Tableau Connector for ShipStation

Build 23.0.8839


Retrieves the list of shipments.


The connector will use the ShipStation API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • CarrierCode, OrderId, OrderNumber, ServiceCode, TrackingNumber, RecipientName, RecipientCountryCode and StoreId support the following operator: =.
  • CreateDate, ShipDate and VoidDate support the following operators: =,<=,>=.
  • The following columns will support server side sort: CreateDate and ShipDate can be sorted as ASC or DESC
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Shipments WHERE CarrierCode = 'hermes'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id of the Shipment.
AdvancedOptionsBillToAccount String Bill to Account of the shipment.
AdvancedOptionsBillToCountryCode String Bill to country code of the shipment.
AdvancedOptionsBillToMyOtherAccount String Bill to other account of the shipment.
AdvancedOptionsBillToParty String Bill to party of the shipment.
AdvancedOptionsBillToPostalCode String Bill to postal code of the shipment.
AdvancedOptionsContainsAlcohol Boolean Whether the shipment contains alcohol or not.
AdvancedOptionsCustomField1 String Custom field for shipment description.
AdvancedOptionsCustomField2 String Custom field for shipment description.
AdvancedOptionsCustomField3 String Custom field for shipment description.
AdvancedOptionsMergedIds String Merge id of the shipment.
AdvancedOptionsMergedOrSplit Boolean Merge or split the shipment.
AdvancedOptionsNonMachinable Boolean None machinable or not.
AdvancedOptionsParentId Integer Parent Id of the shipment.
AdvancedOptionsSaturdayDelivery Boolean Available for Saturday delivery or not.
AdvancedOptionsSource String Source of the shipment.
AdvancedOptionsStoreId Integer Store Id of the shipment.
AdvancedOptionsWarehouseId Integer Warehouse Id of the shipment.
BatchNumber String Batch Number of the shipment.
CarrierCode String Carrier code of the shipment.
Confirmation String Confirmation of the shipment.
CreateDate Datetime Create date of this record.
DimensionsHeight Double Height of the shipment.
DimensionsLength Double Length of the shipment.
DimensionsUnits String Units of the shipment.
DimensionsWidth Double Width of the shipment.
FormData String Form data for the shipment.
InsuranceCost Double Insurance cost of the shipment.
InsuranceOptionsInsuredValue Double Insured value of the shipment.
InsuranceOptionsInsureShipment Boolean Shipment is insured or not.
InsuranceOptionsProvider String Insurance provider of the shipment.
IsReturnLabel Boolean Shipment is return label is there or not.
LabelData String Label data of the shipment.
MarketplaceNotified Boolean Marketplace is notified or not.
NotifyErrorMessage String Error message of the notification.
OrderId Integer Order Id of the shipment.
OrderKey String Order Item key of the shipment.
OrderNumber String Order Number of the shipment.
PackageCode String Package code of the shipment.
ServiceCode String Service code of the shipment.
ShipDate Date Ship date of the shipment.
ShipmentCost Double Shipment cost.
ShipToCity String Ship to city.
ShipToCompany String Ship to company.
ShipToCountry String Ship to country.
ShipToName String Ship to Name.
ShipToPhone String Ship to phone.
ShipToPostalCode String Ship to postal code.
ShipToResidential Boolean Ship to residential.
ShipToState String Ship to state.
ShipToStreet1 String Ship to street.
ShipToStreet2 String Ship to street.
ShipToStreet3 String Ship to street.
TrackingNumber String Shipment tracking Number.
UserId String Shipment user Id.
VoidDate Datetime Void date of the shipment.
Voided Boolean Voided date of the shipment.
WarehouseId Integer Warehouse Id of the shipment.
WeightUnits String Weight units of the shipment.
WeightValue Double Weight value of the shipment.
WeightWtUnits Integer A numeric value that is equivalent to the units field.
RecipientCountryCode String Country code of the shipment recipient.
StoreId Integer Store Id of the shipment.

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Build 23.0.8839