Creates a label for an Order
Name | Type | Required | Description |
DownloadLocation | String | False | The location on the disk where to download the label. |
OrderId | Integer | True | Identifies the order that will be shipped. |
CarrierCode | String | True | The code for the carrier that is to be used for the label. |
ServiceCode | String | True | The code for the shipping service that is to be used for the label. |
Confirmation | String | True | The type of delivery confirmation that is to be used once the shipment is created. Possible values: none, delivery, signature, adult_signature, and direct_signature. direct_signature is available for FedEx only. |
ShipDate | String | True | The date the order should be shipped. |
WeightValue | Integer | True | Weight_value of the order. |
WeightUnits | String | True | Weight_units of the order. |
WeightWeightUnits | Integer | False | Weight_WeightUnits of the order. |
DimensionsLength | String | False | Length of package. |
DimensionsWidth | String | False | Width of package. |
DimensionsHeight | String | False | Height of package. |
DimensionsUnits | String | False | Units of measurement. Allowed units are: 'inches', or 'centimeters'. |
InsuranceOptionsProvider | String | False | Preferred Insurance provider. Available options: shipsurance, carrier, or provider. The provider option is used to indicate that a shipment was insured by a third party other than ShipSurance or the carrier. The insurance is handled outside of ShipStation, and will not affect the cost of processing the label. |
InsuranceOptionsInsureShipment | String | False | Indicates whether shipment should be insured. |
InsuranceOptionsInsuredValue | String | False | Value to insure. |
InternationalOptionsContents | String | False | Contents of international shipment. Available options are: merchandise, documents, gift, returned_goods, or sample. |
InternationalOptionsCustomsItemsCustomsItemId | String | False | If this field is included when submitting an order through Order/CreateOrder, then it will look for the corresponding customs line and update any values.(Multiple values can be given as input with comma separator like: '121221,21211,12121') |
InternationalOptionsCustomsItemsDescription | String | False | A short description of the CustomsItem(Multiple Description for the corresponding CustomsItemId can be given as input with comma separator like: 'desc1,desc2,desc3'). |
InternationalOptionsCustomsItemsQuantity | String | False | The quantity for this line item(Multiple Quantity for the corresponding CustomsItemId can be given as input with comma separator like: '5,1,4'). |
InternationalOptionsCustomsItemsValue | String | False | The value (in USD) of the line item(Multiple Value for the corresponding CustomsItemId can be given as input with comma separator like: '10,50,100'). |
InternationalOptionsCustomsItemsHarmonizedTariffCode | String | False | The Harmonized Commodity Code for this line item(Multiple HarmonizedTariffCode for the corresponding CustomsItemId can be given as input with comma separator like: '12312,12312,12312'). |
InternationalOptionsCustomsItemsCountryOfOrigin | String | False | The 2-character ISO country code where the item originated(Multiple CountryOfOrigin for the corresponding CustomsItemId can be given as input with comma separator like: 'US,US,US'). |
InternationalOptionsNonDelivery | String | False | Non-Delivery option for international shipment. Available options are: return_to_sender or treat_as_abandoned. Please note: If the shipment is created through the Orders/CreateLabelForOrder endpoint and the nonDelivery field is not specified then value defaults based on the International Setting in the UI. If the call is being made to the Shipments/CreateLabel endpoint and the nonDelivery field is not specified then the value will default to return_to_sender. |
AdvancedOptionsWarehouseId | Integer | False | Specifies the warehouse where to the order is to ship from. If the order was fulfilled using a fill provider, no warehouse is attached to these orders and will result in a null value being returned. *Please see note below |
AdvancedOptionsNonMachinable | Boolean | False | Specifies whether the order is non-machinable. |
AdvancedOptionsSaturdayDelivery | Boolean | False | Specifies whether the order is to be delivered on a Saturday. |
AdvancedOptionsContainsAlcohol | Boolean | False | Specifies whether the order contains alcohol. |
AdvancedOptionsStoreId | Integer | False | ID of store that is associated with the order. If not specified in the CreateOrder call either to create or update an order, ShipStation will default to the first manual store on the account. Can only be specified during order creation. |
AdvancedOptionsCustomField1 | String | False | Field that allows for custom data to be associated with an order. *Please see note below |
AdvancedOptionsCustomField2 | String | False | Field that allows for custom data to be associated with an order. *Please see note below |
AdvancedOptionsCustomField3 | String | False | Field that allows for custom data to be associated with an order. *Please see note below |
AdvancedOptionsSource | String | False | Identifies the original source/marketplace of the order. *Please see note below |
AdvancedOptionsMergedOrSplit | Boolean | False | Returns whether or not an order has been merged or split with another order. Read Only |
AdvancedOptionsMergedIds | Integer | False | Array of orderIds. Each orderId identifies an order that was merged with the associated order. Read Only |
AdvancedOptionsParentId | Integer | False | If an order has been split, it will return the Parent ID of the order with which it has been split. If the order has not been split, this field will return null. Read Only |
AdvancedOptionsBillToParty | String | False | Identifies which party to bill. Possible values: my_account, my_other_account (see note below), recipient, third_party. billTo values can only be used when creating/updating orders. |
AdvancedOptionsBillToAccount | String | False | Account number of billToParty. billTo values can only be used when creating/updating orders. |
AdvancedOptionsBillToPostalCode | String | False | Postal Code of billToParty. billTo values can only be used when creating/updating orders. |
AdvancedOptionsBillToCountryCode | String | False | Country Code of billToParty. billTo values can only be used when creating/updating orders. |
AdvancedOptionsBillToMyOtherAccount | String | False | When using my_other_account billToParty value, the shippingProviderId value associated with the desired account. Make a List Carriers call to obtain shippingProviderId values. |
TestLabel | Boolean | False | Specifies whether a test label should be created.
デフォルト値はfalseです。 |
Encoding | String | False | The FileData input encoding type.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。NONE, BASE64 デフォルト値はBASE64です。 |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | The status of the operation. |
FileData | String | If the DownloadLocation and FileStream are not provided, this contains the content of the file. |