIEligibleAmount value of the Company. |
RTGSLimit | String | The RTGSLimit value of the Company. |
Address | String | The Address value of the Company. |
CompanyAddressNative | String | The CompanyAddressNative value of the Company. |
PriceLevel | String | The PriceLevel value of the Company. |
MobileNumbers | String | The MobileNumbers value of the Company. |
UserAccountIds | Decimal | The UserAccountIds value of the Company. |
Dbname | String | The Dbname value of the Company. |
Thisyearbeg | Date | The Thisyearbeg value of the Company. |
Thisyearend | Date | The Thisyearend value of the Company. |
Prevyearbeg | Date | The Prevyearbeg value of the Company. |
Prevyearend | Date | The Prevyearend value of the Company. |
Thisquarterbeg | Date | The Thisquarterbeg value of the Company. |
Thisquarterend | Date | The Thisquarterend value of the Company. |
Prevquarterbeg | Date | The Prevquarterbeg value of the Company. |
Prevquarterend | Date | The Prevquarterend value of the Company. |
Name | String | The Name value of the Company. |
Address1 | String | The Address1 value of the Company. |
Address2 | String | The Address2 value of the Company. |
Address3 | String | The Address3 value of the Company. |
Address4 | String | The Address4 value of the Company. |
Address5 | String | The Address5 value of the Company. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Company | String | Name of the Company whose data need to be fetched. Please make sure it is selected and unlocked atleast once in the Tally tool after the tool is launched. It need not be in the selected state at the moment. |